glom r1561 - in trunk: . glom/utility_widgets/adddel
- From: murrayc svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: glom r1561 - in trunk: . glom/utility_widgets/adddel
- Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 18:13:44 +0100 (BST)
Author: murrayc
Date: Mon Apr 14 18:13:44 2008
New Revision: 1561
2008-04-14 Murray Cumming, <murrayc murrayc com>
* glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.h
* glom/utility_widgets/adddel/
Glom.construct_specified_columns(): Connect to the start_editing
signal., Glom.on_treeview_cell_edited. Emit user_activated() on that
instead of on the TreeView::button-press-event signal, so that any
previous editing has already finished.
This fixes the relationships window, so that clicking on the To Field
combo does not lose the new choice in the Table combo.
Bug #526900 (Jani Monoses).
Modified: trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/
--- trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/ (original)
+++ trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/ Mon Apr 14 18:13:44 2008
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
//m_TreeView.set_column_drag_function( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AddDel::on_treeview_column_drop) );
- m_TreeView.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); //Allow us to catch button_press_event and button_release_event
+ //m_TreeView.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); //Allow us to catch button_press_event and button_release_event
m_TreeView.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AddDel::on_treeview_button_press_event) );
m_TreeView.signal_columns_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AddDel::on_treeview_columns_changed) );
@@ -722,8 +722,13 @@
- ++view_column_index;
+ //Connect other signals:
+ Gtk::CellRenderer* pCellRenderer = m_TreeView.get_column_cell_renderer(view_column_index);
+ if(pCellRenderer)
+ pCellRenderer->signal_editing_started().connect(
+ sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AddDel::on_treeview_cell_editing_started), model_column_index) );
+ ++view_column_index;
} //is visible
@@ -1298,6 +1303,19 @@
+void AddDel::on_treeview_cell_editing_started(Gtk::CellEditable* editable, const Glib::ustring& path_string, int model_column_index)
+ Gtk::TreePath path(path_string);
+ if(!m_refListStore)
+ return;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterRow = m_refListStore->get_iter(path);
+ if(iterRow)
+ signal_user_activated().emit(iterRow, model_column_index);
AddDel::type_signal_user_added AddDel::signal_user_added()
return m_signal_user_added;
@@ -1335,45 +1353,6 @@
void AddDel::on_treeview_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* event)
- if(event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) //Whatever would cause cellrenderer activation.
- {
- //This is really horrible code:
- //Maybe we can improve the gtkmm API for this:
- //Get the row and column:
- Gtk::TreeModel::Path path;
- Gtk::TreeView::Column* pColumn = 0;
- int cell_x = 0;
- int cell_y = 0;
- // Make sure to use the non-deprecated const version:
- bool row_exists = static_cast<const Gtk::TreeView&>(m_TreeView).get_path_at_pos((int)event->x, (int)event->y, path, pColumn, cell_x, cell_y);
- if(row_exists)
- {
- //Get the row:
- Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iterRow = m_refListStore->get_iter(path);
- if(iterRow)
- {
- //Get the column:
- int tree_col = 0;
- int col_index = get_count_hidden_system_columns();
- typedef std::vector<Gtk::TreeView::Column*> type_vecTreeViewColumns;
- type_vecTreeViewColumns vecColumns = m_TreeView.get_columns();
- for(type_vecTreeViewColumns::const_iterator iter = vecColumns.begin(); iter != vecColumns.end(); iter++)
- {
- if(*iter == pColumn)
- tree_col = col_index; //Found.
- col_index++;
- }
- signal_user_activated().emit(iterRow, tree_col);
- }
- }
- }
Modified: trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.h
--- trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.h (original)
+++ trunk/glom/utility_widgets/adddel/adddel.h Mon Apr 14 18:13:44 2008
@@ -230,6 +230,8 @@
virtual void on_treeview_cell_edited(const Glib::ustring& path_string, const Glib::ustring& new_text, int model_column_index);
virtual void on_treeview_cell_edited_bool(const Glib::ustring& path_string, int model_column_index);
+ void on_treeview_cell_editing_started(Gtk::CellEditable* editable, const Glib::ustring& path, int model_column_index);
virtual bool on_treeview_column_drop(Gtk::TreeView* treeview, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* column, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* prev_column, Gtk::TreeViewColumn* next_column);
virtual void on_treeview_columns_changed();
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