ooo-build r11727 - in trunk: . patches/test
- From: kyoshida svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: ooo-build r11727 - in trunk: . patches/test
- Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 01:46:50 +0000 (GMT)
Author: kyoshida
Date: Thu Feb 28 01:46:50 2008
New Revision: 11727
2008-02-27 Kohei Yoshida <kyoshida novell com>
* patches/test/svx-correct-accidental-caps-lock.diff: current on-going
work to implement automatic correction of accidental cAPS LOCK USE.
Affects all four applications. Not done yet.
Added: trunk/patches/test/svx-correct-accidental-caps-lock.diff
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/patches/test/svx-correct-accidental-caps-lock.diff Thu Feb 28 01:46:50 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=officecfg.vpj officecfg.clean/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs
+--- officecfg.clean/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs 2008-02-20 15:04:19.000000000 -0500
++++ officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcs 2008-02-25 18:29:09.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1194,6 +1194,15 @@ Dymamic border coloring means that when
+ </info>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </prop>
++ <prop oor:name="CorrectAccidentalCapsLock" oor:type="xs:boolean">
++ <!-- UIHints: Tools AutoCorrect/AutoFormat Options Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key -->
++ <info>
++ <author>Kohei Yoshida</author>
++ <desc>Specifies whether or not to correct accidental use of CAPS lock key.</desc>
++ <label>Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key</label>
++ </info>
++ <value>true</value>
++ </prop>
+ <prop oor:name="ReplaceSingleQuote" oor:type="xs:boolean">
+ <!-- OldPath: AutoCorrect/Options/All -->
+ <!-- OldLocation: Soffice.cfg -->
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/inc/svx/svxacorr.hxx svx/inc/svx/svxacorr.hxx
+--- svx.clean/inc/svx/svxacorr.hxx 2008-02-25 11:50:16.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/inc/svx/svxacorr.hxx 2008-02-26 12:56:02.000000000 -0500
+@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ const long SaveWordCplSttLst= 0x00000200
+ const long SaveWordWrdSttLst= 0x00000400; // 2 GrB. am WortAnf. auto. aufnehmen
+ const long IngnoreDoubleSpace= 0x00000800; // 2 Spaces ignorieren
+ const long ChgSglQuotes = 0x00001000; // einfache Quotes ersetzen
++const long CorrectCapsLock = 0x00002000; // Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key
+ const long ChgWordLstLoad = 0x20000000; // Ersetzungsliste geladen
+ const long CplSttLstLoad = 0x40000000; // Exceptionlist fuer CplStart geladen
+@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ public:
+ // fuehre eine AutoKorrektur aus.
+ // returnt was ausgefuehrt wurde; entsprechend den obigen Flags
+ ULONG AutoCorrect( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, const String& rTxt,
+- xub_StrLen nPos, sal_Unicode cInsChar, BOOL bInsert );
++ xub_StrLen nPos, sal_Unicode cInsChar, BOOL bInsert, bool bLockKeyOn );
+ // return fuer die Autotext Expandierung das vorherige Wort, was dem
+ // AutoCorrect - Algorythmus entspricht.
