r3858 - in trunk: . web
- From: timj svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: r3858 - in trunk: . web
- Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:14:40 -0400 (EDT)
Author: timj
Date: 2006-08-16 12:14:36 -0400 (Wed, 16 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 3858
web link updates
Modified: trunk/TODO
--- trunk/TODO 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/TODO 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- fix birnet_thread_run uses (unref thread)
- add plugin objects to http://beast.gtk.org/bse-objects
-- WEB: resources: http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bse-alsa.html
- WEB: add LAD-2005 paper to website
- bse/bseenginemaster.c:master_take_probes():
for the copying of VIRTUAL nodes to really work (copy correct data),
Modified: trunk/web/documentation.doxi
--- trunk/web/documentation.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/documentation.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
section however.
- heading Development with @beastbse
+ heading Documentation for @beastbse
With the development release 0.4.1, @bse added support for the
@uri{http://www.gnu.org, GNU} extension language
@uri{http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html, Guile} and
since can be scripted in Scheme.
@uri{ top_webdir/bse-interface, procedure and structure}
documentation as well as the
@@ -37,3 +36,12 @@
threads, notes, parameters (properties), records, sequences, time stamps
and generic values. Users of BIRNET or SFI will probably also appreciate the
@uri{http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/, GLib and GObject API Reference}.
+Introductionary material is also provided:
+ itemize
+ item @uri{ top_webdir/quickstart, @beastbse Quick Start Guide} - The Quick Start Guide shipped with @beast
+ item @uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/beast-overview-2005.pdf, Music Synthesis Under Linux (PDF)} -
+ A @beast Overview from @uri{http://lad.linuxaudio.org/eventszkm2005.php, LAC 2005}
+ item @uri{ top_webdir/overview2003de, @beast Overview from 2003 (German)} -
+ Paper from the @uri{http://www.linuxtag.org/2003/en/conferences/talk.xsp_id_47.html, @beast presentation at LinuxTag 2003}
+ done
Modified: trunk/web/historic.doxi
--- trunk/web/historic.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/historic.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@
Finally, here's a collection of past articles and papers related to BEAST:
+ item @longuri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/beast-overview-2005.pdf, BEAST Overview from LAC 2005}
@item @longuri{http://www.linux-user.de/ausgabe/2003/11/032-beast/, German BEAST Workshop}
- item @longuri{http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/contrib/zkm_meeting_2003/LinuxMagazin_LadConf2003.pdf, German Article on LAD Conference 2003}
- item @longuri{http://www.fosdem.org/2003/index/interviews/interviews_steiner.html,Interview with Jakub 'Jimmac' Steiner}
- item @longuri{http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/6/8/2524/90038,Trackers and Linux}
- item @longuri{http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=4349,About the Mod}
+ item @uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/LinuxMagazin_LadConf2003.pdf, German Article on LAD Conference 2003}
+ (mirrored from http://lad.linuxaudio.org/contrib/zkm_meeting_2003/LinuxMagazin_LadConf2003.pdf)
+ item @longuri{http://www.fosdem.org/2003/index/interviews/interviews_steiner.html, Interview with Jakub 'Jimmac' Steiner}
+ item @longuri{http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/6/8/2524/90038, Trackers and Linux}
+ item @longuri{http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=4349, About the Mod}
Modified: trunk/web/news.doxi
--- trunk/web/news.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/news.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@
@dnl ----------------------------- START -----------------------------
+ newsentry{Wednesday 16 August 2006, Documentation updates}
+The @uri{ top_webdir/documentation, documentation section} and the
+ uri{@top_webdir/historic, historic section} got updated, and we've
+put up a new @beast overview paper on the website, this time in english:
+ * @beast - @uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/beast-overview-2005.pdf, Music Synthesis Under Linux (PDF)}
@newsentry{Sunday 16 July 2006, Release of the new development branch}
BEAST/BSE version 0.7.0 is available from the
@@ -67,59 +75,7 @@
@uri{http://bugzilla.gnome.org/simple-bug-guide.cgi?product=beast, report all bugs} encountered.
- newsentry{Saturday 15 July 2006, Source Repository change}
-The @uri{http://www.gnome.org,Gnome} project is currently migrating its source code
-repository, so the @beast sources are kept in a
- uri{http://svn.gnome.org/viewsvn/beast/, Beast SVN Repo} now.
-So far, the migration went smooth, the
- uri{@top_webdir/download,download section} has already been updated accordingly,
-and we're working on adjusting all remaining references
-to point to the new source code repository.
- newsentry{Sunday 9 July 2006, Development News}
-We're still sorting out issues to make the 0.7.0 release finally happen. Here
-is what happened since the last development news.
- itemize
- item
-New @doxer_bold{release notes dialog}, which will be shown the first time a new
-release is started (since the release notes are now provided online at our
-website, the dialog mainly contains links to the relevant sections of the
- item
- doxer_bold{Bugfixes, refactoring and cleanups} improving both, the actual
-C/C++/Scheme sources and the build system.
- item
-Support @uri{http://portland.freedesktop.org/wiki/, project portland} desktop
-independant browser activation.
- item
-Since all songs, instruments and effects have a license and author field,
-filling out all of them used to be tedious. So now there is now a
- doxer_bold{default license} and a @doxer_bold{default author} which which can
-be configured in Preferences / BSE.
