libsoup r1034 - in branches/libsoup-2.4: . docs/reference libsoup tests
- From: danw svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: libsoup r1034 - in branches/libsoup-2.4: . docs/reference libsoup tests
- Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 23:47:32 +0000 (GMT)
Author: danw
Date: Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
New Revision: 1034
* libsoup/soup-uri.c: Add more documentation.
(soup_uri_is_https): gone, replaced by SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP /
(soup_uri_new): allow passing NULL to get back an "empty" SoupURI.
(soup_uri_to_string): rename just_path to just_path_and_query, to
avoid fooling people.
(soup_uri_decode, soup_uri_normalize): Change these to return the
decoded/normalized string rather than modifying it in place.
(soup_uri_set_scheme, etc): provide setters for SoupURI parts.
(soup_uri_set_query_from_form): set uri->query via
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/docs/reference/libsoup-sections.txt
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/docs/reference/libsoup-sections.txt (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/docs/reference/libsoup-sections.txt Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -461,14 +461,28 @@
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-connection.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-connection.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-connection.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
if (priv->proxy_uri) {
priv->conn_uri = priv->proxy_uri;
if (priv->origin_uri &&
- soup_uri_is_https (priv->origin_uri))
+ priv->origin_uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS)
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
goto done;
- if (soup_uri_is_https (priv->conn_uri)) {
+ if (priv->conn_uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS) {
if (!soup_socket_start_ssl (sock, NULL)) {
goto done;
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
g_signal_connect (priv->socket, "disconnected",
G_CALLBACK (socket_disconnected), conn);
- if (soup_uri_is_https (priv->conn_uri)) {
+ if (priv->conn_uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS) {
if (!soup_socket_start_ssl (priv->socket, NULL)) {
goto fail;
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-server.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-server.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-server.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -619,8 +619,11 @@
char *auth_user;
if (!priv->raw_paths) {
+ char *decoded_path;
uri = soup_message_get_uri (req);
- soup_uri_decode (uri->path);
+ decoded_path = soup_uri_decode (uri->path);
+ soup_uri_set_path (uri, decoded_path);
/* Add required response headers */
@@ -1002,12 +1005,12 @@
* @path and @query contain the likewise-named components of the
* Request-URI, subject to certain assumptions. By default,
* #SoupServer decodes all percent-encoding in the URI path, such that
- * "/foo%%2Fbar" is treated the same as "/foo/bar". If your server is
- * serving resources in some non-POSIX-filesystem namespace, you may
- * want to distinguish those as two distinct paths. In that case, you
- * can set the %SOUP_SERVER_RAW_PATHS property when creating the
- * #SoupServer, and it will leave those characters undecoded. (You may
- * want to call soup_uri_normalize() to decode any percent-encoded
+ * "/foo%<!-- -->2Fbar" is treated the same as "/foo/bar". If your
+ * server is serving resources in some non-POSIX-filesystem namespace,
+ * you may want to distinguish those as two distinct paths. In that
+ * case, you can set the %SOUP_SERVER_RAW_PATHS property when creating
+ * the #SoupServer, and it will leave those characters undecoded. (You
+ * may want to call soup_uri_normalize() to decode any percent-encoded
* characters that you aren't handling specially.)
* @query contains the query component of the Request-URI parsed
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-session.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-session.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-session.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -486,7 +486,8 @@
host = g_slice_new0 (SoupSessionHost);
host->root_uri = soup_uri_copy_root (source_uri);
- if (soup_uri_is_https (host->root_uri) && !priv->ssl_creds) {
+ if (host->root_uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS &&
+ !priv->ssl_creds) {
priv->ssl_creds =
soup_ssl_get_client_credentials (priv->ssl_ca_file);
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "soup-uri.h"
+#include "soup-form.h"
#include "soup-misc.h"
@@ -24,7 +25,61 @@
* in the server callback.
+ * SoupURI:
+ * @scheme: the URI scheme (eg, "http")
+ * @user: a username, or %NULL
+ * @password: a password, or %NULL
+ * @host: the hostname or IP address
+ * @port: the port number on @host
+ * @path: the path on @host
+ * @query: a query for @path, or %NULL
+ * @fragment: a fragment identifier within @path, or %NULL
+ *
+ * A #SoupURI represents a (parsed) URI. #SoupURI supports RFC 3986
+ * (URI Generic Syntax), and can parse any valid URI. However, libsoup
+ * only uses "http" and "https" URIs internally.