+@@ -402,6 +403,10 @@ public:
+ xub_StrLen nSttPos, xub_StrLen nEndPos,
+ LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM);
++ bool FnCorrectCapsLock( SvxAutoCorrDoc&, const String&,
++ xub_StrLen nSttPos, xub_StrLen nEndPos,
++ LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
+ static long GetDefaultFlags();
+ // returns TRUE for charcters where the function
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.cxx svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:19.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.cxx 2008-02-25 23:26:30.000000000 -0500
+@@ -260,7 +260,8 @@ OfaAutocorrOptionsPage::OfaAutocorrOptio
+ sDash (SVX_RES(ST_DASH )),
+- sFirst (SVX_RES(ST_ORDINAL ))
++ sFirst (SVX_RES(ST_ORDINAL )),
+ {
+ FreeResource();
+@@ -306,6 +307,7 @@ BOOL OfaAutocorrOptionsPage::FillItemSet
+ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(ChgFractionSymbol, aCheckLB.IsChecked(nPos++));
+ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(ChgToEnEmDash, aCheckLB.IsChecked(nPos++));
+ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(IngnoreDoubleSpace, aCheckLB.IsChecked(nPos++));
++ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(CorrectCapsLock, aCheckLB.IsChecked(nPos++));
+ BOOL bReturn = nFlags != pAutoCorrect->GetFlags();
+ if(bReturn )
+@@ -347,6 +349,7 @@ void OfaAutocorrOptionsPage::Reset( cons
+ aCheckLB.InsertEntry(sHalf);
+ aCheckLB.InsertEntry(sDash);
+ aCheckLB.InsertEntry(sNoDblSpaces);
++ aCheckLB.InsertEntry(sAccidentalCaps);
+ USHORT nPos = 0;
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( nPos++, 0 != (nFlags & Autocorrect) );
+@@ -358,6 +361,7 @@ void OfaAutocorrOptionsPage::Reset( cons
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( nPos++, 0 != (nFlags & ChgFractionSymbol) );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( nPos++, 0 != (nFlags & ChgToEnEmDash) );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( nPos++, 0 != (nFlags & IngnoreDoubleSpace) );
++ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( nPos++, 0 != (nFlags & CorrectCapsLock) );
+ aCheckLB.SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ }
+@@ -490,6 +494,7 @@ enum OfaAutoFmtOptions
+@@ -519,6 +524,7 @@ OfaSwAutoFmtOptionsPage::OfaSwAutoFmtOpt
+ sBullet (SVX_RES( ST_BULLET )),
+ sBoldUnder (SVX_RES( ST_BOLD_UNDER )),
+ sFraction (SVX_RES( ST_FRACTION )),
+ sDash (SVX_RES( ST_DASH )),
+@@ -659,6 +665,9 @@ BOOL OfaSwAutoFmtOptionsPage::FillItemSe
+ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(IngnoreDoubleSpace,
++ pAutoCorrect->SetAutoCorrFlag(CorrectCapsLock,
+ bCheck = aCheckLB.IsChecked(DETECT_URL, CBCOL_FIRST);
+ bModified |= pOpt->bSetINetAttr != bCheck;
+ pOpt->bSetINetAttr = bCheck;
+@@ -790,6 +799,7 @@ void OfaSwAutoFmtOptionsPage::Reset( con
+ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sDelSpaceBetweenLines, CBCOL_BOTH ));
+ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sNoDblSpaces, CBCOL_SECOND));
++ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sCorrectCapsLock, CBCOL_SECOND));
+ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sNum, CBCOL_SECOND));
+ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sBorder, CBCOL_SECOND));
+ aCheckLB.GetModel()->Insert(CreateEntry(sTable, CBCOL_SECOND));
+@@ -809,6 +819,7 @@ void OfaSwAutoFmtOptionsPage::Reset( con
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( BOLD_UNDERLINE, CBCOL_FIRST, pOpt->bChgWeightUnderl );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( BOLD_UNDERLINE, CBCOL_SECOND, 0 != (nFlags & ChgWeightUnderl) );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( IGNORE_DBLSPACE, CBCOL_SECOND, 0 != (nFlags & IngnoreDoubleSpace) );
++ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( CORRECT_CAPS_LOCK, CBCOL_SECOND, 0 != (nFlags & CorrectCapsLock) );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( DETECT_URL, CBCOL_FIRST, pOpt->bSetINetAttr );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( DETECT_URL, CBCOL_SECOND, 0 != (nFlags & SetINetAttr) );
+ aCheckLB.CheckEntryPos( REPLACE_1ST, CBCOL_FIRST, pOpt->bChgOrdinalNumber );
