Re: [BuildStream] bst show all and bst build all flags

On Mon, 2018-12-03 at 14:20 +0000, Jonathan Maw via BuildStream-list
`bst [command]` will conflict with the proposed (and currently being 
implemented) workspace behaviour, i.e. when commands are run from a 
workspace and an element is omitted, it'll default to the element that 
corresponds to the open workspace.

In my opinion, "--world" is the most sensible.

First I'd like to note that I expect many larger projects to have
elements that should not be built by default. E.g., some elements may
be platform-specific (i.e., can only be built with certain project
options). Due to this I think longer term we should aim for a 'default
project target' instead of strictly a world/all target. As a first step
this can simply build all elements. But in the future I'd like to make
this configurable in project.conf.

I don't think it's bad if `bst [command]` builds the default project
target when running `bst` in the project directory and the same command
building the workspace element when running `bst` in the workspace
directory. That's not that far off from `make` building the default
goal/target of the Makefile in the current directory.

I.e., my preference is `bst [command]` despite the concern you raised.


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