glom r1582 - trunk/glom/mode_data
- From: murrayc svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: glom r1582 - trunk/glom/mode_data
- Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 11:02:47 +0100 (BST)
Author: murrayc
Date: Tue Apr 22 10:02:46 2008
New Revision: 1582
2008-04-22 Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
* examples/example_lesson_planner.glom:
* examples/ Added a new example, which uses a calendar.
* glom/mode_data/box_data_calendar_related.h
* glom/mode_data/
fill_from_database(): Do one SQL query for the whole month and store
the values.
on_calendar_details(): Show the stored values.
* glom/mode_data/
* glom/mode_data/box_data_list_related.h: Removed get_fields_to_show()
because it is in the base class.
Modified: trunk/glom/mode_data/
--- trunk/glom/mode_data/ (original)
+++ trunk/glom/mode_data/ Tue Apr 22 10:02:46 2008
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
-: m_pMenuPopup(0)
+: m_pMenuPopup(0),
+ m_query_column_date_field(-1)
set_size_request(400, -1); //An arbitrary default.
@@ -38,6 +39,10 @@
+ //m_calendar.set_show_details();
+ m_calendar.set_detail_width_chars(7);
+ m_calendar.set_detail_height_rows(2);
//Tell the calendar how to get the record details to show:
m_calendar.set_detail_func( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Box_Data_Calendar_Related::on_calendar_details) );
@@ -48,6 +53,11 @@
m_layout_name = "list_related_calendar"; //TODO: We need a unique name when 2 portals use the same table.
+ clear_cached_database_values();
void Box_Data_Calendar_Related::enable_buttons()
//const bool view_details_possible = get_has_suitable_record_to_view_details();
@@ -89,8 +99,10 @@
bool Box_Data_Calendar_Related::fill_from_database()
+ if(!m_portal)
+ return false;
bool result = false;
- bool allow_add = true;
if(m_key_field && m_found_set.m_where_clause.empty()) //There's a key field, but no value.
@@ -104,31 +116,102 @@
- result = Box_Data_List::fill_from_database();
+ if(m_query_column_date_field == -1)
+ return false; //This is useless without the date in the result.
+ //Create a date range from the beginning to end of the selected month:
+ Glib::Date calendar_date;
+ m_calendar.get_date(calendar_date);
+ const Glib::Date date_start(1, calendar_date.get_month(), calendar_date.get_year());
+ Glib::Date date_end = date_start;
+ date_end.add_months(1);
+ Gnome::Gda::Value date_start_value(date_start);
+ Gnome::Gda::Value date_end_value(date_end);
- //Is there already one record here?
- if(m_has_one_or_more_records) //This was set by Box_Data_List::fill_from_database().
+ //Add a WHERE clause for this date range:
+ sharedptr<Relationship> relationship = m_portal->get_relationship();
+ Glib::ustring where_clause_to_table_name = relationship->get_to_table();
+ sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal> derived_portal = sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal>::cast_dynamic(m_portal);
+ const Glib::ustring date_field_name = derived_portal->get_date_field()->get_name();
+ sharedptr<const Relationship> relationship_related = m_portal->get_related_relationship();
+ if(relationship_related)
- //Is the to_field unique? If so, there can not be more than one.
- if(m_key_field && m_key_field->get_unique_key()) //automatically true if it is a primary key
- allow_add = false;
+ //Adjust the WHERE clause appropriately for the extra JOIN:
+ sharedptr<UsesRelationship> uses_rel_temp = sharedptr<UsesRelationship>::create();
+ uses_rel_temp->set_relationship(relationship);
+ where_clause_to_table_name = uses_rel_temp->get_sql_join_alias_name();
- //TODO: Disable add if the from_field already has a value and the to_field is auto-incrementing because
- //- we cannot override the auto-increment in the to_field.
- //- we cannot change the value in the from_field to the new auto_increment value in the to_field.
