Re: Internal Webcam Microphone causes black screen, and application locks up.

have you tried other cams?
i have had problems with lifecams before. there is a huge range of
responses to various webcams...


mobile: 617-504-9619

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Scott O'Nanski <s onanski gmail com> wrote:
> When using my webcam's (Microsoft Life Cam) integrated microphone as an
> audio recording source while recording video with Cheese, the
> application (Cheese) locks up, and the Cheese video window goes black.
> Does anyone know what causes this? Or if there's a fix?
> Maybe it's not simply a Cheese issue per say - when I use guvcview, and
> select the integrated mic as an audio recording source, the audio
> becomes out of sync with the video - playing faster.
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