mango r136 - trunk/lib

Author: ovitters
Date: Tue Mar  4 20:38:53 2008
New Revision: 136

Change indenting (kill them tabs!)


Modified: trunk/lib/user.php
--- trunk/lib/user.php	(original)
+++ trunk/lib/user.php	Tue Mar  4 20:38:53 2008
@@ -4,518 +4,517 @@
 class User {
-	// Main attributes
-	var $uid;
-	var $cn;
-	var $mail;
-	var $description;
-	var $authorizedKeys;
-	// Details of the groups the user is in
-	var $groups;
-        var $uid_from_ldap;
-	// Has 'pubkeyauthenticationuser' objectclass set?
-	var $pubkeyauthenticationuser;
-	function User() {
-		$this->authorizedKeys = array();
-		$this->groups = array();
-                $this->uid_from_ldap = false;
-		$this->pubkeyauthenticationuser = false;
-	}
-	function absorb($entry) {
-		$user = new User();
-		$user->uid = $entry['uid'][0];
-		$user->cn = $entry['cn'][0];
-		$user->mail = $entry['mail'][0];
-		$user->description = $entry['description'][0];
-		if(count($entry['authorizedkey']) > 0) {
-			for($i = 0; $i < $entry['authorizedkey']['count']; $i++) {
-				$user->authorizedKeys[] = $entry['authorizedkey'][$i];
-			}
-		}
-		$user->pubkeyauthenticationuser = false;
-		if(count($entry['objectclass']) > 0) {
-			for($i = 0; $i < $entry['objectclass']['count']; $i++) {
-				$objectclass = $entry['objectclass'][$i];
-				if($objectclass == "pubkeyAuthenticationUser")
-					$user->pubkeyauthenticationuser = true;
-			}
-		}
-		return $user;
-	}
-	function listusers(&$results) {
-		global $config;
-		// Process list of UIDs into an LDAP search criteria
-		$ldapcriteria = "";
-		foreach($results as $key => $result) {
-			$ldapcriteria .= "(uid=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($result).")";
-		}
-		if($ldapcriteria) {
-			$ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|".$ldapcriteria."))";
-		} else {
-			$ldapcriteria = "(objectClass=posixAccount)";
-		}
-		// Connect to LDAP server
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('uid', 'cn', 'mail'));
-		if(!$result) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-		return $entries;
-	}			
-	function adduser() {
-		global $config;
-		// Connect to LDAP server
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		// Identify next UID/GID number
-		$uidNumber = $this->_next_uidnumber($ldap);
-		if(PEAR::isError($uidNumber)) return $uidNumber;
-		if($uidNumber < 1000 || $uidNumber > 10000) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("Dodgy UID number ($uidNumber) found!");
-		}
-		// Add user entry
-		$dn = "uid=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_users_basedn;
-		$entry = array();
-		$entry['objectclass'][] = "posixAccount";
-		$entry['objectclass'][] = "inetOrgPerson";
-		$entry['uid'][] = $this->uid;
-		$entry['uidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
-		$entry['gidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
-		$entry['sn'][] = $this->cn;
-		$entry['cn'][] = $this->cn;
-		$entry['mail'][] = $this->mail;
-		if(!empty($this->description))
-			$entry['description'][] = $this->description;
-		if(count($this->authorizedKeys) > 0) {
-			$entry['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
-			foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $key) {
-				$entry['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
-			}
-		}
-		$entry['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
-		$entry['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
-		$result = ldap_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
-		if(!$result) {
-			$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-			return $pe;
-		}
-		// Add group entry
-		$dn = "cn=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
-		$entry = array();
-		$entry['objectclass'][] = "posixGroup";
-		$entry['cn'][] = $this->uid;
-		$entry['gidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
-		$result = ldap_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
-		if(!$result) {
-			$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-			return $pe;
-		}
-		// Add to groups
-		foreach($this->groups as $group) {
-			$dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
-			$entry = array();
-			$entry['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
-			$result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
-			if(!$result) {
-				$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (groupmember) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-				return $pe;
-			}
-		}
-		// Tidy up		
-		return true;
-	}
-        // by default this searches for 'uid', but can handle other things as well
-        // NOTE: will always pick the first user returned!
-	function fetchuser($search_for, $attribute = "uid") {
-		global $config;
-		// Connect to LDAP server
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		// Gather user attributes
-		$ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)($attribute=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($search_for)."))";
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, $ldapcriteria);
-		if(!$result) {
-			$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-			return $pe;
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-                if ($entries['count'] == 0)
-                    return PEAR::raiseError('No such user');
-		$user = User::absorb($entries[0]);
-		// Gather groups
-		$ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($user->uid)."))";
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_groups_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn'));
-		if(!$result) {
-			$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-			return $pe;
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-		$groups = array();
-		for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
-			$groups[] = $entries[$i]['cn'][0];
-		}
-		$user->groups = $groups;
-                $user->uid_from_ldap = true;
