Re: [BuildStream] Files without read permission

On 24/10/18 11:43, Jim MacArthur via BuildStream-list wrote:
We've stalled on issue #684 and wondered if anyone could offer any opinions. refers to the problem of unreadable files being present in the sandbox, which prevents us moving files into CAS (we must be able to read them in order to produce the hash). attempted to fix this but it's not safe. As Jürg mentions in his comment on that, we might be able to require that source plugins produce only readable files. However, it's not unimaginable that we might find a package which relies on unreadable files being present. Is there a safe point at which we can change the permissions on such a file?

Sending a ping on this in case anyone missed it and has any ideas. At the moment, we're unable to use certain sources, like this one:

kind: import
- kind: ostree
  track: centos-atomic-host/7/x86_64/standard
  ref: b62513420243def54db7d6c36a79d8f0eda94c5ac410c1f64ee6e0b44e5dca99

This may be rare enough that we don't need to deal with it yet. If this *is* stopping you using BuildStream, please speak up, even if you don't know the solution, so we can judge how critical the issue is.


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