+ //Add an AND to the existing where clause, to get only records within these dates, if any:
+ sharedptr<const Field> date_field = derived_portal->get_date_field();
+ const Glib::ustring extra_where_clause = "\"" + where_clause_to_table_name + "\".\"" + date_field->get_name() + "\""
+ " BETWEEN DATE " + date_field->sql(date_start_value) +
+ " AND DATE " + date_field->sql(date_end_value);
+ Glib::ustring where_clause;
+ if(m_found_set.m_where_clause.empty())
+ where_clause = extra_where_clause;
+ else
+ where_clause = "( " + m_found_set.m_where_clause + " ) AND ( " + extra_where_clause + " )";
+ //Do one SQL query for the whole month and store the cached values here:
+ clear_cached_database_values();
+ const Glib::ustring sql_query = Utils::build_sql_select_with_where_clause(m_found_set.m_table_name, m_FieldsShown, where_clause, m_found_set.m_extra_join, m_found_set.m_sort_clause, m_found_set.m_extra_group_by);
+ //std::cout << "DEBUG: sql_query=" << sql_query << std::endl;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Gda::DataModel> datamodel = query_execute(sql_query, get_app_window());
+ if(!(datamodel))
+ return true;
+ const int rows_count = datamodel->get_n_rows();
+ if(!(rows_count > 0))
+ return true;
+ //Get the data:
+ for(int row_index = 0; row_index < rows_count; ++row_index)
+ {
+ const int columns_count = datamodel->get_n_columns();
+ if(m_query_column_date_field > columns_count)
+ continue;
+ //Get the date value for this row:
+ Gnome::Gda::Value value_date = datamodel->get_value_at(m_query_column_date_field, row_index);
+ const Glib::Date date = value_date.get_date();
+ //Get all the values for this row:
+ type_vector_values* pVector = new type_vector_values(m_FieldsShown.size());
+ for(int column_index = 0; column_index < columns_count; ++column_index)
+ {
+ (*pVector)[column_index] = datamodel->get_value_at(column_index, row_index);
+ }
+ m_map_values[date].push_back(pVector);
+ }
- //Prevent addition of new records if that is what the relationship specifies:
- if(allow_add && m_portal->get_relationship())
- allow_add = m_portal->get_relationship()->get_auto_create();
- //TODO: m_calendar.set_allow_add(allow_add);
return result;
+void Box_Data_Calendar_Related::clear_cached_database_values()
+ for(type_map_values::iterator iter = m_map_values.begin(); iter != m_map_values.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ type_list_vectors vec = iter->second;
+ for(type_list_vectors::iterator iter = vec.begin(); iter != vec.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ type_vector_values* pValues = *iter;
+ if(pValues)
+ delete pValues;
+ }
+ }
+ m_map_values.clear();
void Box_Data_Calendar_Related::on_record_added(const Gnome::Gda::Value& primary_key_value, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row)
//primary_key_value is a new autogenerated or human-entered key for the row.
@@ -194,33 +277,22 @@
Box_Data_Calendar_Related::type_vecLayoutFields Box_Data_Calendar_Related::get_fields_to_show() const
- const Document_Glom* document = get_document();
- if(document)
- {
- Document_Glom::type_list_layout_groups mapGroups;
- mapGroups.push_back(m_portal);
- sharedptr<const Relationship> relationship = m_portal->get_relationship();
- if(relationship)
- {
- type_vecLayoutFields result = get_table_fields_to_show_for_sequence(m_portal->get_table_used(Glib::ustring() /* not relevant */), mapGroups);
- //If the relationship does not allow editing, then mark all these fields as non-editable:
- if(!(m_portal->get_relationship_used_allows_edit()))
- {
- for(type_vecLayoutFields::iterator iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ++iter)
- {
- sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field> item = *iter;
- if(item)
- item->set_editable(false);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- return type_vecLayoutFields();
+ type_vecLayoutFields layout_fields = Box_Data_Portal::get_fields_to_show();
+ sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal> derived_portal = sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal>::cast_dynamic(m_portal);
+ if(!derived_portal)
+ return layout_fields;
+ sharedptr<const Field> date_field = derived_portal->get_date_field();
+ if(!date_field)
+ return layout_fields;
