Asides from the gritty details of the conditional expressions and
formats, would you agree that implementing project wide options and
conditionals on project wide variables only for now, will give us
something that:
Ok, let me try and restate that into what this means in practice. We would be able to implement "platforms"; e.g. some combination of architecture, os version, compiler toolchain. This would only be at a project level, and elements can be either agnostic or have conditional sections based on those options.
We are explicitly not addressing element variants, and leave this to a future release.
If I understood correctly, then I concur this is a path forward.
A.) Will solve our problems today, cause we need conditionals
to build GNOME and we need a stable 1.0 pronto
What is the minimum we need to build GNOME?
B.) Does not close the door on constraint resolution approaches
C.) Does not really become an undesirable "wart" if ever constraint
resolution and element specific options exist one day, but
rather compliments it well
This we can probably only answer in hindsight. Right now I don't think it will.