Re: BuildStream Twitter account

On 09/05/18 12:28, Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:
If not, let's create one. Here are some proposals:
* @buildstream_project
* @project_buildstream

grrrrr, too long

If any of these, I think @buildstream_project is much better (seems
putting project after the project name is what other projects do)

Any other?

I think your suggestion is good already, but maybe
* @buildstream_tool

Too long too. The limit is 15 characters.

Other options:
* @buildstream_ci
* @buildstream_prj

I like the second one better.

What about simply:


As the handle, then the user name for the account can be as long as we like, so can say 'Buildstream Project' or whatever.

I've searched and I don't think @bst is taken.


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