- item
-German and italian @doxer_bold{translations} were updated.
- item
-Development of a @doxer_bold{native JACK driver} has been started and some
-issues concerning the code have been
- uri{http://mail.gnome.org/archives/beast/2006-June/msg00002.html, discussed
-on the mailing list}. However, there are still issues with the driver that
-need to be sorted out, so it will not be part of the 0.7.0 release.
- done
@dnl ----------------------------- END -----------------------------
@newstag{NEWS Archive}
-Old news entries are archived in the @uri{ top_webdir/oldnews,Ancient News} section.
+Older news entries are archived in the @uri{ top_webdir/oldnews,Ancient News} section.
@dnl LocalWords: website Alper Ersoy efford sid
Modified: trunk/web/oldnews.doxi
--- trunk/web/oldnews.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/oldnews.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -7,6 +7,58 @@
@dnl ----------------------------- START -----------------------------
+ newsentry{Saturday 15 July 2006, Source Repository change}
+The @uri{http://www.gnome.org,Gnome} project is currently migrating its source code
+repository, so the @beast sources are kept in a
+ uri{http://svn.gnome.org/viewsvn/beast/, Beast SVN Repo} now.
+So far, the migration went smooth, the
+ uri{@top_webdir/download,download section} has already been updated accordingly,
+and we're working on adjusting all remaining references
+to point to the new source code repository.
+ newsentry{Sunday 9 July 2006, Development News}
+We're still sorting out issues to make the 0.7.0 release finally happen. Here
+is what happened since the last development news.
+ itemize
+ item
+New @doxer_bold{release notes dialog}, which will be shown the first time a new
+release is started (since the release notes are now provided online at our
+website, the dialog mainly contains links to the relevant sections of the
+ item
+ doxer_bold{Bugfixes, refactoring and cleanups} improving both, the actual
+C/C++/Scheme sources and the build system.
+ item
+Support @uri{http://portland.freedesktop.org/wiki/, project portland} desktop
+independant browser activation.
+ item
+Since all songs, instruments and effects have a license and author field,
+filling out all of them used to be tedious. So now there is now a
+ doxer_bold{default license} and a @doxer_bold{default author} which which can
+be configured in Preferences / BSE.
+ item
+German and italian @doxer_bold{translations} were updated.
+ item
+Development of a @doxer_bold{native JACK driver} has been started and some
+issues concerning the code have been
+ uri{http://mail.gnome.org/archives/beast/2006-June/msg00002.html, discussed
+on the mailing list}. However, there are still issues with the driver that
+need to be sorted out, so it will not be part of the 0.7.0 release.
+ done
@newsentry{Wednesday 17 May 2006, Development News}
We are right now preparing for the 0.7.0 release. To keep you updated what has
@@ -780,7 +832,7 @@
@newsentry{Sunday 12 March 2000, Version @strong{0.3.2} released}
-See the Gnotice @uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/gnome-news/953148210.html, here (mirrored from http://news.gnome.org:80/gnome-news/953148210/)}.
+See the @uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/gnome-news/953148210.html, Gnotice here} (mirrored from http://news.gnome.org:80/gnome-news/953148210/).
Plenty of work has been put into this new version, so BEAST is coming closer to ALPHA stage ;)
the highlights of this release include new synthesizer modules submitted by David A. Bartold
@@ -824,8 +876,8 @@
@newstag{Friday 31 December 1999}
-Version 0.3.0 (pre-alpha) released. For details, see the
- uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/gnome-news/946616649.html, announcement (mirrored from http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/946616649/index_html)}
+Version 0.3.0 (pre-alpha) released. For details, see
+ uri{http://beast.gtk.org/mirror/gnome-news/946616649.html, the announcement} (mirrored from http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news/946616649/index_html)
on @uri{http://news.gnome.org/gnome-news, Gnotices}.
@dnl ----------------------------- END -----------------------------
Modified: trunk/web/related-links.doxi
--- trunk/web/related-links.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/related-links.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
@item @uri{http://linuxaudioblog.jawebada.de/software/synthesis/, Linux Audio Blog - SYNTHESIS}
@item @uri{http://www.heise.de/software/default.shtml?prg=24860, Heise Online - BEAST Page}
@item @uri{http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/beast.html, BEAST package for Debian}
+ (and @uri{http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bse-alsa.html, bse-alsa package})
@item @uri{http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://beast.gtk.org, BEAST at the Web Archive}
@item @uri{http://directory.fsf.org/beast.html, BEAST at the FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory}
@item The @uri{http://dmoz.org/, Open Directory Project} lists Beast on the
Modified: trunk/web/webmenu.doxi
--- trunk/web/webmenu.doxi 2006-08-14 23:46:04 UTC (rev 3857)
+++ trunk/web/webmenu.doxi 2006-08-16 16:14:36 UTC (rev 3858)
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@
@item @fmenuuri{ top_webdir/faq, FAQ}
- @item @doxer_span{menu-leaf, Introduction}
- @item @fmenuuri{ top_webdir/overview2003de, Overview (German)}
- @item @fmenuuri{ top_webdir/quickstart, Quick Start}
@item @doxer_span{menu-leaf, Manual Pages}
@item @fmenuuri{ top_webdir/beast.1, beast(1)}
@item @fmenuuri{ top_webdir/bsescm.1, bsescm(1)}
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