Re: [BuildStream] BuildStream 2.0 planning: bst-artifact-server

On 07/07/2020 08:23, Jürg Billeter wrote:
On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 19:37 +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
   * Replacement of artifact cache server.


     Our preference is to not maintain an artifact server, and to recommend
     better, more scalable CAS services in the REAPI space for this purpose.

     In the event that there is not yet a good replacement for the artifact
     cache server provided by a third party project in the REAPI space
     by the time we are ready to release, then then we will keep bst-artifact-server
     as a thin layer around buildbox-casd.

bst-artifact-server in BuildStream master still supports the
ReferenceStorage service used by BuildStream 1.x clients as convenience
to support 1.x and master clients with the same server.

However, as our goal for 2.x is anyway to replace bst-artifact-server,
maybe it's now time to drop this. Are there any objections to
completely removing support for the ReferenceStorage service in bst-
artifact-server master as part of the move towards the Remote Asset API
(WIP MR !1978¹)?

Not supporting the bst1.x api would be very inconvenient for early adopters who already use bst1.x

Many members of the bst community that i know have there own bst cache server that they define in there ~/.config/buildstream.conf

Having to have to run two servers and two ~/.config/buildstream.conf and all the added cli to use them would be a real faf, and add quite a lot of real friction.

I would be strongly in favor of keeping this as at least optional behavior in the server until a good bit after bst2 is released as it is unlikely that all downstream projects will just switch imitatively. Especially if they have stable branches that will not want to swap but will need maintaining for a period of time. So quite a few members of our community will be likely to be running bst1 and bst2 for some time to come. But certainly until bst2 is released we will have lots of people using both.

A compromise may be to have a bst2 version of ~/.config/buildstream.conf but that would still require users to run two cache servers..



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