Re: [BuildStream] Proposal: More development snapshots, more often

Hi all,

Since BuildStream's development branch hasn't had a release in some
time, the list of changes is already very long. And now is as good as
time as any, so I was think to make our first development snapshot
about now.

Before making a release, I wanted to tidy up the NEWS file a bit -
organize it by topics to make it more disgestable, sort by prioity
etc. I did that in this commit -

Next I wanted to put them up for review, which is when I messed up.
Instead of pushing the change to my branch, I accidentally pushed it
to master. That wasn't my intention at all and I apologize for that.
(I'd have thought that having the master branch protected won't have
allowed this, but evidently that's not the case.)

Now that it's in there already, I can't really make a merge request
but I would like to request for some post-merge reviews if possible.

Another thing to decide how we want to version them. Currently I've
named the release `1.3.1.dev1`. The `.devX` suffix is the way PEP 440
recommends to mark developmental release. For the first half, i.e. the
version string, do we want to stick with 1.3.1 or call it something
like 1.99.1?


Sorry again for the accidental push to master.

For most of the repositories I work with, no one is allowed to
directly push to the master branch. That's not an excuse but I wonder
if it would make sense to do the same for this repository as well? If
nothing else, that might prevent such accidents.


On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 7:22 PM Laurence Urhegyi
<laurence urhegyi codethink co uk> wrote:

Hey Chandan,

On 2019-09-10 18:19, Chandan Singh wrote:
Great! Seems like we are in agreement, at least so far :)

I'm strongly in favour of this. I think it will simplify things
developers and users. The only thing to decide is when to tag. Should
this be a weekly tag on master?

I'm not entirely sure about the frequency myself. I would be happy
with a weekly or fortnightly release.

Does anyone else have any specific requirements with regards to the

When these have been done in the past, there wasn't any defined cadence:
I believe they were simply done when it seemed a sensible time to do so.

I'd expect (and hope!) that any committer[0] on the project would feel
empowered to tag a snapshot and communicate it when it seems logical to
do so.



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