Re: Unable to run git: cheese

Hi Sindhu

On 2014-01-30 03:33, Sindhu S <sindhus live in> wrote:
I have built cheese from git master but I get these errors in the terminal
The first series of errors are about missing frei0r plugins, which are 
used for some effects. Those warnings should be harmless, as the mssing 
effects are ignored.
The last warning looks like a different problem, so I would try 
debugging with gdb and getting a stacktrace from that warning, or 
following the approach below.
When I try to record a video, cheese hangs.

I have compiled clutter-gst, details:
sindhu leh ~ % pkg-config --modversion clutter-gst-2.0
You can get (a lot of) debugging output by running Cheese like:

GST_DEBUG=*:5 GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR=1 cheese &> output.log

That should give you a log that is verbose, but much more useful for debugging.

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