[BuildStream] CAS server resource names & instance names

At the moment in CASCache.py (client side), we're making resource names starting with the text 'blobs':
        resource_name = '/'.join(['blobs', digest.hash, 
Which would give us names like


our CASServer (used by the remote artifact cache) handles these fine. However, the spec says:
// For downloading blobs, the client must use the
// [Read method][google.bytestream.ByteStream.Read] of the ByteStream API, with
// a `resource_name` of `"{instance_name}/blobs/{hash}/{size}"`, where
// `instance_name` is the instance name (see above), and `hash` and `size` are
// the [Digest][build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest] of the blob.

So, with the default instance_name of a blank string, we should have a leading slash on the resource name. If we add this in the client, the server will reject it at the moment. It's a similar situation for writing blobs.
It looks like the CAS server in BuildGrid already handles both cases. Is 
there anything important I'm missing here, or can I go ahead and correct 
the resource names in BuildStream?

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