+ *
+ * @scheme will always be set in any URI. It is an interned string and
+ * is always all lowercase. (If you parse a URI with a non-lowercase
+ * scheme, it will be converted to lowercase.) The macros
+ * interned values for "http" and "https" and can be compared against
+ * URI @scheme values.
+ *
+ * @user and @password are parsed as defined in the older URI specs
+ * (ie, separated by a colon; RFC 3986 only talks about a single
+ * "userinfo" field). Note that @password is not included in the
+ * output of soup_uri_to_string(). libsoup does not normally use these
+ * fields; authentication is handled via #SoupSession signals.
+ *
+ * @host contains the hostname, and @port the port specified in the
+ * URI. If the URI doesn't contain a hostname, @host will be %NULL,
+ * and if it doesn't specify a port, @port may be 0. However, for
+ * "http" and "https" URIs, @host is guaranteed to be non-%NULL
+ * (trying to parse an http URI with no @host will return %NULL), and
+ * @port will always be non-0 (because libsoup knows the default value
+ * to use when it is not specified in the URI).
+ *
+ * @path is always non-%NULL. For http/https URIs, @path will never be
+ * an empty string either; if the input URI has no path, the parsed
+ * #SoupURI will have a @path of "/".
+ *
+ * @query and @fragment are optional for all URI types.
+ * soup_form_decode_urlencoded() may be useful for parsing @query.
+ *
+ * Note that @path, @query, and @fragment may contain
+ * %<!-- -->-encoded characters. soup_uri_new() calls
+ * soup_uri_normalize() on them, but not soup_uri_decode(). This is
+ * necessary to ensure that soup_uri_to_string() will generate a URI
+ * that has exactly the same meaning as the original. (In theory,
+ * #SoupURI should leave @user, @password, and @host partially-encoded
+ * as well, but this would be more annoying than useful.)
+ **/
static void append_uri_encoded (GString *str, const char *in, const char *extra_enc_chars);
+static char *uri_decoded_copy (const char *str, int length);
+static char *uri_normalized_copy (const char *str, int length, const char *unescape_extra);
static const char *http_scheme, *https_scheme;
@@ -86,8 +141,9 @@
/* Find fragment. */
end = hash = strchr (uri_string, '#');
if (hash && hash[1]) {
- uri->fragment = g_strdup (hash + 1);
- if (!soup_uri_normalize (uri->fragment, NULL)) {
+ uri->fragment = uri_normalized_copy (hash + 1, strlen (hash + 1),
+ NULL);
+ if (!uri->fragment) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -121,9 +177,9 @@
if (at && at < path) {
colon = strchr (uri_string, ':');
if (colon && colon < at) {
- uri->password = g_strndup (colon + 1,
- at - colon - 1);
- if (!soup_uri_decode (uri->password)) {
+ uri->password = uri_decoded_copy (colon + 1,
+ at - colon - 1);
+ if (!uri->password) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -132,8 +188,9 @@
colon = at;
- uri->user = g_strndup (uri_string, colon - uri_string);
- if (!soup_uri_decode (uri->user)) {
+ uri->user = uri_decoded_copy (uri_string,
+ colon - uri_string);
+ if (!uri->user) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -158,8 +215,8 @@
hostend = colon ? colon : path;
- uri->host = g_strndup (uri_string, hostend - uri_string);
- if (!soup_uri_decode (uri->host)) {
+ uri->host = uri_decoded_copy (uri_string, hostend - uri_string);
+ if (!uri->host) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -180,9 +237,10 @@
question = memchr (uri_string, '?', end - uri_string);
if (question) {
if (question[1]) {
- uri->query = g_strndup (question + 1,
- end - (question + 1));
- if (!soup_uri_normalize (uri->query, NULL)) {
+ uri->query = uri_normalized_copy (question + 1,
+ end - (question + 1),
+ NULL);
+ if (!uri->query) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -191,8 +249,9 @@
if (end != uri_string) {
- uri->path = g_strndup (uri_string, end - uri_string);
- if (!soup_uri_normalize (uri->path, NULL)) {
+ uri->path = uri_normalized_copy (uri_string, end - uri_string,
+ NULL);
+ if (!uri->path) {
soup_uri_free (uri);
return NULL;
@@ -303,6 +362,9 @@
* Parses an absolute URI.
+ * You can also pass %NULL for @uri_string if you want to get back an
+ * "empty" #SoupURI that you can fill in by hand.
+ *
* Return value: a #SoupURI, or %NULL.
