[BuildStream] Some ideas on standardised element tests


I'd like to propose some kind of start to standardised element tests to match our standardised source tests. The question of this was raised by Ben Schubert
in his mail here [0] on migrating plugins and testing.

Firstly some motivation: obviously adding more tests is beneficial - that goes without saying. However, with !1607 [1] we would run the standardised tests for downstream plugins in the BuildStream CI, which means the more standard tests for plugins, the more sure we can be that a change won't be causing a breakage


Now in order to standardise element tests, I think we need to classify the
types of plugins that are around at the moment. To my mind, all the element
plugins I have seen fall into four somewhat rough categories. These are:

* BuildElements
  - These are elements which just run the standard commands for a given build
  - Generally run on some source code and produce an artifact
  - Popular examples include the `cmake` and `autotools` plugins
* Compose-like Elements
  - These elements take the artifacts of their components and combine them,
    producing an artifact
  - The composition does not need to be simple, examples other than `compose     could be `flatpak_image`, `flatpak_repo`, `x86image` and any other element
    that produces an "image-like artifact"
* Metadata Collection Elements
  - Elements that scrape the metadata of their dependencies in order to get
    some information about the build or the components into the finished
  - Generally produce an artifact
  - Examples are `collect_integration` and `collect_manifest`.
* Test elements
  - Elements that perform some kind of test on either the dependencies or
    actually inside the sandbox.
  - Don't produce artifacts, as a general rule
  - Example could be `check_forbidden` in freedesktop-sdk

Of these 4 basic types, I think that only BuildElements and Compose-like
elements are able to be tested in a standardised way. There are some odd
elements that don't fit any category, like `stack` or `junction`, but I suspect
these are limited to core plugins.

For BuildElements, there are a few standard tests that I can think of. Firstly,
we already almost perform standardised tests on elements with those for
resolving variables, which have a secondary purpose of checking defaults don't
change inadvertently. In short I think we could run:

* Bash syntax checks on{configure,build,install}-commands
* Variable loading checks (as we already do)
* Build + checkout test
  - Standardising this may be slightly nontrivial, we'd have to essentially
    make sure the test project (I think a "hello world") installs something into
    the same location for each one
  - An element wanting to be standardised would have to provide it's own test
* Build + run test
  - Basically the same as build + checkout
  - I'd propose that all projects build a `/usr/bin/hello` binary, that prints
    "Hello World!"

Note that these would necessarily require a project with a base image that
contains all of the buildsystems they use. I have another proposal for this
that is better suited to a separate email.

Compose-like elements could have similarly standardised tests for resolving
variables and build + checkout, but don't really have a standardised "run" in
in the same way. I suppose there may be a subset that subclass from a
`ScriptElement`, like the `x86image` plugin, which could also have bash syntax


This is only a high-level idea of what kind of standardised tests could be run
on elements, at least as a start, and is by no means comprehensive. There's
also a very real possiblity that my analysis of "plugin categories" is missing

As for implementation itself, I would have thought we could do something like
the `register_repo_kind()` function, only taking arguments for the elements,
for example a URL to the "Hello World" project, the type of said project source and so on. We can then have a hook to transform this data into an element. We'd also need config on the "category" of element that we're dealing with, or maybe
a more granular configuration of which tests *can* be run.

The main purpose of this is to get the ball rolling on some kind of
standardised element tests, so if there are more ideas for possible tests or
a better picture of how to implement this then please add away.



[0]: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/buildstream-list/2019-August/msg00017.html

[1]: https://gitlab.com/buildstream/buildstream/merge_requests/1607

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