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.hrc svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.hrc
+--- svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.hrc 2008-02-25 11:50:19.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.hrc 2008-02-25 17:43:51.000000000 -0500
+@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
+ #define ST_DASH 208
+ #define FT_LANG 209
+ #define LB_LANG 210
+ #define CB_SMARTTAGS 220
+ #define FT_SMARTTAGS 221
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.hxx svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.hxx
+--- svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.hxx 2008-02-25 11:50:19.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.hxx 2008-02-25 19:07:16.000000000 -0500
+@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ private:
+ String sHalf;
+ String sDash;
+ String sFirst;
++ String sAccidentalCaps;
+ public:
+ OfaAutocorrOptionsPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet );
+@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ class OfaSwAutoFmtOptionsPage : public S
+ String sByInputBullet;
+ String sBoldUnder;
+ String sNoDblSpaces;
++ String sCorrectCapsLock;
+ String sFraction;
+ String sDetectURL;
+ String sDash;
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.src svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.src
+--- svx.clean/source/dialog/autocdlg.src 2008-02-25 11:50:19.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/dialog/autocdlg.src 2008-02-25 17:46:00.000000000 -0500
+@@ -145,7 +145,11 @@ TabDialog RID_OFA_AUTOCORR_DLG
+ String ST_DASH \
+ { \
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Replace dashes" ; \
+- };
++ }; \
++ { \
++ Text [ en-US ] = "Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key" ; \
++ };
+ /**************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/acorrcfg.cxx svx/source/editeng/acorrcfg.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/acorrcfg.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/acorrcfg.cxx 2008-02-25 19:15:21.000000000 -0500
+@@ -139,9 +139,10 @@ Sequence<OUString> SvxBaseAutoCorrCfg::
+ "SingleQuoteAtEnd", // 13
+ "ReplaceDoubleQuote", // 14
+ "DoubleQuoteAtStart", // 15
+- "DoubleQuoteAtEnd" // 16
++ "DoubleQuoteAtEnd", // 16
++ "CorrectAccidentalCapsLock" // 17
+ };
+- const int nCount = 17;
++ const int nCount = 18;
+ Sequence<OUString> aNames(nCount);
+ OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray();
+ for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+@@ -241,6 +242,10 @@ void SvxBaseAutoCorrCfg::Load(sal_Bool b
+ rParent.pAutoCorrect->SetEndDoubleQuote(
+ sal::static_int_cast< sal_Unicode >( nTemp ) );
+ break;//"DoubleQuoteAtEnd"
++ case 17:
++ if(*(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue())
++ nFlags |= CorrectCapsLock;
++ break;//"CorrectAccidentalCapsLock"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -345,6 +350,10 @@ void SvxBaseAutoCorrCfg::Commit()
+ case 16:
+ pValues[nProp] <<= (sal_Int32) rParent.pAutoCorrect->GetEndDoubleQuote();
+ break;//"DoubleQuoteAtEnd"
++ case 17:
++ bVal = 0 != (nFlags & CorrectCapsLock);
++ pValues[nProp].setValue(&bVal, rType);
++ break;//"CorrectAccidentalCapsLock"
+ }
+ }
+ PutProperties(aNames, aValues);
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/editeng.cxx svx/source/editeng/editeng.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/editeng.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/editeng.cxx 2008-02-26 12:59:22.000000000 -0500
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <srchdlg.hxx>
++#include <stdio.h>
+ #include <svx/frmdiritem.hxx>
+@@ -844,6 +845,8 @@ sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const
+ sal_Bool bAllowIdle = sal_True;
+ sal_Bool bReadOnly = pEditView->IsReadOnly();
++ BYTE nExtraMod = rKeyEvent.GetExtraMod();
+ USHORT nNewCursorFlags = 0;
+ BOOL bSetCursorFlags = TRUE;
+@@ -1018,7 +1021,7 @@ sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const
+ if ( bSel )
+ pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT );
+ if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() )
+- aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() );
++ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode(), (nExtraMod & MODKEY_LOCK) );
+ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertTab( aCurSel );
+ if ( bSel )
+ pImpEditEngine->UndoActionEnd( EDITUNDO_INSERT );
+@@ -1039,7 +1042,7 @@ sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const
+ pImpEditEngine->UndoActionStart( EDITUNDO_INSERT );
+ if ( rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().IsShift() )
+ {
+- aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() );
++ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode(), (nExtraMod & MODKEY_LOCK) );
+ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertLineBreak( aCurSel );
+ }
+ else
+@@ -1047,7 +1050,7 @@ sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const
+ if ( !aAutoText.Len() )
+ {
+ if ( pImpEditEngine->GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() )
+- aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() );
++ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, 0, !pEditView->IsInsertMode(), (nExtraMod & MODKEY_LOCK) );
+ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->InsertParaBreak( aCurSel );
+ }
+ else
+@@ -1095,7 +1098,8 @@ sal_Bool EditEngine::PostKeyEvent( const
+ ( nCharCode == '\"' ) || ( nCharCode == '\'' ) ||
+ ( nCharCode == '_' ) ))
+ {
+- aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect( aCurSel, nCharCode, !pEditView->IsInsertMode() );
++ aCurSel = pImpEditEngine->AutoCorrect(
++ aCurSel, nCharCode, !pEditView->IsInsertMode(), (nExtraMod & MODKEY_LOCK) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/editview.cxx svx/source/editeng/editview.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/editview.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/editview.cxx 2008-02-26 13:00:02.000000000 -0500
+@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ void EditView::CompleteAutoCorrect()
+ EditSelection aSel = pImpEditView->GetEditSelection();
+ aSel = PIMPEE->EndOfWord( aSel.Max() );
+ // MT 06/00: Why pass EditSelection to AutoCorrect, not EditPaM?!
+- aSel = PIMPEE->AutoCorrect( aSel, 0, !IsInsertMode() );
++ aSel = PIMPEE->AutoCorrect( aSel, 0, !IsInsertMode(), false );
+ pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( aSel );
+ if ( PIMPEE->IsModified() )
+ PIMPEE->FormatAndUpdate( this );
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx svx/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/impedit2.cxx 2008-02-26 13:00:33.000000000 -0500
+@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ void ImpEditEngine::Command( const Comma
+ if ( ( GetStatus().DoAutoCorrect() ) && ( ( nCharCode == '\"' ) || ( nCharCode == '\'' ) ) )
+ {
+ aSel = DeleteSelected( aSel );
+- aSel = AutoCorrect( aSel, nCharCode, mpIMEInfos->bWasCursorOverwrite );
++ aSel = AutoCorrect( aSel, nCharCode, mpIMEInfos->bWasCursorOverwrite, false );
+ pView->pImpEditView->SetEditSelection( aSel );
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2428,7 +2428,7 @@ void ImpEditEngine::ImpRemoveParagraph(
+ }
+ }
+-EditPaM ImpEditEngine::AutoCorrect( const EditSelection& rCurSel, xub_Unicode c, BOOL bOverwrite )
++EditPaM ImpEditEngine::AutoCorrect( const EditSelection& rCurSel, xub_Unicode c, BOOL bOverwrite, bool bLockKeyOn )
+ {
+ EditSelection aSel( rCurSel );
+ #ifndef SVX_LIGHT
+@@ -2478,7 +2478,7 @@ EditPaM ImpEditEngine::AutoCorrect( cons
+ ContentNode* pNode = aSel.Max().GetNode();
+ USHORT nIndex = aSel.Max().GetIndex();
+ EdtAutoCorrDoc aAuto( this, pNode, nIndex, c );
+- pAutoCorrect->AutoCorrect( aAuto, *pNode, nIndex, c, !bOverwrite );
++ pAutoCorrect->AutoCorrect( aAuto, *pNode, nIndex, c, !bOverwrite, bLockKeyOn );
+ aSel.Max().SetIndex( aAuto.GetCursor() );
+ // #i78661 since the SvxAutoCorrect object used here is
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/impedit.hxx svx/source/editeng/impedit.hxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/impedit.hxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/impedit.hxx 2008-02-26 12:56:13.000000000 -0500