SoupURI *
@@ -310,6 +372,9 @@
SoupURI *uri;
+ if (!uri_string)
+ return g_slice_new0 (SoupURI);
uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (NULL, uri_string);
if (!uri)
return NULL;
@@ -325,14 +390,18 @@
* soup_uri_to_string:
* @uri: a #SoupURI
- * @just_path: if %TRUE, output just the path and query portions
+ * @just_path_and_query: if %TRUE, output just the path and query portions
* Returns a string representing @uri.
+ * If @just_path_and_query is %TRUE, this concatenates the path and query
+ * together. That is, it constructs the string that would be needed in
+ * the Request-Line of an HTTP request for @uri.
+ *
* Return value: a string representing @uri, which the caller must free.
char *
-soup_uri_to_string (SoupURI *uri, gboolean just_path)
+soup_uri_to_string (SoupURI *uri, gboolean just_path_and_query)
GString *str;
char *return_result;
@@ -343,9 +412,9 @@
str = g_string_sized_new (20);
- if (uri->scheme && !just_path)
+ if (uri->scheme && !just_path_and_query)
g_string_sprintfa (str, "%s:", uri->scheme);
- if (uri->host && !just_path) {
+ if (uri->host && !just_path_and_query) {
g_string_append (str, "//");
if (uri->user) {
append_uri_encoded (str, uri->user, ":;@?/");
@@ -370,7 +439,7 @@
g_string_append_c (str, '?');
g_string_append (str, uri->query);
- if (uri->fragment && !just_path) {
+ if (uri->fragment && !just_path_and_query) {
g_string_append_c (str, '#');
g_string_append (str, uri->fragment);
@@ -551,8 +620,9 @@
* @part: a URI part
* @escape_extra: additional reserved characters to escape (or %NULL)
- * This %%-encodes the given URI part and returns the escaped version
- * in allocated memory, which the caller must free when it is done.
+ * This %<!-- -->-encodes the given URI part and returns the escaped
+ * version in allocated memory, which the caller must free when it is
+ * done.
* Return value: the encoded URI part
@@ -573,62 +643,58 @@
#define XDIGIT(c) ((c) <= '9' ? (c) - '0' : ((c) & 0x4F) - 'A' + 10)
#define HEXCHAR(s) ((XDIGIT (s[1]) << 4) + XDIGIT (s[2]))
- * soup_uri_decode:
- * @part: a URI part
- *
- * Fully %%-decodes the passed-in URI *in place*. The decoded version
- * is never longer than the encoded version, so there does not need to
- * be any additional space at the end of the string.
- *
- * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an invalid %%-code was
- * encountered.
- */
-soup_uri_decode (char *part)
+char *
+uri_decoded_copy (const char *part, int length)
unsigned char *s, *d;
+ char *decoded = g_strndup (part, length);
- s = d = (unsigned char *)part;
+ s = d = (unsigned char *)decoded;
do {
if (*s == '%') {
if (!g_ascii_isxdigit (s[1]) ||
- !g_ascii_isxdigit (s[2]))
- return FALSE;
+ !g_ascii_isxdigit (s[2])) {
+ g_free (decoded);
+ return NULL;
+ }
*d++ = HEXCHAR (s);
s += 2;
} else
*d++ = *s;
} while (*s++);
- return TRUE;
+ return decoded;
- * soup_uri_normalize:
+ * soup_uri_decode:
* @part: a URI part
- * @unescape_extra: reserved characters to unescape (or %NULL)
- * %%-decodes any "unreserved" characters (or characters in
- * @unescape_extra) in the passed-in URI. The decoding is done *in
- * place*. The decoded version is never longer than the encoded
- * version, so there does not need to be any additional space at the
- * end of the string.
+ * Fully %<!-- -->-decodes @part.
- * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an invalid %%-code was
- * encountered.
+ * Return value: the decoded URI part, or %NULL if an invalid percent
+ * code was encountered.
-soup_uri_normalize (char *part, const char *unescape_extra)
+char *
+soup_uri_decode (const char *part)
+ return uri_decoded_copy (part, strlen (part));
+char *
+uri_normalized_copy (const char *part, int length, const char *unescape_extra)
unsigned char *s, *d, c;
+ char *normalized = g_strndup (part, length);
- s = d = (unsigned char *)part;
+ s = d = (unsigned char *)normalized;
do {
if (*s == '%') {
if (!g_ascii_isxdigit (s[1]) ||
- !g_ascii_isxdigit (s[2]))
- return FALSE;
+ !g_ascii_isxdigit (s[2])) {
+ g_free (normalized);
+ return NULL;
+ }
c = HEXCHAR (s);
if (uri_encoded_char[c] == SOUP_URI_UNRESERVED ||
@@ -644,7 +710,34 @@
*d++ = *s;
} while (*s++);
- return TRUE;
+ return normalized;
+ * soup_uri_normalize:
+ * @part: a URI part
+ * @unescape_extra: reserved characters to unescape (or %NULL)
+ *
+ * %<!-- -->-decodes any "unreserved" characters (or characters in
+ * @unescape_extra) in @part.
