rhythmbox r5674 - in trunk: . plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay
- From: jmatthew svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: rhythmbox r5674 - in trunk: . plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay
- Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 23:11:54 +0100 (BST)
Author: jmatthew
Date: Thu Apr 10 23:11:54 2008
New Revision: 5674
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/rhythmbox?rev=5674&view=rev
2008-04-11 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan d14n org>
patch by: Maximilian Grothusmann <maxi own-hero net>
* plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/AmazonCoverArtSearch.py:
Use Amazon ECS 4.0 instead of the older discontinued service.
Use batch searches to reduce the number of requests. Don't do the
search when we don't have an artist name or an album name.
Fixes #513851.
Modified: trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/AmazonCoverArtSearch.py
--- trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/AmazonCoverArtSearch.py (original)
+++ trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/AmazonCoverArtSearch.py Thu Apr 10 23:11:54 2008
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
ASSOCIATE = "webservices-20"
+# We are not allowed to batch more than 2 requests at once
+# http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEcommerceService/4-0/PgCombiningOperations.html
class Bag: pass
@@ -35,30 +39,31 @@
self.searching = False
self.cancel = False
self.loader = loader
- self._supportedLocales = {
- "en_US" : ("us", "xml.amazon.com", "music"),
- "en_GB" : ("uk", "xml-eu.amazon.com", "music"),
- "de" : ("de", "xml-eu.amazon.com", "music"),
- "ja" : ("jp", "xml.amazon.co.jp", "music-jp")
- }
self.db = None
self.entry = None
+ (self.tld, self.encoding) = self.__get_locale ()
def __get_locale (self):
- default = locale.getdefaultlocale ()
+ # "JP is the only locale that correctly takes UTF8 input. All other locales use LATIN1."
+ # http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=1295&categoryID=117
+ supported_locales = {
+ "en_US" : ("com", "latin1"),
+ "en_GB" : ("co.uk", "latin1"),
+ "de" : ("de", "latin1"),
+ "ja" : ("jp", "utf8")
+ }
- if default[0] is not None:
- if self._supportedLocales.has_key (default[0]):
- lc_id = default[0]
+ default = locale.getdefaultlocale ()[0]
+ if default:
+ if supported_locales.has_key (default):
+ lc_id = default
- lang = default[0].split("_")[0]
- if self._supportedLocales.has_key (lang):
+ lang = default.split("_")[0]
+ if supported_locales.has_key (lang):
lc_id = lang
- lc_host = self._supportedLocales[lc_id][1]
- lc_name = self._supportedLocales[lc_id][0]
- lc_mode = self._supportedLocales[lc_id][2]
- return ((lc_host, lc_name, lc_mode))
+ return supported_locales[lc_id]
def search (self, db, entry, on_search_completed_callback, *args):
self.searching = True
@@ -72,6 +77,10 @@
st_artist = db.entry_get (entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ARTIST) or _("Unknown")
st_album = db.entry_get (entry, rhythmdb.PROP_ALBUM) or _("Unknown")
+ if st_artist == st_album == _("Unknown"):
+ self.on_search_completed (None)
+ return
# Tidy up
# Replace quote characters
@@ -119,68 +128,58 @@
self.keywords.append ("%s %s" % (st_artist, st_album))
if st_album_no_vol != st_album:
self.keywords.append ("%s %s" % (st_artist, st_album_no_vol))
- if (st_album != _("Unknown")):
- self.keywords.append ("Various %s" % (st_album))
+ self.keywords.append ("Various %s" % (st_album))
self.keywords.append ("%s" % (st_artist))
# Initiate asynchronous search
- self.search_next ();
+ self.search_next ()
- def __build_url (self, keyword):
- (lc_host, lc_name, lc_mode) = self.__get_locale ()
+ def search_next (self):
+ if len (self.keywords) == 0:
+ # No keywords left to search -> no results
+ self.on_search_completed (None)
+ return False
- url = "http://"; + lc_host + "/onca/xml3?f=xml"
- url += "&t=%s" % ASSOCIATE
- url += "&dev-t=%s" % LICENSE_KEY
- url += "&type=%s" % 'lite'
- url += "&locale=%s" % lc_name
- url += "&mode=%s" % lc_mode
- url += "&%s=%s" % ('KeywordSearch', urllib.quote (keyword))
+ self.searching = True
- return url
+ url = "http://ecs.amazonaws."; + self.tld + "/onca/xml" \
+ "?Service=AWSECommerceService" \
+ "&AWSAccessKeyId=" + LICENSE_KEY + \
+ "&AssociateTag=" + ASSOCIATE + \
+ "&ResponseGroup=Images,ItemAttributes" \
+ "&Operation=ItemSearch" \
+ "&ItemSearch.Shared.SearchIndex=Music"
- def search_next (self):
- self.searching = True
- if len (self.keywords)==0:
- keyword = None
- else:
+ job = 1
+ while job <= MAX_BATCH_JOBS and len (self.keywords) > 0:
keyword = self.keywords.pop (0)
+ keyword = keyword.encode (self.encoding, "ignore")
+ keyword = keyword.strip ()
+ keyword = urllib.quote (keyword)
+ url += "&ItemSearch.%d.Keywords=%s" % (job, keyword)