+ //Add it to the list to ensure that we request the date (though it will not really be shown in the calendar):
+ sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field> layout_item_date_field = sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field>::create();
+ layout_item_date_field->set_full_field_details(date_field);
+ layout_fields.push_back(layout_item_date_field);
+ m_query_column_date_field = layout_fields.size() - 1;
+ return layout_fields;
@@ -276,79 +348,82 @@
Glib::ustring Box_Data_Calendar_Related::on_calendar_details(guint year, guint month, guint day)
sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal> derived_portal = sharedptr<LayoutItem_CalendarPortal>::cast_dynamic(m_portal);
- if(!derived_portal || !derived_portal->get_date_field())
+ if(!derived_portal)
std::cout << "DEBUG: Box_Data_Calendar_Related::on_calendar_details(): date_field is NULL" << std::endl;
return Glib::ustring();
+ sharedptr<const Field> date_field = derived_portal->get_date_field();
+ if(!date_field)
+ return Glib::ustring();
Glib::Date date(day, Glib::Date::Month(month+1), year);
- Gnome::Gda::Value date_value(date);
- sharedptr<Relationship> relationship = m_portal->get_relationship();
- Glib::ustring where_clause_to_table_name = relationship->get_to_table();
- const Glib::ustring date_field_name = derived_portal->get_date_field()->get_name();
- sharedptr<const Relationship> relationship_related = m_portal->get_related_relationship();
- if(relationship_related)
- {
- //Adjust the WHERE clause appropriately for the extra JOIN:
- sharedptr<UsesRelationship> uses_rel_temp = sharedptr<UsesRelationship>::create();
- uses_rel_temp->set_relationship(relationship);
- where_clause_to_table_name = uses_rel_temp->get_sql_join_alias_name();
- }
- //Add an AND to the existing where clause, to get only records with this date, if any:
- const Glib::ustring extra_where_clause = "\"" + where_clause_to_table_name + "\".\"" + derived_portal->get_date_field()->get_name() + "\" = " + derived_portal->get_date_field()->sql(date_value);
- Glib::ustring where_clause;
- if(m_found_set.m_where_clause.empty())
- where_clause = extra_where_clause;
- else
- where_clause = "( " + m_found_set.m_where_clause + " ) AND ( " + extra_where_clause + " )";
+ //Examine the cached data:
+ type_map_values::const_iterator iter_find = m_map_values.find(date);
+ if(iter_find == m_map_values.end())
+ return Glib::ustring(); //No data was found for this date.
- //TODO: Do one SQL query for the whole month and just read the cached values here, responding to month_changed to update the cache.
- const Glib::ustring sql_query = Utils::build_sql_select_with_where_clause(m_found_set.m_table_name, m_FieldsShown, where_clause, m_found_set.m_extra_join, m_found_set.m_sort_clause, m_found_set.m_extra_group_by);
- //std::cout << "DEBUG: sql_query=" << sql_query << std::endl;
- Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Gda::DataModel> datamodel = query_execute(sql_query, get_app_window());
- if(!(datamodel && datamodel->get_n_rows()))
- return Glib::ustring();
- //Execute the query to get the data:
Glib::ustring result;
- const int row_index = 0;
- int column_index = 0;
- for(type_vecLayoutFields::const_iterator iter = m_FieldsShown.begin(); iter != m_FieldsShown.end(); ++iter)
- {
- sharedptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = *iter;
- Glib::ustring text;
- //Text for a text item:
- sharedptr<LayoutItem_Text> layout_item_text = sharedptr<LayoutItem_Text>::cast_dynamic(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_text)
- text = layout_item_text->get_text();
- else
- {
- //Text for a field:
- sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field> layout_item_field = sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field>::cast_dynamic(layout_item);
- if(layout_item_field)
+ //Look at each row for this date:
+ const type_list_vectors& rows = iter_find->second;
+ for(type_list_vectors::const_iterator iter = rows.begin(); iter != rows.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ type_vector_values* pRow = *iter;
+ if(!pRow)
+ continue;
+ //Get the data for each column in the row:
+ Glib::ustring row_text;
+ int column_index = 0;
+ //We iterate over the original list of items from the portal,