+ *
+ * "Unreserved" characters are those that are not allowed to be used
+ * for punctuation according to the URI spec. For example, letters are
+ * unreserved, so soup_uri_normalize() will turn
+ * <literal><!-- -->61r</literal> into
+ * <literal></literal>, which is guaranteed
+ * to mean the same thing. However, "/" is "reserved", so
+ * <literal><!-- -->2Fbar</literal> would not
+ * be changed, because it might mean something different to the
+ * server.
+ *
+ * Return value: the normalized URI part, or %NULL if an invalid percent
+ * code was encountered.
+ */
+char *
+soup_uri_normalize (const char *part, const char *unescape_extra)
+ return uri_normalized_copy (part, strlen (part), unescape_extra);
@@ -653,30 +746,173 @@
* @uri: a #SoupURI
* Tests if @uri uses the default port for its scheme. (Eg, 80 for
- * http.)
+ * http.) (This only works for http and https; libsoup does not know
+ * the default ports of other protocols.)
* Return value: %TRUE or %FALSE
soup_uri_uses_default_port (SoupURI *uri)
+ g_return_val_if_fail (uri->scheme == http_scheme ||
+ uri->scheme == https_scheme, FALSE);
return uri->port == soup_scheme_default_port (uri->scheme);
- * soup_uri_is_https:
+ *
+ * "http" as an interned string. This can be compared directly against
+ * the value of a #SoupURI's <structfield>scheme</structfield>
+ **/
+ *
+ * "https" as an interned string. This can be compared directly
+ * against the value of a #SoupURI's <structfield>scheme</structfield>
+ **/
+ * soup_uri_set_scheme:
* @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @scheme: the URI scheme
- * Tests if @uri uses the "https" scheme.
+ * Sets @uri's scheme to @scheme. (If @scheme is "http" or "https",
+ * then you are responsible for making sure that @uri is otherwise
+ * valid in the other ways libsoup expects, as described in the
+ * #SoupURI documentation.)
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_scheme (SoupURI *uri, const char *scheme)
+ uri->scheme = soup_uri_get_scheme (scheme, strlen (scheme));
+ * soup_uri_set_user:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @user: the username, or %NULL
- * Return value: %TRUE or %FALSE
+ * Sets @uri's user to @user.
-soup_uri_is_https (SoupURI *uri)
+soup_uri_set_user (SoupURI *uri, const char *user)
+ g_free (uri->user);
+ uri->user = g_strdup (user);
+ * soup_uri_set_password:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @password: the password, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's password to @password.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_password (SoupURI *uri, const char *password)
+ g_free (uri->password);
+ uri->password = g_strdup (password);
+ * soup_uri_set_host:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @host: the hostname or IP address, or %NULL
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's host to @host.
+ *
+ * If @host is an IPv6 IP address, it should not include the brackets
+ * required by the URI syntax; they will be added automatically when
+ * converting @uri to a string.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_host (SoupURI *uri, const char *host)
+ g_free (uri->host);
+ uri->host = g_strdup (host);
+ * soup_uri_set_port:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @port: the port, or 0
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's port to @port. If @port is 0, @uri will not have an
+ * explicitly-specified port.
+ *
+ * Note that when constructing an http or https URI by hand, you MUST
+ * set its port to the appropriate value. It will not default to
+ * anything.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_port (SoupURI *uri, guint port)
+ uri->port = port;
+ * soup_uri_set_path:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @path: the path
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's path to @path.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_path (SoupURI *uri, const char *path)
+ g_free (uri->path);
+ uri->path = g_strdup (path);
+ * soup_uri_set_query:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @query: the query
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's query to @query.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_query (SoupURI *uri, const char *query)
+ g_free (uri->query);
+ uri->query = g_strdup (query);
+ * soup_uri_set_query_from_form:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @form: a #GHashTable containing HTML form information
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's query to the result of encoding @form according to the
+ * HTML form rules. See soup_form_encode_urlencoded() for more
+ * information.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_query_from_form (SoupURI *uri, GHashTable *form)
+ g_free (uri->query);
+ uri->query = soup_form_encode_urlencoded (form);
+ * soup_uri_set_fragment:
+ * @uri: a #SoupURI
+ * @fragment: the fragment
+ *
+ * Sets @uri's fragment to @fragment.
