ooo-build r13189 - in branches/ooo-build-2-4-1: . src/sdf

Author: thorstenb
Date: Mon Jul 14 11:33:37 2008
New Revision: 13189

	* src/sdf/de-patches.sdf: Following Tor's example, fixed up a few
	German translations.


Modified: branches/ooo-build-2-4-1/src/sdf/de-patches.sdf
--- branches/ooo-build-2-4-1/src/sdf/de-patches.sdf	(original)
+++ branches/ooo-build-2-4-1/src/sdf/de-patches.sdf	Mon Jul 14 11:33:37 2008
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@
 sc	source\ui\src\filter.src	0	stringlist	RID_SCDLG_FILTER.LB_COND3	14			0	en-US	Ends with				20051112 14:45:13
 sc	source\ui\src\filter.src	0	stringlist	RID_SCDLG_FILTER.LB_COND3	14			0	de	Endet mit				20051112 14:45:13
 sc	source\ui\src\popup.src	0	menuitem	RID_POPUP_PAGEBREAK	SID_INSERT_POSTIT	SID_INSERT_POSTIT		0	en-US	Insert Not~e				20051112 14:45:13
-sc	source\ui\src\popup.src	0	menuitem	RID_POPUP_PAGEBREAK	SID_INSERT_POSTIT	SID_INSERT_POSTIT		0	de	Nicht einfÃgen~e				20051112 14:45:13
+sc	source\ui\src\popup.src	0	menuitem	RID_POPUP_PAGEBREAK	SID_INSERT_POSTIT	SID_INSERT_POSTIT		0	de	Notiz einfÃgen~e				20051112 14:45:13
 sc	source\ui\src\sortdlg.src	0	checkbox	RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS	BTN_NATURALSORT			242	en-US	Enable ~natural sort				20060218 15:28:33
 sc	source\ui\src\sortdlg.src	0	checkbox	RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS	BTN_NATURALSORT			242	de	Aktiviere ~natÃrliche Sortierung				20060218 15:28:33 
 sd	source\ui\app\menuids_tmpl.src	0	menuitem	MN_SAVE_GRAPHIC		SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	0	en-US	Save ~Graphic...				20051112 14:45:13
-sd	source\ui\app\menuids_tmpl.src	0	menuitem	MN_SAVE_GRAPHIC		SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	0	de	Speicher ~Graphik...				20051112 14:45:13
+sd	source\ui\app\menuids_tmpl.src	0	menuitem	MN_SAVE_GRAPHIC		SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	SID_SAVE_GRAPHIC	0	de	~Grafik speichern...				20051112 14:45:13
 helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	bm_id3147228				0	en-US	\<bookmark_value\>sorting; options for database ranges\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>sorting;Asian languages\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>Asian languages;sorting\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>phonebook sorting rules\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>natural sort algorithm\</bookmark_value\>				20060208 23:29:45
 helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	bm_id3147228				0	de	\<bookmark_value\>sorting; options for database ranges\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>sorting;Asian languages\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>Asian languages;sorting\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>phonebook sorting rules\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>natural sort algorithm\</bookmark_value\>				20060211 17:16:46
 helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	hd_id3147438				0	en-US	Enable natural sort				20060208 23:29:45
 helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	hd_id3147438				0	de	Aktiviere natÃrliche Sortierung				20060211 17:16:46
 helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	par_id3149378				0	en-US	\<ahelp hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS:BTN_NATURALSORT\"\>Natural sort is a sort algorithm that sorts string-prefixed numbers based on the value of the numerical element in each sorted number, instead of the traditional way of sorting them as ordinary strings.\</ahelp\> For instance, let's assume you have a series of values such as, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, ..., A19, A20, A21. When you put these values into a range of cells and run the sort, it will become A1, A11, A12, A13, ..., A19, A2, A20, A21, A3, A4, A5, ..., A9. While this sorting behavior may make sense to those who understand the underlying sorting mechanism, to the rest of the population it seems completely bizarre, if not outright inconvenient. With the natural sort feature enabled, values such as the ones in the above example get sorted "properly", which improves the convenience of sorting operations in general.				20060208 2
-helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	par_id3149378				0	de	\<ahelp hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS:BTN_NATURALSORT\"\>Die natÃrliche Sortierung ist ein Sortieralgorithms, der Zahlen mit vorangestellter Zeichenkette anhand des numerischen Wertes des Zahlenteils sortiert anstatt nach der Ãblichen Art der Sortierung als Zeichenkette.\</ahelp\> Nehmen wir beispielsweise an, dass wir die Folge A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, ..., A19, A20, A21 haben. Wenn man diese Werte in eine Reihe von Zellen eintrÃgt und sie sortiert, erhÃlt man A1, A11, A12, A13, ..., A19, A2, A20, A21, A3, A4, A5, ..., A9. Da dieses Sortierverhalten keinen Sinn macht, wenn man das verwendete Sortierverfahen nicht kennt, werden die meisten dies als total bizarr oder gÃnzlich ungewÃhnlich ansehen. Wird die natÃrliche Sortierung bei Werten wie im genannten Beispiel angewendet, erhÃlt man eine "richtige" also generell eine zweckmÃÃigiere Sortierung.				20060211 17:16:46
