Re: Status of Buildstream tests?

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Justin Erenkrantz <justin erenkrantz com> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 1:49 PM, Jonathan Maw <jonathan maw codethink co uk> wrote:
On 2017-07-28 12:38, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

It seems that the tests from buildstream-tests are failing for me due
to permission errors - like so:

Error: File permissions differ for files results//tar-test/test
(-rwxr--r--) and expected//tar-test/test (-rw-r--r--\n)Error: File
permissions differ for files 'results//tar-test/test' and

tar-test                              failed

Tests for 'tar-test' failed.----

This might be due to wonkiness due to checkouts from git losing
permissions?  Should we have a script to reset the permissions to a
known-good state?  Or?

Hi Justin,

Having a look at this, the issue is further confused by the way tar file permissions are being handled.
Looking at the tar that the file comes from, it has permissions -rwxr-xr-x.

In the long-term, we probably want the tar implementation to preserve permissions.
In the short-term, I think the simplest solution is to make this test disregard permissions when comparing files.

So, I get this failure for *all* of the tests - not just tar.

As a follow up on some of the in-person hacking here at GUADEC, the key bit to the failure is that I'm using Debian Stretch with ostree 2016.15.  (Jonathan has Jessie and it fails there too.)

I tried Debian Buster (current testing) with ostree 2017.8 and the tests succeed.  

FC26 has 2017.8 and is fine.  See for potentially removing our hack in the Dockerfile.

So, we need to think (again) about how to deal with ostree on Debian.

Cheers.  -- justin

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