+@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ public:
+ EditPaM DeleteSelected( EditSelection aEditSelection);
+ EditPaM InsertText( const EditSelection& rCurEditSelection, sal_Unicode c, sal_Bool bOverwrite, sal_Bool bIsUserInput = sal_False );
+ EditPaM InsertText( EditSelection aCurEditSelection, const String& rStr );
+- EditPaM AutoCorrect( const EditSelection& rCurEditSelection, sal_Unicode c, sal_Bool bOverwrite );
++ EditPaM AutoCorrect( const EditSelection& rCurEditSelection, sal_Unicode c, sal_Bool bOverwrite, bool bLockKeyOn );
+ EditPaM DeleteLeftOrRight( const EditSelection& rEditSelection, BYTE nMode, BYTE nDelMode = DELMODE_SIMPLE );
+ EditPaM InsertParaBreak( EditSelection aEditSelection );
+ EditPaM InsertLineBreak( EditSelection aEditSelection );
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=svx.vpj svx.clean/source/editeng/svxacorr.cxx svx/source/editeng/svxacorr.cxx
+--- svx.clean/source/editeng/svxacorr.cxx 2008-02-25 11:50:18.000000000 -0500
++++ svx/source/editeng/svxacorr.cxx 2008-02-26 13:04:10.000000000 -0500
+@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
+ #include <xmloff/xmltoken.hxx>
+ #endif
++#include <stdio.h>
+ using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
+ using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+ using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+@@ -412,7 +414,8 @@ long SvxAutoCorrect::GetDefaultFlags()
+ | SetINetAttr
+ | ChgQuotes
+ | SaveWordCplSttLst
+- | SaveWordWrdSttLst;
++ | SaveWordWrdSttLst
++ | CorrectCapsLock;
+ LanguageType eLang = GetAppLang();
+ switch( eLang )
+ {
+@@ -1113,6 +1116,53 @@ BOOL SvxAutoCorrect::FnCptlSttSntnc( Svx
+ return bRet;
+ }
++bool SvxAutoCorrect::FnCorrectCapsLock( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, const String& rTxt,
++ xub_StrLen nSttPos, xub_StrLen nEndPos,
++ LanguageType eLang )
++ fprintf(stdout, "SvxAutoCorrect::FnCorrectCapsLock: --begin (%s) stt pos = %ld end pos = %ld lang type = %ld\n",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(rTxt, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr(),
++ nSttPos, nEndPos, eLang);
++ if (nEndPos - nSttPos < 2)
++ // string must be at least 2-character long.
++ return false;
++ CharClass& rCC = GetCharClass( eLang );
++ // Check the first 2 letters.
++ if ( !IsLowerLetter(rCC.getCharacterType(rTxt, nSttPos)) )
++ return false;
++ if ( !IsUpperLetter(rCC.getCharacterType(rTxt, nSttPos+1)) )
++ return false;
++ String aConverted;
++ aConverted.Append( rCC.upper(rTxt.GetChar(nSttPos)) );
++ aConverted.Append( rCC.lower(rTxt.GetChar(nSttPos+1)) );
++ for (xub_StrLen i = nSttPos+2; i < nEndPos; ++i)
++ {
++ if ( IsLowerLetter(rCC.getCharacterType(rTxt, i)) )
++ // A lowercase letter disqualifies the whole text.
++ return false;
++ if ( IsUpperLetter(rCC.getCharacterType(rTxt, i)) )
++ // Another uppercase letter. Convert it.
++ aConverted.Append( rCC.lower(rTxt.GetChar(i)) );
++ else
++ // This is not an alphabetic letter. Leave it as-is.
++ aConverted.Append(rTxt.GetChar(i));
++ }
++ // Replace the word.
++ rDoc.Delete(nSttPos, nEndPos);
++ rDoc.Insert(nSttPos, aConverted);
++ return true;
+ //The method below is renamed from _GetQuote to GetQuote by BerryJia for Bug95846 Time:2002-8-13 15:50
+ sal_Unicode SvxAutoCorrect::GetQuote( sal_Unicode cInsChar, BOOL bSttQuote,
+ LanguageType eLang ) const
+@@ -1226,8 +1276,12 @@ String SvxAutoCorrect::GetQuote( SvxAuto
+ ULONG SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect( SvxAutoCorrDoc& rDoc, const String& rTxt,
+ xub_StrLen nInsPos, sal_Unicode cChar,
+- BOOL bInsert )
++ BOOL bInsert, bool bLockKeyOn )
+ {
++ fprintf(stdout, "SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect: --begin text = '%s' (lock key %s)\n",
++ rtl::OUStringToOString(rTxt, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr(),
++ bLockKeyOn?"yes":"no");fflush(stdout);
+ ULONG nRet = 0;
+ do{ // only for middle check loop !!
