Official BuildStream Docker images

I agreed to make some official Docker images for BuildStream, which is now done:

These are the same images as before but now in an "official" namespace rather than my personal one.

The rest of this mail is probably only of interest to BuildStream developers.


The administrative details are: we now have a 'buildstream' organization on Docker Hub, which I can add people to by request (I would like to add at least two other people as owners).

I wanted to make the Docker image build automatically from our CI. However, we use a Docker image to run the BuildStream tests, and nesting Docker is a pain[1]. GitLab CI does support running pipelines outside of Docker, but we would have to move *all* the tests for buildstream.git out of Docker which I think is a bad idea.

So, I think if we want automated builds of the Docker image we need to move it out of buildstream.git and into its own repo. In the meantime, any time you want to push a new version of the Docker image, you can do it manually. Something like this (from the buildstream.git source tree):

    docker login --password '$DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD' \
                 --username 'buildstreamci'
    docker build . --tag "buildstream/buildstream-fedora:0.2.0"
docker tag buildstream/buildstream-fedora:0.2.0 buildstream/buildstream-fedora:latest
    docker push buildstream/buildstream-fedora:0.2.0
    docker push buildstream/buildstream-fedora:latest

The 'buildstreamci' account's Docker Hub credentials are stored as secret variables in the BuildStream project on so if you are a project admin you can view them here:

I think the image should be tagged with the release of BuildStream that is included. For pre-releases (we are still at 0.1) I've been appending the ISO formatted date, e.g. 0.1-20170825.



Sam Thursfield, Codethink Ltd.
Office telephone: +44 161 236 5575

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