Hi All,
We're going to cancel the advancement of the release dates this time
around, and put them back to their original dates:
 * First release candidate / Feature freeze: Tuesday February 19th
 * ... Some release candidates ...
 * Final 1.4 release: Tuesday March 12th
Back in October, we had come up with a marvelous plan to change the
release schedule[0] for the purpose of having our meetups after a
release instead of before.
While this is still a good idea in general, I think it's becoming clear
that it was rash to do this mid-cycle. By our projections, had we been
responsible we would have had a reality check by November 13th, I was
sick in the hospital at that time but I don't think that really
happened, as we are still looking at potential command line changes and
seeing if we can land them in 1.4; the feature freeze would technically
be January 3rd but realistically that means we only have one real week
of work before people start taking holidays.
Lets take the time to really nail down all of the breaking command line
changes we wanted to land, so we don't need to have any more breaking
changes next cycle, and iron out what to do with buildtrees and
optionality of them.
And let's have that drive the schedule then? :)
Lets not get ahead of ourselves with anything too challenging in
I hope we're not going to hold progress hostage to the release process again - it's already taking enough of a toll.
we can look at an early branch of 1.4 in January / February if
and when the need arises for an early branch.
Let's please recognize this early.
The bottom line is that I can see there is too much pressure and we're
not going to land what we wanted to land otherwise in any case, and it
makes no sense to be have this earlier release date planned mid cycle
adding to this pressure.
We should separately have the conversation again how we do not have the release process cause this friction altogether.
[0]: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2018-October/msg00080.html
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