Re: [Banshee-List] Trouble Building Banshee on Linux Mint (Again)

Darn, noticed the error in that Hyena commit, oops! Anyway once you've
added my remotes it's the feature/build/posix branch on both

On 11 June 2017 at 10:54, Nicholas Little
<arealityfarbetween googlemail com> wrote:
@Bernd, here it is:, for me to
create a pull request that will work in your fork you'll need to also
fork the Hyena library and repoint your git submodule file to it
(.gitmodules) which is what I've done on my master branch.

In the meantime I've created clean versions that apply to
gnome/banshee's master branch though, those are here
and for Hyena here,
if you add my banshee repository to your remotes and my hyena
repository to the submodule remotes then you'll be able to fetch and
merge them straight into whatever branch you're working on.

'They' are the approved Banshee maintainers, the guys who can push to
the main repository. People move on, it's just something we have to
accept in FOSS development, there could be any number of reasons for
not passing on the mantle to other community members, I don't think
that means it can't be picked up though. Ideally we can get
maintainership for one of us but I think that person would have to be
active on GIMPnet in #banshee too.

@Nate, I'm in the same boat with bugzilla reports, the point of the
Bugs, Features and Forks thread was really to try and pull us all
together and see if we can get some community development going on -
Banshee uses the Cathedral model so I hoped we could add some Bazaar
element since the Priests have moved on. Sadly I don't have a
Macintosh so I can't even comment on that BGO bug.

BTW, in my current feature/lite branch the album browser is available
again when running with the --classic switch even when using the
--enable-treeview build switch, just pushed that yesterday so might be
a little rough around the edges. Since the album browser now works
with treeview the initial intention is to include it in the lighter
interface controlled by a view button - think Nautilus' icon/list
selection popover - but I haven't gotten round to that yet.

I've tried migrating to GNOME music (I already moved from Rhythmbox to
Banshee) but it performs terribly on my system and I can't see a way
of managing my devices, I read somewhere I'm supposed to use a grilo
plugin but Banshee really excels at sync so I'm happy fixing it up and
making improvements where I can.

On 11 June 2017 at 03:30, Bernd Wechner <bernd wechner gmail com> wrote:
Hmmm, so what I'm hearing is Banshee is effectively dead and it's better to
move to Gnome music?

Just checked it briefly. I'm actually rather agnostic. I want a living
project and am proficient in C# and Python and want something that builds
that I can work on and hopefully has a future a living future and doesn't
die or decline into the abyss of wasted effort ;-).

What puzzles me is how and why devs fly the coop en masse without succession
planning, handing over control of the repo to folk they identify as willing
and able to do that! Would seem a natural desire to not see the stuff you've
been working on, but now haven't time for anymore, carry on living and
growing and not stagnating!



Nate Graham wrote:

I found the same thing with an approved patch I sent in 7 months ago:

Still just sitting there.

It might make more sense to just fork the whole project and host it
elsewhere. The existing Banshee maintainers seem to have flown the coop,
and the GNOME folks have their own music players (GNOME Music and
Rhythmbox) that they are understandably more interested in.


On 06/10/2017 06:33 PM, Bernd Wechner wrote:

Can you point me to your forked repo? I just forked one here:

perhaps you can send me a pull request for the patched files and I'll
get rolling ...

I wonder who "they" is that don't accept PRs and if banshee is a
community driven project? Just curious. Because you're right the GNOME

has only 4 PRs ever and the history suggests it's been on Github since

and sit seems the PR is a standard way of capitalising on community
contribs. Of course triaging and merging them is work someone has to do,
but then PRs aren't PRs, some might be onerous and others trivial
patches like this ... ;-).



Nicholas Little via banshee-list wrote:
Nice find, cheers.

I'm not sure I'd bother with the pull request, last time I checked
they didn't accept them - you're better off commenting on the bugzilla
entry so that the maintainers get a notification.

I've tested that patch and it works for me. As in, I can autoreconf,
configure and make and the program doesn't crash :)

The only thing missing from that patch is the update to the mono.m4
within the Hyena submodule for completeness but that's just
duplication of what's already shown for the main one - I've added that
in the patches I pushed this morning to my forked respositories.

FYI use 'git apply' for patches that look like that.

On 5 June 2017 at 08:23, Bernd Wechner<bernd wechner gmail com>  wrote:
Actually I just found a fix someone else did:

He posted a patch:

Now I just have to work out how to apply the patch (and find time to)
then perhaps to post a pull request to the banshee repo for it
(assuming it
does the job).



Nicholas Little via banshee-list wrote:

Hi Bernd,

That's some nice shell foo. In you'll find:


You'll probably have to do some hacking around in the build subtree,
which contains all the macros used by autotools, in order to get it to
work - specifically take a look at

We could probably look at updating some of these dependencies as I
think some distributions are dropping Banshee through build
difficulties - Gentoo appears to be anyway so feel free to share a
patch when you get up and running.

Good luck.


On 29 May 2017 at 01:53, Bernd Wechner <bernd wechner gmail com>
Thought I'd try building Banshee again almost 18 months after first
First efforts failed primarily because Mint was based on a dated
Ubuntu at the time , but it's up to date now and has been for a while
so I
thought to give it a crack. So I followed the directions here:

under Ubuntu. And all is well until I run which bails with:

checking for Mono 2.0 GAC for Mono.Posix.dll... not found
configure: error: missing required Mono 2.0 assembly: Mono.Posix.dll
Error: There were errors when running './configure', a step that is
to configure banshee

Go figure! I'd have thought that was well covered by all the
listed, and I've installed MonoDevelop and Mono from the package
mono-complete from the Ubuntu repositories (labelled as Complete mono
runtime, development tools and all libraries) but no luck. If I
Mono.Posix" telling results are:


To wit Mono.Posix.dll is installed, but isn't finding it.
some environment variable or other is what it wants, if it's too blind
find it alone. What is going on and why (again) is Banshee apparently
simple to build? After all the clear effort that's gone into Ubuntu
on that development page and more?


bash -x

reveals that ./configure is what's bailing. And:

bash -x configure

in turn reveals that this is what's failing:

+ test -e /usr/lib/mono/2.0/Mono.Posix.dll -o -e

And voila, I have Mono 4.5 not 2.0.

So, that begs the obvious questions:

1) Does banshee really depend on a dated version of Mono? (a version
superceded in 2009!)
2) Can I install a dated version of Mono? And if so, how?
3) Can such a dated version of Mono exist in parallel with the latest
version without causing hassles elsewhere?

Puzzled, and appreciating any insights.

Kind regards,


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