Re: [BuildStream] Updated CONTRIBUTING.rst guide

Hi again,

On Sun, 2018-10-07 at 00:03 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom via BuildStream-list wrote:
Hi all,

As a result of the thread last month[0] where I outlined a hand full of
examples of code changes which should never have landed on master, and
described the negative consequences of those; we reached consensus that
we needed much stronger contributor guidelines.

Since we are becoming a rather large project, more than expected, it is
now inefficient to communicate all of the details of what we expect on
IRC or through review.

I have now pushed a new version of CONTRIBUTING.rst which should be
viewable very soon (after the pipeline for master completes) at:



Minor update since this was updated on Saturday.

In case you have already read through this, asides from some
grammatical errors and typo fixes, I have since added two new entries
to the coding guidelines:

  * File naming convention

  * Minimize API surfaces


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