[Banshee-List] Installing banshee on Xubuntu 19.04

I've been using banshee for years.  I just upgraded to Xubuntu 19.04 and
there were all sorts of problems with banshee.  It ran, but could not be
terminated with Ctrl-Q, requiring the process to be killed.  It no longer
registered itself with the volume tools and it would not accept command-line
controls, launching a new independent process each time!

I removed the old package with the intent to reinstall it, but then found
that neither ppa:banshee-team/ppa nor the ppa:banshee-team/banshee-unstable
maintain the proper control file for this or any recent version of the OS. 
The Canonical Software center is not maintaining an packages for this.

So what do I need to do to get this reinstalled?

Thanks for your assistance.

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