+ **/
+soup_uri_set_fragment (SoupURI *uri, const char *fragment)
- return https_scheme && uri->scheme == https_scheme;
+ g_free (uri->fragment);
+ uri->fragment = g_strdup (fragment);
soup_uri_get_type (void)
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.h
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.h (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/libsoup/soup-uri.h Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -30,28 +30,49 @@
GType soup_uri_get_type (void);
#define SOUP_TYPE_URI (soup_uri_get_type ())
-SoupURI *soup_uri_new_with_base (SoupURI *base,
- const char *uri_string);
-SoupURI *soup_uri_new (const char *uri_string);
+#define SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP (g_intern_static_string ("http"))
+#define SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS (g_intern_static_string ("https"))
-char *soup_uri_to_string (SoupURI *uri,
- gboolean just_path);
-SoupURI *soup_uri_copy (SoupURI *uri);
-gboolean soup_uri_equal (SoupURI *uri1,
- SoupURI *uri2);
-void soup_uri_free (SoupURI *uri);
-char *soup_uri_encode (const char *part,
- const char *escape_extra);
-gboolean soup_uri_decode (char *part);
-gboolean soup_uri_normalize (char *part,
- const char *unescape_extra);
-gboolean soup_uri_uses_default_port (SoupURI *uri);
-gboolean soup_uri_is_https (SoupURI *uri);
+SoupURI *soup_uri_new_with_base (SoupURI *base,
+ const char *uri_string);
+SoupURI *soup_uri_new (const char *uri_string);
+char *soup_uri_to_string (SoupURI *uri,
+ gboolean just_path_and_query);
+SoupURI *soup_uri_copy (SoupURI *uri);
+gboolean soup_uri_equal (SoupURI *uri1,
+ SoupURI *uri2);
+void soup_uri_free (SoupURI *uri);
+char *soup_uri_encode (const char *part,
+ const char *escape_extra);
+char *soup_uri_decode (const char *part);
+char *soup_uri_normalize (const char *part,
+ const char *unescape_extra);
+gboolean soup_uri_uses_default_port (SoupURI *uri);
+void soup_uri_set_scheme (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *scheme);
+void soup_uri_set_user (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *user);
+void soup_uri_set_password (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *password);
+void soup_uri_set_host (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *host);
+void soup_uri_set_port (SoupURI *uri,
+ guint port);
+void soup_uri_set_path (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *path);
+void soup_uri_set_query (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *query);
+void soup_uri_set_query_from_form (SoupURI *uri,
+ GHashTable *form);
+void soup_uri_set_fragment (SoupURI *uri,
+ const char *fragment);
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/ntlm-test.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/ntlm-test.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/ntlm-test.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -185,9 +185,7 @@
SoupMessage *msg;
- uri = soup_uri_copy (base_uri);
- g_free (uri->path);
- uri->path = g_strdup (path);
+ uri = soup_uri_new_with_base (base_uri, path);
msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
soup_uri_free (uri);
@@ -330,7 +328,7 @@
loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
uri = soup_uri_new ("http://localhost/";);
- uri->port = soup_server_get_port (server);
+ soup_uri_set_port (uri, soup_server_get_port (server));
do_ntlm_tests (uri);
soup_uri_free (uri);
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/query-test.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/query-test.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/query-test.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@
GMainLoop *loop;
SoupServer *server;
guint port;
- SoupURI *uri;
char *uri_str;
test_init (argc, argv, no_test_entry);
@@ -216,11 +215,7 @@
loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
if (run_tests) {
- uri = soup_uri_new ("http://localhost";);
- uri->port = port;
- uri_str = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE);
- soup_uri_free (uri);
+ uri_str = g_strdup_printf ("http://localhost:%u";, port);
do_query_tests (uri_str);
g_free (uri_str);
} else {
Modified: branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/server-auth-test.c
--- branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/server-auth-test.c (original)
+++ branches/libsoup-2.4/tests/server-auth-test.c Mon Jan 14 23:47:32 2008
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
if (run_tests) {
uri = soup_uri_new ("http://localhost";);
- uri->port = soup_server_get_port (server);
+ soup_uri_set_port (uri, soup_server_get_port (server));
do_auth_tests (uri);
soup_uri_free (uri);
} else {
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