Re: [BuildStream] IRC monthly meeting next Tuesday November 20th


On 15/11/18 15:30, Agustín Benito Bethencourt via BuildStream-list wrote:
# Agenda

Is there anything you want to discuss? Please add it to the agenda below so we discuss it in first place.

I think that the meeting should focus on the targets for 1.4:

       * Blockers for v1.4[7]

Unfortunately the links at the bottom of the original mail which link to boards with specific labels do not work as a hyper-link, so people will either have to enter the label themselves or copy and paste the link manually during the meeting. Therefore, for reference, the link to the mail about 1.4 targets:


I have a points (which I hope can be only a small topic of discussion) about the release. This has been brought up a few times in various forums now: incompatibilities between releases (fyi the issue has been moved to the website section):

One thing that we have discussed is that the project is generally quite disciplined about adding a NEWS entry for new features, can we also become disciplined in adding a section to the website about incompatibilities whenever we when are landing something that introduces a behavior change for users.

I hope we can start to do this as a project.


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