beagle r4422 - branches/beagle-rdf/Util/SemWeb

Author: dbera
Date: Sat Jan 26 23:29:23 2008
New Revision: 4422

Missed this file in the previous commit.


Added: branches/beagle-rdf/Util/SemWeb/SpecialRelations.cs
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/beagle-rdf/Util/SemWeb/SpecialRelations.cs	Sat Jan 26 23:29:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+using System;
+using SemWeb;
+namespace SemWeb.Inference {
+	public abstract class RdfRelation : SemWeb.Query.RdfFunction {
+		public override Resource Evaluate (Resource[] args) {
+			Resource r = null;
+			if (Evaluate(args, ref r))
+				return r;
+			return null;
+		}
+		public abstract bool Evaluate(Resource[] args, ref Resource @object);
+	}
+	namespace Relations {
+		internal abstract class MathUnaryRelation : RdfRelation {
+			protected abstract Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left);
+			protected abstract Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right);
+			public override bool Evaluate(Resource[] args, ref Resource @object) {
+				if (args.Length != 1) return false;
+				if (args[0] == null && @object == null) return false;
+				if ((args[0] != null && !(args[0] is Literal)) || (@object != null && !(@object is Literal))) return false;
+				try {
+				if (args[0] == null) {
+					Decimal right = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)@object).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+					Decimal left = EvaluateReverse(right);
+					if (left == Decimal.MinValue) return false;
+					args[0] = Literal.FromValue(left);
+					return true;
+				} else {
+					Decimal left = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)args[0]).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+					Decimal right  = EvaluateForward(left);
+					if (@object == null) {
+						@object = Literal.FromValue(right);
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						Decimal right2 = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)@object).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+						return right == right2;
+					}
+				}
+				} catch (FormatException) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathAbsoluteValueRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return left >= 0 ? left : -left; }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return Decimal.MinValue; }
+		}
+		internal class MathCosRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)Math.Cos((double)left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return (Decimal)Math.Acos((double)right); }
+		}
+		internal class MathDegreesRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)((double)left * Math.PI / 180.0); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return (Decimal)((double)right * 180.0 / Math.PI); }
+		}
+		internal class MathEqualToRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return left; }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return right; }
+		}
+		internal class MathNegationRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return -left; }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return -right; }
+		}
+		internal class MathRoundedRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return Decimal.Floor(left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return Decimal.MinValue; }
+		}
+		internal class MathSinRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)Math.Sin((double)left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return (Decimal)Math.Asin((double)right); }
+		}
+		internal class MathSinhRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)Math.Sinh((double)left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return Decimal.MinValue; }
+		}
+		internal class MathTanRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)Math.Tan((double)left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return (Decimal)Math.Atan((double)right); }
+		}
+		internal class MathTanhRelation : MathUnaryRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateForward(Decimal left) { return (Decimal)Math.Tanh((double)left); }
+			protected override Decimal EvaluateReverse(Decimal right) { return Decimal.MinValue; }
+		}
+		internal abstract class MathPairRelation : RdfRelation {
+			protected abstract Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right);
+			public override bool Evaluate(Resource[] args, ref Resource @object) {
+				if (args.Length != 2) return false;
+				if (args[0] == null || !(args[0] is Literal)) return false;
+				if (args[1] == null || !(args[1] is Literal)) return false;
+				try {
+				Decimal left = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)args[0]).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+				Decimal right = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)args[1]).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+				Resource newvalue = Literal.FromValue(Evaluate(left, right));
+				if (@object == null) {
+					@object = newvalue;
+					return true;
+				} else {
+					return @object.Equals(newvalue);
+				}
+				} catch (FormatException) {
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathAtan2Relation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return (Decimal)Math.Atan2((double)left, (double)right); }
+		}
+		internal class MathDifferenceRelation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return left - right; }
+		}
+		internal class MathExponentiationRelation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return (Decimal)Math.Pow((double)left, (double)right); }
+		}
+		internal class MathIntegerQuotientRelation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return Decimal.Floor((left / right)); }
+		}
+		internal class MathQuotientRelation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return left / right; }
+		}
+		internal class MathRemainderRelation : MathPairRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return left % right; }
+		}
+		internal abstract class MathListRelation : RdfRelation {
+			protected abstract Decimal InitialValue { get; }
+			protected abstract Decimal Combine(Decimal left, Decimal right);
+			public override bool Evaluate(Resource[] args, ref Resource @object) {
+				Decimal sum = InitialValue;
+				foreach (Resource r in args) {
+					if (r == null) return false;
+					if (!(r is Literal)) return false;
+					try {
+						Decimal v = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)r).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+						sum = Combine(sum, v);
+					} catch (FormatException) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+				Resource newvalue = Literal.FromValue(sum);
+				if (@object == null) {
+					@object = newvalue;
+					return true;
+				} else {
+					return @object.Equals(newvalue);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathSumRelation : MathListRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal InitialValue { get { return Decimal.Zero; } }
+			protected override Decimal Combine(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return left + right; }
+		}
+		internal class MathProductRelation : MathListRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			protected override Decimal InitialValue { get { return Decimal.One; } }
+			protected override Decimal Combine(Decimal left, Decimal right) { return left * right; }
+		}
+		internal abstract class MathComparisonRelation : RdfRelation {
+			public override Resource Evaluate (Resource[] args) {
+				if (args.Length != 2)
+					throw new InvalidOperationException("This relation takes two arguments.");
+				Resource left = args[0];
+				Resource right = args[1];
+				bool result = Evaluate(new Resource[] { left }, ref right);
+				return Literal.FromValue(result);
+			}
+			public abstract bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right);
+			public override bool Evaluate(Resource[] args, ref Resource @object) {
+				if (args.Length != 1) return false;
+				if (args[0] == null || @object == null) return false;
+				if (!(args[0] is Literal) || !(@object is Literal)) return false;
+				try {
+					Decimal left = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)args[0]).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+					Decimal right = (Decimal)Convert.ChangeType( ((Literal)@object).ParseValue() , typeof(Decimal) );
+					return Evaluate(left, right);
+				} catch (FormatException) {
+					return false;
+				}				
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathGreaterThanRelation : MathComparisonRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			public override bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) {
+				return left > right;
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathLessThanRelation : MathComparisonRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			public override bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) {
+				return left < right;
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathNotGreaterThanRelation : MathComparisonRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			public override bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) {
+				return !(left > right);
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathNotLessThanRelation : MathComparisonRelation {
+			// NOTE: The schema lists this as "notlessThan" with a lowercase
+			// L! I've put it in here with a capital L.
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			public override bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) {
+				return !(left < right);
+			}
+		}
+		internal class MathNotEqualToRelation : MathComparisonRelation {
+			public override string Uri { get { return "";; } }
+			public override bool Evaluate(Decimal left, Decimal right) {
+				return !(left == right);
+			}
+		}
+	}

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