Re: v4l2loopback device not visible in cheese

Hi Alex

On 2014-09-25 14:23, Alex C <night_firewall yahoo com> wrote:
Hello. I recently installed v4l2loopback from . tested the device, it is visible via 
gstreamer-properties but not with cheese. did try with webcamstudio too and it's buildin virtual loop device, same thing, 
different Ubuntu kernels, same thing, also did try to run cheese with the option 
"LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/" cheese" but no luck, im running out of ideas 
hmm. thanks in advance.
I have no experience with v4l2loopback, and it is not likely that I will 
try it, as it is an out-of-tree kernel module.
Cheese detects the video devices on the system with udev, and looks only 
at devices in the "video4linux" subsystem. You can test whether Cheese 
detects the device by running tests/test-cheese-test-monitor (you will 
need to build Cheese yourself, as it is not installed by default) and 
watching for output in the terminal. If the device is not detected, the 
device monitor code is in libcheese/cheese-camera-device-monitor.c, but 
the bug is probably in v4l2loopback and not Cheese.
Good luck!


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