[BuildStream] Bazelcon hackathon result - using BuildStream with RBE

At the Bazel Hackathon in New York on 11th October, me and Chandan (with help from some other participants) managed to get BuildStream to run commands on Google's Remote Build Execution service. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/rbe-alpha-customers gives a starting point for RBE. Our work was very much a hack and it's a while off being supported by BuildStream, but it's good to know it can work if needed.

RBE is intended for use with Bazel build systems, so uses the remote execution API (REAPI), which BuildStream also uses, so we expected these services would interoperate. There are however a few things we need to change in BuildSteam to make this work correctly:

1) We currently don't distinguish between remote caches for artifact storage and for remote execution objects - BuildStream sends remote execution objects to the normal remote artifact cache. Since BuildStream's artifact caches use a superset of the CAS storage protocol, it will break when it finds RBE's storage endpoint and finds features missing. We need to split this up so we send artifacts to artifact servers and remote execution objects to remote execution CAS. This should be relatively easy, but needs extra fields adding to project.yaml to specify the remote execution CAS endpoint.

2) Instance name typically needs to be specified, so we need to allow specifying that in YAML. Currently we just use a blank instance name and rely on the endpoint URL to determine which remote execution service we want to use.

3) TLS security won't work for RBE, so we need different authentication. We used OAuth2 in the hackathon, which is relatively easy to set up, but may draw in some extra dependencies.

4) We need to supply a docker image, or a link to one, to RBE to run our commands in. So far as I understand it, the input filesystem we supply will be mounted somewhere in that docker image. We could just use a very generic image, running buildbox inside it if we think we need the extra isolation. We got away without a docker image in the hackathon because the test RBE instance had an unusual configuration.

We should do (1) in any case. Whether we proceed with the rest of the work for RBE will depend on how much interest there is in using RBE with BuildStream. In any case, it's a useful confirmation that our use of the REAPI is correct.


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