+ if( cChar )
+@@ -1383,6 +1437,12 @@ ULONG SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect( SvxAu
+ if( IsAutoCorrFlag( ChgToEnEmDash ) &&
+ FnChgToEnEmDash( rDoc, rTxt, nCapLttrPos, nInsPos, eLang ) )
+ nRet |= ChgToEnEmDash;
++ if ( bLockKeyOn && IsAutoCorrFlag( CorrectCapsLock ) &&
++ FnCorrectCapsLock( rDoc, rTxt, nCapLttrPos, nInsPos, eLang ) )
++ // Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key (do this only when
++ // the caps or shift lock key is pressed).
++ nRet |= CorrectCapsLock;
+ }
+ } while( FALSE );
+@@ -1426,7 +1486,7 @@ ULONG SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect( SvxAu
+ }
+ }
++ fprintf(stdout, "SvxAutoCorrect::AutoCorrect: --end\n");fflush(stdout);
+ return nRet;
+ }
+Only in vcl: Debug
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=vcl.vpj vcl.clean/inc/vcl/event.hxx vcl/inc/vcl/event.hxx
+--- vcl.clean/inc/vcl/event.hxx 2007-04-11 13:52:30.000000000 -0400
++++ vcl/inc/vcl/event.hxx 2008-02-26 12:26:46.000000000 -0500
+@@ -74,16 +74,18 @@ class VCL_DLLPUBLIC KeyEvent
+ private:
+ KeyCode maKeyCode;
+ USHORT mnRepeat;
++ BYTE mnExtraMod;
+ xub_Unicode mnCharCode;
+ public:
+ KeyEvent();
+ KeyEvent( xub_Unicode nChar, const KeyCode& rKeyCode,
+- USHORT nRepeat = 0 );
++ USHORT nRepeat = 0, BYTE nExtraMod = 0 );
+ xub_Unicode GetCharCode() const { return mnCharCode; }
+ const KeyCode& GetKeyCode() const { return maKeyCode; }
+ USHORT GetRepeat() const { return mnRepeat; }
++ BYTE GetExtraMod() const { return mnExtraMod; }
+ KeyEvent LogicalTextDirectionality (TextDirectionality eMode) const;
+ KeyEvent (const KeyEvent& rKeyEvent);
+@@ -94,15 +96,16 @@ inline KeyEvent::KeyEvent()
+ {
+ mnCharCode = 0;
+ mnRepeat = 0;
++ mnExtraMod = 0;
+ }
+ inline KeyEvent::KeyEvent( xub_Unicode nChar, const KeyCode& rKeyCode,
+- USHORT nRepeat ) :
+- maKeyCode( rKeyCode )
++ USHORT nRepeat, BYTE nExtraMod ) :
++ maKeyCode( rKeyCode ),
++ mnRepeat( nRepeat ),
++ mnExtraMod( nExtraMod ),
++ mnCharCode( nChar )
+ {
+- mnCharCode = nChar;
+- mnRepeat = nRepeat;
+ }
+ // --------------------
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=vcl.vpj vcl.clean/inc/vcl/keycodes.hxx vcl/inc/vcl/keycodes.hxx
+--- vcl.clean/inc/vcl/keycodes.hxx 2008-01-14 11:20:04.000000000 -0500
++++ vcl/inc/vcl/keycodes.hxx 2008-02-26 11:41:08.000000000 -0500
+@@ -182,15 +182,18 @@
+ #define KEY_ALLMODTYPE ((USHORT)0xF000)
+ // extended Modifier-Keys (only used for modkey events)
+-#define MODKEY_LSHIFT 0x0001
+-#define MODKEY_RSHIFT 0x0002
+-#define MODKEY_LMOD1 0x0004
+-#define MODKEY_RMOD1 0x0008
+-#define MODKEY_LMOD2 0x0010
+-#define MODKEY_RMOD2 0x0020
++#define MODKEY_LSHIFT 0x0001
++#define MODKEY_RSHIFT 0x0002
++#define MODKEY_LMOD1 0x0004
++#define MODKEY_RMOD1 0x0008
++#define MODKEY_LMOD2 0x0010
++#define MODKEY_RMOD2 0x0020
++#define MODKEY_CAPS_LOCK 0x0040
++#define MODKEY_SHIFT_LOCK 0x0080
+ // ---------------
+ // - Mouse-Types -
