Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: Allowing download-only sources to work on local files

Hi, thanks both for your thoughts.

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 12:42:37 +0000
William Salmon via buildstream-list <buildstream-list gnome org> wrote:

Another advantage would be that local files imported into the project
can be given refs, meaning that they would not need to be present to
compute cache keys of depending elements. (This is not possible with
the current 'local' source.)

Whether or not they are present is useful, especially in CI but for big 
files the real advantage for me is that you do not have to go through 
the CPU and IO intensive action of hashing the file for every invocation 
of bst, the act of running show on a built top level element could 
require the Hashing of many large files and end up taking a large chunk 
of the time required to run show.

I don't think this is plausible. What I think you're suggesting is that
BuildStream trust the ref is correct without actually checking - if it
did this then it would be possible to alter the local files and hence
change an element without affecting its cache key.

On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 14:13:16 +0000
Tristan Daniël Maat via buildstream-list <buildstream-list gnome org>

Unlike Will I'm not too happy about this, we'd need to classify whether 
a path is a URI or a relative path.

I hadn't considered this. Using separate 'url' and 'path' keys is then
a good option, I think, and fits with how the relevant plugins
currently work.

Being picky, I would personally try to avoid having two
mutually-exclusive keys for the same thing; perhaps the proposed single
'url' key could be named something less confusing (I'd choose
'location' but that's already taken; 'from' ?) and there could be a
'local:' scheme for use with local files. That might be an uglier
change, however.

  - kind: zip
    from: local:files/

The simplest way to implement this would be to have an implementation 
for a new `path` key which
simply performs the old operation, except with 
`file:///path-to-project/<path>` to prevent any disruption.

This might be simplest in terms of amount of change but I don't think
it's good from a design POV, since it just adds to the current
inconsistency instead of resolving it. 

Tom Mewett <tom mewett codethink co uk>

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