Re: New Buildstream project calendar in addition to what we currently have

Thanks for this Agustin, only today I was discussing how useful something like this would be.
On 02/05/18 15:06, Agustin Benito Bethencourt wrote:

I have created a public Gcalendar to add there all the events related with
Buildstream and information related with them which I hope it will help us to
coordinate better our events and receive notifications about them.

Tristan, Laurence, Emmet, Javier and myself can manage it. Should I add
somebody else? Feel free to send me a mail if you are interested in adding an
event there in the future.

Link to the calendar:

iCal format for those of you using an calendaring client: https://

Up to now, I have added the monthly IRC meeting and GUADEC. I will add the
specific activities related with Buildstream at GUADEC when confirmed as well as
others we organise in the future.

This is not a substitute of what we are already doing in terms of meetings
management but an addition. If you are not interested in this new feature,
feel free to ignore this mail. It will help me to not becoming a single point
of failure in terms of meetings scheduling when on vacation or traveling.

@Laurence, if you provide rights, I will add the link to the calendarto the
BuildStream Monthly Team Meeting wiki page[1].
you just need to create a GNOME account and then you can edit the wiki. see here:

I think someone already in the group has to then verify you. I can't remember. I can do this if you need though, as can Tristan, Juerg, Sam, Javier etc.
Let me know how it goes.


Best Regards

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