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=vcl.vpj vcl.clean/inc/vcl/salwtype.hxx vcl/inc/vcl/salwtype.hxx
+--- vcl.clean/inc/vcl/salwtype.hxx 2007-10-09 11:18:22.000000000 -0400
++++ vcl/inc/vcl/salwtype.hxx 2008-02-26 10:52:26.000000000 -0500
+@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ struct SalKeyEvent
+ USHORT mnCode; // SV-KeyCode (KEY_xxx | KEY_SHIFT | KEY_MOD1 | KEY_MOD2)
+ USHORT mnCharCode; // SV-CharCode
+ USHORT mnRepeat; // Repeat-Count (KeyInputs-1)
++ BYTE mnExtraMod;
+ };
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=vcl.vpj vcl.clean/source/window/winproc.cxx vcl/source/window/winproc.cxx
+--- vcl.clean/source/window/winproc.cxx 2008-01-29 11:18:55.000000000 -0500
++++ vcl/source/window/winproc.cxx 2008-02-26 14:29:58.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ static Window* ImplGetKeyInputWindow( Wi
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static long ImplHandleKey( Window* pWindow, USHORT nSVEvent,
+- USHORT nKeyCode, USHORT nCharCode, USHORT nRepeat, BOOL bForward )
++ USHORT nKeyCode, USHORT nCharCode, USHORT nRepeat, BYTE nExtraMod, BOOL bForward )
+ {
+ ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
+ KeyCode aKeyCode( nKeyCode, nKeyCode );
+@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ static long ImplHandleKey( Window* pWind
+ // allow application key listeners to remove the key event
+ // but make sure we're not forwarding external KeyEvents, (ie where bForward is FALSE)
+ // becasue those are coming back from the listener itself and MUST be processed
+- KeyEvent aKeyEvent( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat );
++ KeyEvent aKeyEvent( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat, nExtraMod );
+ if( bForward )
+ {
+@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ static long ImplHandleKey( Window* pWind
+ ImplDelData aDelData;
+ pChild->ImplAddDel( &aDelData );
+- KeyEvent aKeyEvt( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat );
++ KeyEvent aKeyEvt( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat, nExtraMod );
+ NotifyEvent aNotifyEvt( nSVEvent, pChild, &aKeyEvt );
+ BOOL bKeyPreNotify = (ImplCallPreNotify( aNotifyEvt ) != 0);
+ long nRet = 1;
+@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ static long ImplHandleKey( Window* pWind
+ // call handler
+ ImplDelData aChildDelData( pChild );
+- KeyEvent aKEvt( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat );
++ KeyEvent aKEvt( (xub_Unicode)nCharCode, aKeyCode, nRepeat, nExtraMod );
+ NotifyEvent aNEvt( nSVEvent, pChild, &aKEvt );
+ BOOL bPreNotify = (ImplCallPreNotify( aNEvt ) != 0);
+ if ( aChildDelData.IsDelete() )
+@@ -2392,28 +2392,28 @@ long ImplWindowFrameProc( Window* pWindo
+ {
+ SalKeyEvent* pKeyEvt = (SalKeyEvent*)pEvent;
+ nRet = ImplHandleKey( pWindow, EVENT_KEYINPUT,
+- pKeyEvt->mnCode, pKeyEvt->mnCharCode, pKeyEvt->mnRepeat, TRUE );
