Re: Project options and other format enhancements (and dropping "variants")

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 3:15 PM Angelos Evripiotis <angelos evripiotis gmail com> wrote:

> Does this need to be possible from the commandline ? When doing development or integration work I think it's fine to be editing .bst files to enable/disable debug for invididual components as needed.

This is what I do now too, so I agree somewhat.

I would already find it more convenient to be able to do it from the
command-line though, if nothing else it would make it easier to switch
back and forth. If it's on the CLI then the source-control story is
less complicated - e.g. did I remember to pop that debugging commit
before pushing?

When helping others do stuff, I'd find it easier to share a
command-line example than a patch.

I'm also thinking of a future where we have 1000's of .bsts, and
wanting to debug or otherwise customize a handful of ones that I
haven't authored. In this case it feels like if something like 'bst
build --option mylib.bst:debug=true' were idiomatic, I probably
wouldn't even need to read those .bst's first, let alone figure out a
good patch to do what I want.

I think doing element specific variants via the cmdline isn't required at this stage though.  I'd argue for keeping the interface simpler for now, and address convenience syntax later, when the bst format has stabilized further.



On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 12:51 PM, Sam Thursfield
<sam thursfield codethink co uk> wrote:
> Hi Angelos,
> On 14/09/17 20:59, Angelos Evripiotis wrote:
>> (1) Building particular elements for debugging
>> i.e. while keeping the rest optimised. In the options world, I think this
>> means
>> changing some options selectively from the command-line. Perhaps something
>> like
>> this would be workable: 'bst build app1.bst --option
>> mylib.bst:debug=true'.
> Does this need to be possible from the commandline ? When doing development
> or integration work I think it's fine to be editing .bst files to
> enable/disable debug for invididual components as needed.
> Sam
> --
> Sam Thursfield, Codethink Ltd.
> Office telephone: +44 161 236 5575
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