+ //instead of the ones used by the query (m_FieldsShown),
+ //because we really don't want to show the extra fields (at the end) to the user:
+ LayoutGroup::type_list_items items = m_portal->get_items();
+ for(LayoutGroup::type_list_items::const_iterator iter = items.begin(); iter != items.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ sharedptr<const LayoutItem> layout_item = *iter;
+ if(!layout_item)
+ continue;
+ Glib::ustring text;
+ //Text for a text item:
+ sharedptr<const LayoutItem_Text> layout_item_text = sharedptr<const LayoutItem_Text>::cast_dynamic(layout_item);
+ if(layout_item_text)
+ text = layout_item_text->get_text();
+ else
- const Gnome::Gda::Value value = datamodel->get_value_at(row_index, column_index);
+ //Text for a field:
+ sharedptr<const LayoutItem_Field> layout_item_field = sharedptr<const LayoutItem_Field>::cast_dynamic(layout_item);
+ const Gnome::Gda::Value value = (*pRow)[column_index];
text = Conversions::get_text_for_gda_value(layout_item_field->get_glom_type(), value, layout_item_field->get_formatting_used().m_numeric_format);
- //std::cout << " DEBUG: text=" << text << std::endl;
+ //Add the field text to the row:
+ if(!text.empty())
+ {
+ if(!row_text.empty())
+ row_text += ", "; //TODO: Internationalization?
+ row_text += text;
+ }
- if(!text.empty())
+ //Add the row text to the result:
+ if(!row_text.empty())
- result += ", "; //TODO: Internationalization?
+ result += "\n";
- result += text;
+ result += row_text;
Modified: trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_calendar_related.h
--- trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_calendar_related.h (original)
+++ trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_calendar_related.h Tue Apr 22 10:02:46 2008
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ virtual ~Box_Data_Calendar_Related();
* @param portal: The full portal details
@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@
void on_MenuPopup_activate_layout();
+ void clear_cached_database_values();
GlomGtk::Calendar m_calendar;
@@ -86,8 +89,14 @@
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> m_refContextLayout;
- type_signal_record_changed m_signal_record_changed;
+ //The cached data for the month:
+ //For each date we have a list of rows (vectors):
+ typedef std::vector<Gnome::Gda::Value> type_vector_values;
+ typedef std::list<type_vector_values*> type_list_vectors;
+ typedef std::map<Glib::Date, type_list_vectors> type_map_values;
+ type_map_values m_map_values;
+ mutable int m_query_column_date_field;
} //namespace Glom
Modified: trunk/glom/mode_data/
--- trunk/glom/mode_data/ (original)
+++ trunk/glom/mode_data/ Tue Apr 22 10:02:46 2008
@@ -238,37 +238,6 @@
-Box_Data_List_Related::type_vecLayoutFields Box_Data_List_Related::get_fields_to_show() const
- const Document_Glom* document = get_document();
- if(document)
- {
- Document_Glom::type_list_layout_groups mapGroups;
- mapGroups.push_back(m_portal);
- sharedptr<const Relationship> relationship = m_portal->get_relationship();
- if(relationship)
- {
- type_vecLayoutFields result = get_table_fields_to_show_for_sequence(m_portal->get_table_used(Glib::ustring() /* not relevant */), mapGroups);
- //If the relationship does not allow editing, then mark all these fields as non-editable:
- if(!(m_portal->get_relationship_used_allows_edit()))
- {
- for(type_vecLayoutFields::iterator iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); ++iter)
- {
- sharedptr<LayoutItem_Field> item = *iter;
- if(item)
- item->set_editable(false);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- return type_vecLayoutFields();
void Box_Data_List_Related::on_dialog_layout_hide()
Modified: trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_list_related.h
--- trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_list_related.h (original)
+++ trunk/glom/mode_data/box_data_list_related.h Tue Apr 22 10:02:46 2008
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
virtual bool fill_from_database(); //Override.
- virtual type_vecLayoutFields get_fields_to_show() const; //override
virtual void on_adddel_user_requested_add();
virtual void on_adddel_user_changed(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& row, guint col);
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