++ pKeyEvt->mnCode, pKeyEvt->mnCharCode, pKeyEvt->mnRepeat, pKeyEvt->mnExtraMod, TRUE );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ KeyEvent* pKeyEvt = (KeyEvent*) pEvent;
+ nRet = ImplHandleKey( pWindow, EVENT_KEYINPUT,
+- pKeyEvt->GetKeyCode().GetFullCode(), pKeyEvt->GetCharCode(), pKeyEvt->GetRepeat(), FALSE );
++ pKeyEvt->GetKeyCode().GetFullCode(), pKeyEvt->GetCharCode(), pKeyEvt->GetRepeat(), 0, FALSE );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ SalKeyEvent* pKeyEvt = (SalKeyEvent*)pEvent;
+ nRet = ImplHandleKey( pWindow, EVENT_KEYUP,
+- pKeyEvt->mnCode, pKeyEvt->mnCharCode, pKeyEvt->mnRepeat, TRUE );
++ pKeyEvt->mnCode, pKeyEvt->mnCharCode, pKeyEvt->mnRepeat, pKeyEvt->mnExtraMod, TRUE );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ KeyEvent* pKeyEvt = (KeyEvent*) pEvent;
+ nRet = ImplHandleKey( pWindow, EVENT_KEYUP,
+- pKeyEvt->GetKeyCode().GetFullCode(), pKeyEvt->GetCharCode(), pKeyEvt->GetRepeat(), FALSE );
++ pKeyEvt->GetKeyCode().GetFullCode(), pKeyEvt->GetCharCode(), pKeyEvt->GetRepeat(), 0, FALSE );
+ }
+ break;
+diff -urp --exclude=CVS --exclude=vcl.vpj vcl.clean/unx/gtk/window/gtkframe.cxx vcl/unx/gtk/window/gtkframe.cxx
+--- vcl.clean/unx/gtk/window/gtkframe.cxx 2008-01-29 11:21:11.000000000 -0500
++++ vcl/unx/gtk/window/gtkframe.cxx 2008-02-26 14:31:19.000000000 -0500
+@@ -84,9 +84,13 @@ using namespace com::sun::star;
+ int GtkSalFrame::m_nFloats = 0;
+-static USHORT GetKeyModCode( guint state )
++static USHORT GetKeyModCode( guint state, BYTE& rExtraMod )
+ {
+ USHORT nCode = 0;
++ rExtraMod = 0;
++ if ((state & GDK_LOCK_MASK))
++ rExtraMod |= MODKEY_LOCK;
+ if( (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) )
+ nCode |= KEY_SHIFT;
+ if( (state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
+@@ -108,7 +112,8 @@ static USHORT GetKeyModCode( guint state
+ static USHORT GetMouseModCode( guint state )
+ {
+- USHORT nCode = GetKeyModCode( state );
++ BYTE extmod;
++ USHORT nCode = GetKeyModCode( state, extmod );
+ if( (state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) )
+ nCode |= MOUSE_LEFT;
+ if( (state & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) )
+@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ void GtkSalFrame::doKeyCallback( guint s
+ aEvent.mnCode = GetKeyCode( updated_keyval );
+ }
+ }
+- aEvent.mnCode |= GetKeyModCode( state );
++ aEvent.mnCode |= GetKeyModCode( state, aEvent.mnExtraMod );
+ if( bDown )
+ {
+@@ -2773,8 +2778,8 @@ gboolean GtkSalFrame::signalKey( GtkWidg
+ pEvent->keyval == GDK_Meta_L || pEvent->keyval == GDK_Meta_R )
+ {
+ SalKeyModEvent aModEvt;
+- USHORT nModCode = GetKeyModCode( pEvent->state );
++ BYTE nExtraMod;
++ USHORT nModCode = GetKeyModCode( pEvent->state, nExtraMod );
+ aModEvt.mnModKeyCode = 0; // emit no MODKEYCHANGE events
+ if( pEvent->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS && !pThis->m_nKeyModifiers )
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