Re: [BuildStream] Breaking change: changing '--force or fail' to y/n prompts

Hi all,

On 2018-12-14 08:09, Angelos Evripiotis via BuildStream-list wrote:
** Summary **

Thanks again for your time on this Tristan, I think we've reached a good point
for a summary. There's only one outstanding question for the
1.4 release I think.

## Breaking changes for 1.4 release

I will:

o Remove the auto-init functionality, replace with nice hints.
o Remove the unconditional "Are you sure?" prompts on workspace reset and close.
o Remove the prompt config section from buildstream.conf.
o Change all the commands with --force to prompt if it is not
specified and interactive.
  They will abort immediately if not forced and not interactive.
o Update NEWS and docs accordingly.
Just to be clear, we're proposing the following prompts:
1.) `bst checkout` into a non-empty directory.
2.) `bst init` in a project that already exists.
3.) `bst source-checkout` into a non-empty directory.
4.) `bst workspace open` into a non-empty directory.

I couldn't find any more... Please let me know if there are!

I feel as if whether we wish to receive a prompt here or fail if we don't declare a `--force` option is down to preference/experience of the user.
And all the cases which this proposal would affect boil down to the fact 
that something already exists and we want to overwrite it.
IMO: I believe the prompt is nice because it's interactive and will save 
you some loading/staging time, yet I feel as if we can achieve the same 
thing by failing with a message that says something along the lines of: 
'foo already exists, use the `-f` option if you wish to overwrite foo'.
This then has the benefit of not requiring the extra work to support 
--assume-yes for our prompts.
## Non-breaking changes post 1.4

If it turns out the prompts are getting in the way, later we will:

o Add '--safe', or '--no-force', or '--assume-*' cli options. Perfect
naming still pending.
o Add matching options to buildstream.conf.

## Remaining question for 1.4

It may turn out that we never need extra prompt config in
buildstream.conf, maybe
the prompts won't be annoying enough.

If that's the case then there seems little point in making changes to

Should we gamble that scheduler.on-error can stay as is,
at least until BuildStream 2000?

My vote is yes.


P.S. I still hope some fellow anti-prompters will speak up :o)
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BuildStream-list gnome org
Thank you for the summary write up Angelos, really appreciated!


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