tomboy r1894 - in trunk: . test

Author: sharm
Date: Sun Feb 24 00:36:11 2008
New Revision: 1894

* test/ Add Wade's note creation stress
  tester script.  Addresses bug #518294.


Added: trunk/test/
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/test/	Sun Feb 24 00:36:11 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#  Note Creation Stress testing
+#  Based on example by Ryan Paul
+import sys, dbus, gobject, dbus.glib, time, random
+	num_notes = int(sys.argv[1])
+	num_notes = 10
+bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+obj = bus.get_object("org.gnome.Tomboy", "/org/gnome/Tomboy/RemoteControl")
+tomboy = dbus.Interface(obj, "org.gnome.Tomboy.RemoteControl")
+# Word notes
+fd = open('/usr/share/dict/words')
+words = []
+for i in fd.readlines():
+	words.append(i.split()[0])
+num_words = len(words)
+def get_random_word():
+	while True:
+		# dbus likes utf8... force it
+		try:
+			word = unicode ( words[random.randrange(0, num_words)], "utf-8")
+			return word
+		except:
+			pass
+# Create lots of notes
+for i in range(0,num_notes-1):
+	title = get_random_word()
+	text = get_random_word()
+	start = time.time()
+	new_note = tomboy.CreateNamedNote(title)
+	tomboy.SetNoteContents(new_note, title + "\n\n" + text)
+	end = time.time()
+	print "%s,%f" % (i, end - start)
+# benchmarks on t42p:
+note number, total creation time, startup time, last note creation time
+100 notes: 3.67
+200 notes: 7.867
+300 notes: 9.33, ~3 second startup
+400 notes: 22.179
+800 notes: 1m36s, startup ~6 second startup, last note took 0.23 seconds (ouch)
+1600 notes: 10m57s
+sqlite backend
+wow, once I get to around 200 notes, my disk goes crazy!!! what's going on there? and then this script dies...
+100 notes: 3.27, ~3s, 0.015
+200 notes: 4.71, ~4s, 0.029
+400 notes: died!!!   the disk issue...
+once 800 notes were loaded, startup time was about 6 seconds still.
+with both @800, deleting notes is REALLY slow...

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