+helpcontent2	source\text\scalc\01\12030200.xhp	0	help	par_id3149378				0	de	\<ahelp hid=\"SC:CHECKBOX:RID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS:BTN_NATURALSORT\"\>Die natÃrliche Sortierung ist ein Sortieralgorithms, der Zahlen mit vorangestellter Zeichenkette anhand des numerischen Wertes des Zahlenteils sortiert, anstatt nach der Ãblichen Art der Sortierung als Zeichenkette.\</ahelp\> Nehmen wir beispielsweise an, dass wir die Folge A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, ..., A19, A20, A21 haben. Wenn man diese Werte in eine Reihe von Zellen eintrÃgt und sie sortiert, erhÃlt man A1, A11, A12, A13, ..., A19, A2, A20, A21, A3, A4, A5, ..., A9. Da dieses Sortierverhalten keinen Sinn macht, wenn man das verwendete Sortierverfahen nicht kennt, werden die meisten dies als total bizarr oder gÃnzlich ungewÃhnlich ansehen. Wird die natÃrliche Sortierung bei Werten wie im genannten Beispiel angewendet, erhÃlt man eine "richtige" also generell eine zweckmÃÃigiere Sortierung.				20060211 17:16:46
 scp2	source\accessories\module_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES				0	en-US	Accessories				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES				0	de	ZubehÃr				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES				0	en-US	Useful %PRODUCTNAME accessories including various Galleries, Templates, Sample documents and Fonts.				20051221 23:33:07
-scp2	source\accessories\module_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES				0	de	NÃtzliches %PRODUCTNAME ZubehÃr inclusive verschiederer Bilder, Vorlagen, ausgewÃhlter Dokumente und Schriften.				20051221 23:33:07
+scp2	source\accessories\module_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES				0	de	NÃtzliches %PRODUCTNAME ZubehÃr einschlieÃlich verschiedener Bilder, Vorlagen, ausgewÃhlter Dokumente und Schriften.				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_gallery_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_GALLERY				0	en-US	Gallery				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_gallery_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_GALLERY				0	de	Gallery				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_gallery_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_GALLERY				0	en-US	The %PRODUCTNAME Gallery contains more than 2900 element in various themes.				20051221 23:33:07
-scp2	source\accessories\module_gallery_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_GALLERY				0	de	Die %PRODUCTNAME Gallery umfasst mehr als 2900 Elemente thematisch geordnet.				20051221 23:33:07
+scp2	source\accessories\module_gallery_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_GALLERY				0	de		Die %PRODUCTNAME Gallery umfasst mehr als 2900 thematisch geordnete Elemente.				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_templates_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_TEMPLATES				0	en-US	Templates				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_templates_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_NAME_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_TEMPLATES				0	de	Vorlagen				20051221 23:33:07
 scp2	source\accessories\module_templates_accessories.ulf	0	LngText	STR_DESC_MODULE_OPTIONAL_ACCESSORIES_TEMPLATES				0	en-US	Create perfect documents within seconds with document templates.				20051221 23:33:07
@@ -69,37 +69,37 @@
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu	0	value	..GenericCommands.UserInterface.Commands.macro:///Premium.OOoHelpDocumentation.OpenHelpDocument	Label			0	en-US	User's manual				20050706 14:45:13
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\GenericCommands.xcu	0	value	..GenericCommands.UserInterface.Commands.macro:///Premium.OOoHelpDocumentation.OpenHelpDocument	Label			0	de	Anwenderhandbuch				20060706 14:45:13
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.tile-flip	Label			0	en-US	Flipping tiles				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.tile-flip	Label			0	de	Schwebene Kacheln				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.tile-flip	Label			0	de	Drehende Kacheln				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.outside-cube	Label			0	en-US	Outside turning cube				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.outside-cube	Label			0	de	AuÃerhalb 				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.outside-cube	Label		0	de	AuÃen drehender WÃrfel 				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.revolving-circles	Label			0	en-US	Revolving circles				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.revolving-circles	Label			0	de	Drehende Kreise				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turning-helix	Label			0	en-US	Turning helix				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turning-helix	Label			0	de	Drehende Helix				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.inside-cube	Label			0	en-US	Inside turning cube				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.inside-cube	Label			0	de	Hineindrehender Kubus				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.inside-cube	Label	0	de	Innen drehender WÃrfel				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.fall	Label			0	en-US	Fall				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.fall	Label			0	de	Abnahme				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-around	Label			0	en-US	Turn around				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-around	Label			0	de	Umkehren				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-around	Label			0	de	Umdrehen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.iris	Label			0	en-US	Iris				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.iris	Label			0	de	Iris				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-down	