Sadly california doesn't seem still in development. I found gnome-calendar that seems better. They are really similar, but gnome-calendar has more features and can permit custom colored labels.
I hope to find a little bit of free time to start the development of a new calendar. On github I can't find nothing about that, only a few of basic projects. What I want is really simple: a table with a number of cells equals to the days of the selected month and the possibility to add colored labels over these cells. Gregorio Subject: Re: How to add custom labels To: devim outlook it; california-list gnome org From: es20490446e gmail com Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 11:48:47 +0100 Gregorio: > I want to add different labels (with different colours) to give a different (personal) priority to my events. I tried some calendaring applications that allowed to use labels on them, but in the end concluded that it did not ease but make it harder to understand the schedule. So what I do now is to use different calendars to different types of events, and when an event has a higher priority I use a stronger colour on its calendar. Here is a screen shot of my calendar in Mozilla Lighting, which I am planning to substitute by California as soon as is stable enough: ![]() |