+ job += 1
- if keyword is None:
- # No keywords left to search -> no results
- self.on_search_completed (None)
- ret = False
- else:
- # Retrieve search for keyword
- url = self.__build_url (keyword.strip ())
- self.loader.get_url (url, self.on_search_response)
- ret = True
- return ret
+ # Retrieve search for keyword
+ self.loader.get_url (url, self.on_search_response)
+ return True
def __unmarshal (self, element):
rc = Bag ()
- if isinstance (element, minidom.Element) and (element.tagName == 'Details'):
- rc.URL = element.attributes["url"].value
- childElements = [e for e in element.childNodes if isinstance (e, minidom.Element)]
- if childElements:
- for child in childElements:
+ child_elements = [e for e in element.childNodes if isinstance (e, minidom.Element)]
+ if child_elements:
+ for child in child_elements:
key = child.tagName
if hasattr (rc, key):
- if type (getattr (rc, key)) <> type ([]):
+ if not isinstance (getattr (rc, key), list):
setattr (rc, key, [getattr (rc, key)])
- setattr (rc, key, getattr (rc, key) + [self.__unmarshal (child)])
- elif isinstance(child, minidom.Element) and (child.tagName == 'Details'):
- setattr (rc,key,[self.__unmarshal(child)])
+ getattr (rc, key).append (self.__unmarshal (child))
+ # get_best_match_urls() wants a list, even if there is only one item/artist
+ elif child.tagName in ("Items", "Item", "Artist"):
+ setattr (rc, key, [self.__unmarshal(child)])
setattr (rc, key, self.__unmarshal(child))
rc = "".join ([e.data for e in element.childNodes if isinstance (e, minidom.Text)])
- if element.tagName == 'SalesRank':
- rc = rc.replace ('.', '')
- rc = rc.replace (',', '')
- rc = int (rc)
return rc
def on_search_response (self, result_data):
@@ -194,14 +193,14 @@
- data = self.__unmarshal (xmldoc).ProductInfo
- if hasattr(data, 'ErrorMsg'):
- # Search was unsuccessful, try next keyword
+ data = self.__unmarshal (xmldoc)
+ if not hasattr (data, "ItemSearchResponse") or \
+ not hasattr (data.ItemSearchResponse, "Items"):
+ # Something went wrong ...
self.search_next ()
# We got some search results
- self.on_search_results (data.Details)
+ self.on_search_results (data.ItemSearchResponse.Items)
def on_search_results (self, results):
self.on_search_completed (results)
@@ -224,25 +223,27 @@
return s
def __valid_match (self, item):
- if item.ImageUrlLarge == "" and item.ImageUrlMedium == "":
- print "%s doesn't have image URLs; ignoring" % (item.URL)
- return False
- return True
+ return (hasattr (item, "LargeImage") or hasattr (item, "MediumImage")) \
+ and hasattr (item, "ItemAttributes")
def get_best_match_urls (self, search_results):
# Default to "no match", our results must match our criteria
best_match = None
- search_results = filter(self.__valid_match, search_results)
- try:
+ for result in search_results:
+ if not hasattr (result, "Item"):
+ # Search was unsuccessful, try next batch job
+ continue
+ items = filter(self.__valid_match, result.Item)
if self.search_album != _("Unknown"):
album_check = self.__tidy_up_string (self.search_album)
- for item in search_results:
+ for item in items:
+ if not hasattr (item.ItemAttributes, "Title"):
+ continue
- # Check for album name in ProductName
- product_name = self.__tidy_up_string (item.ProductName)
- if product_name == album_check:
+ album = self.__tidy_up_string (item.ItemAttributes.Title)
+ if album == album_check:
# Found exact album, can not get better than that
best_match = item
@@ -250,8 +251,9 @@
# Check the results for both an album name that contains the name
# we're searching for, and an album name that's a substring of the
# name we're searching for
- elif (best_match is None) and (product_name.find (album_check) != -1
- or album_check.find (product_name) != -1):
+ elif (best_match is None) and \
+ (album.find (album_check) != -1 or
+ album_check.find (album) != -1):
best_match = item
# If we still have no definite hit, use first result where artist matches
@@ -260,14 +262,11 @@
if best_match is None:
# Check if artist appears in the Artists list
hit = False
- for item in search_results:
- if type (item.Artists.Artist) <> type ([]):
- artists = [item.Artists.Artist]
- else:
- artists = item.Artists.Artist
+ for item in items:
+ if not hasattr (item.ItemAttributes, "Artist"):
+ continue
- for artist in artists:
+ for artist in item.ItemAttributes.Artist:
artist = self.__tidy_up_string (artist)
if artist.find (artist_check) != -1:
best_match = item
@@ -276,10 +275,10 @@
if hit:
- if best_match:
- return filter(lambda x: x != "", [item.ImageUrlLarge, item.ImageUrlMedium])
- else:
- return []
+ urls = [getattr (best_match, size).URL for size in ("LargeImage", "MediumImage")
+ if hasattr (best_match, size)]
+ if urls:
+ return urls
- except TypeError:
- return []
+ # No search was successful
+ return []
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