Re: [Builder] github integration

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 12:44 AM, Christian Hergert
<christian hergert me> wrote:
Longer term, I want this for all the code on so we can
say: "Show me all uses of foo_bar_bz() in any project". This will be
helpful when documentation is lacking.
I guess we need a server side component for that. Installing something
on the GNOME infrastructure would be a solution, but maybe we could
use a third party search engine such as
or which potentially means we have even more
results as we get third party code that is not hosted on the GNOME
infrastructure indexed as well (and also less work for our admins).

2. issues ( : see/fix the issues from builder
This is another one that we are a ways off on. We need to design it at
the same time as the bugzilla integration (using git-bz). Since this is
GNOME, and we use bugzilla, that is going to be the first target.

I don't see why they can't share a lot of design though (with separate
Fields and workflow vary widly between any two bugtrackers, so while
they may be the same in essence it's difficult to have an abstraction
that matches all of them.

4. notifications ( : get instant notification from 
Do you think this should be using gnome-shell notifications? Should
Builder be the application responsible for creating those notifications?
Isn't there a design guideline regarding the different types and
urgencies of notifications? I guess you don't expect the same
notification for "Your dentist appointment is in 5 minutes so you
should get going" and "Someone made a pull request, when you're back
in a coding context and have some time you should consider having a

5. gists ( : store small test code (or) use github as a personal 
Definitely. I'd even like to be able to selection a region of text and
then "Upload to Gist".
And/or to a pastebin of your choice?

Alexandre Franke

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