Label			0	en-US	Turn down				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-down	Label			0	de	Ablehnung				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.turn-down	Label			0	de	Herunterdrehen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.rochade	Label			0	en-US	Rochade				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.rochade	Label			0	de	Umtausch				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.rochade	Label			0	de	Rochade				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.venetian3dv	Label			0	en-US	Venetian Blinds 3D Vertical				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.venetian3dv	Label			0	de	Jalousie 3D vertikal				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.venetian3dh	Label			0	en-US	Venetian Blinds 3D Horizontal				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.venetian3dh	Label			0	de	Jalousie 3D horizontal				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.static	Label			0	en-US	Static				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.static	Label			0	de	Statisch				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.static	Label			0	de	Rauschen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.finedissolve	Label			0	en-US	Fine Dissolve				2002-02-02 02:02:02
-officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.finedissolve	Label			0	de	Feine AuflÃsung				2002-02-02 02:02:02
+officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\Effects.xcu	0	value	..Effects.UserInterface.Transitions.finedissolve	Label			0	de	Feines AuflÃsen				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\CalcCommands.xcu	0	value	Label			0	en-US	Toggle Grid Lines for Current Sheet				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 officecfg	registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI\CalcCommands.xcu	0	value	Label			0	de	Gitterlinien fÃr aktuelle Tabelle umschalten				2002-02-02 02:02:02
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MAINDLG_TITLE				0	en-US	Optimization Solver				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MAINDLG_TITLE				0	de	OptimierungslÃser				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MAINDLG_TITLE				0	de	Optimierender GleichungslÃser				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_DEFINE_MODEL				49528	en-US	Model				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_DEFINE_MODEL				49528	de	Modell				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_SET_TARGET_CELL				49528	en-US	Target				20071010 14:10:23
@@ -149,19 +149,19 @@
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_SOLUTION_FOUND				49528	en-US	Solution found				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_SOLUTION_FOUND				49528	de	LÃsung gefunden				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_CELL_GEOMETRIES_DIFFER				49528	en-US	Cell geometries differ				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_CELL_GEOMETRIES_DIFFER				49528	de	Zellgeometrien differieren				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_CELL_GEOMETRIES_DIFFER				49528	de	Zellgeometrien unterschiedlich				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_MAX_ITERATION_REACHED				50320	en-US	Maximum iteration reached				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_MAX_ITERATION_REACHED				50320	de	Maximum der Iterationen erreicht				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_MAX_ITERATION_REACHED				50320	de	Maximale Anzahl Iterationen erreicht				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_STD_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT				49744	en-US	Standard exception caught				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_STD_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT				49744	de	Standard Ausnahmebereich				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_STD_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT				49744	de	Standard Ausnahme aufgetreten				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_ITERATION_TIMED_OUT				49928	en-US	Iteration timed out				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_ITERATION_TIMED_OUT				49928	de	Time-out Interation				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_ITERATION_TIMED_OUT				49928	de	Iteration Ãberschreitet Zeitlimit				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_GOAL_NOT_SET				49528	en-US	Goal is not set				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_MSG_GOAL_NOT_SET				49528	de	Ziel ist nicht gesetzt				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTIONDLG_TITLE				49528	en-US	Options				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTIONDLG_TITLE				49528	de	Optionen				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_ASSUME_LINEAR				49864	en-US	Assume linear model				20071010 14:10:23
-scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_ASSUME_LINEAR				49864	de	Lineares Model angenommen				20071010 14:10:23
+scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_ASSUME_LINEAR				49864	de	Lineares Model annehmen				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_VAR_POSITIVE				49760	en-US	Allow only positive values				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_VAR_POSITIVE				49760	de	Nur positve Werte erlaubt				20071010 14:10:23
 scsolver	source\ui\scsolver.src	0	string	SCSOLVER_STR_OPTION_VAR_INTEGER				49856	en-US	Allow only integer values				20071010 14:10:23

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