Re: [BuildStream] Call for agenda - monthly irc team meeting - Tuesday 19 March


On Mar 13, 2019, at 12:49 AM, Laurence Urhegyi via buildstream-list <buildstream-list gnome org> wrote:


We have a monthly team meeting on irc coming up next week, details are:

Tuesday 19 March, 14:00 UTC, #buildstream-meetings on GIMPNet.

Do you have anything to add to the below?

Yes !

* We can do better with our messaging about hackfests, when and where is the next hackfest ?

Description in detail
A lot of people within the GNOME and Flatpak communities have become interested in BuildStream, I expect that 
we would get people to attend our hackfests more (and increase/balance our contributor base as a result) if 
we could just settle on a venue and announce them a few months in advance so that people would have a chance 
to attend.

We should not consider hackfests as a private/internal affair, hobbyists and others could very well attend 
(possibly we could also tap GNOME foundation travel budgets for enthusiasts which cannot afford to come on 
their own, I can look into this as well).


Previous Meeting Minutes

Please see:

Agenda for Tuesday 19 Feb

1) Actions from last meeting:

#action laurence to update the website and post to the list clearly outlining our position re support for 
bst versions and the new appraoch to 2.0 as a stable release
#action tristan van berkom to write a blog post to the same effect
#action jjardon to add to the README to the same effect
#action laurence to get the buildstream-notifications-list shut down
#action laurence to have a look at gitlab and see if we can disable notifications on the project side 
rather than per user, to remove WIP MR notifications
#action laurence to communicate stale MR policy, update CONTRIBUTING and create a label for MRs that were 
closed due to lack of activity maybe call it 'stale'

2) AOB


Please note:

As a reminder, this meeting is scheduled to occur every 4 weeks - please use this opportunity to remind 
yourself of the schedule:

You can also sign up to follow the public BuildStream calendar, here's a helpful mail from a while back 
which informs you how to do so:
buildstream-list mailing list
buildstream-list gnome org

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