-		// Tidy up		
-		return $user;
-	}
-	function update() {
-		global $config;
-		// Connect to LDAP server
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		// Pull up existing record for comparison
-		$olduser = User::fetchuser($this->uid);
-		if(PEAR::isError($olduser)) return $olduser;
-		if(!is_a($olduser, "User")) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("No user (".$this->uid.") found!");
-		}
-		// What's changed in the user attributes?
-		$dn = "uid=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_users_basedn;
-		$changes = array();
-		$userchanges = array();
-		if($olduser->cn != $this->cn) {
-			$userchanges['cn'][] = $this->cn;
-			$userchanges['sn'][] = $this->cn;
-			$changes[] = "cn";
-		}
-		if($olduser->mail != $this->mail) {
-			$userchanges['mail'][] = $this->mail;
-			$changes[] = "mail";
-		}
-		if($olduser->description != $this->description) {
-			$userchanges['description'][] = $this->description;
-			$changes[] = "description";
-		}
-		// Dropping out of 'gnomecvs'?
-		if(in_array("gnomecvs", $olduser->groups) && !in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups)) {
-			$userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
-			$userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
-		}
-		// Joining 'ftpadmin'?
-		if(!in_array("gnomecvs", $olduser->groups) && in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups)) {
-			$userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
-			$userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
-		}
-		// Dropping out of 'ftpadmin'?
-		if(in_array("ftpadmin", $olduser->groups) && !in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups)) {
-			$userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
-			$userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
-			$changes[] = "shellaccessrevoked";
-		}
-		// Joining 'ftpadmin'?
-		if(!in_array("ftpadmin", $olduser->groups) && in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups)) {
-			$userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
-			$userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
-			$changes[] = "shellaccessgranted";
-		}
-		if(count($userchanges) > 0) {
-			$result = ldap_modify($ldap, $dn, $userchanges);
-			if(!$result) {
-				$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user) modify failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-				return $pe;
-			}
-		}
-		// What's changed with the SSH keys?
-		$removedkeys = array_diff($olduser->authorizedKeys, $this->authorizedKeys);
-		if(is_array($removedkeys) && count($removedkeys) > 0) {
-			$keychanges = array();
-			foreach($removedkeys as $key) {
-			 	$keychanges['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
-			}
-			if(count($this->authorizedKeys) == 0) {
-				$keychanges['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
-				$changes[] = "pubkeyauthdisabled";
-			}
-			$result = ldap_mod_del($ldap, $dn, $keychanges);
-			if(!$result) {
-				$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user keys) delete failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-				return $pe;
-			}
-			$changes[] = "keysremoved";
-		}
-		$newkeys = array_diff($this->authorizedKeys, $olduser->authorizedKeys);
-		if(is_array($newkeys) && count($newkeys) > 0) {
-			$keychanges = array();
-			foreach($newkeys as $key) {
-			 	$keychanges['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
-			}
-			if(count($olduser->authorizedKeys) == 0) {
-				$keychanges['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
-				$changes[] = "pubkeyauthenabled";
-			}
-			$result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $keychanges);
-			if(!$result) {
-				$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user keys) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-				return $pe;
-			}
-			$changes[] = "keysadded";
-		}
-		// What groups are we dropping out of?
-		$removedgroups = array_diff($olduser->groups, $this->groups);
-		if(is_array($removedgroups) && count($removedgroups) > 0) {
-			foreach($removedgroups as $group) {
-				$dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
-				$groupchanges = array();
-			 	$groupchanges['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
-				$result = ldap_mod_del($ldap, $dn, $groupchanges);
-				if(!$result) {
-					$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group '$group') delete failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-					return $pe;
-				}
-				$changes[] = "left-".$group;
-			}
-		}
-		$newgroups = array_diff($this->groups, $olduser->groups);
-		if(is_array($newgroups) && count($newgroups) > 0) {
-			foreach($newgroups as $group) {
-				$dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
-				$groupchanges = array();
-			 	$groupchanges['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
-				$result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $groupchanges);
-				if(!$result) {
-					$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group '$group') add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-					return $pe;
-				}
-				$changes[] = "joined-".$group;
-			}
-		}
-		// Tidy up		
-		return $changes;
-	}
-        function inform_user(&$changes) {
-                global $config;
-                if (count($changes) == 0) return false;
-                // Prepare mail body template variables
-                $maildom = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');
-                $mailnode = $maildom->appendChild($maildom->createElement('user_instructions'));
-                $usernode = $mailnode->appendChild($maildom->createElement("user"));
-                $this->add_to_node($maildom, $usernode);
-                // Report successes
-                foreach($changes as $change) {
-                        $node = $mailnode->appendChild($maildom->createElement("change"));
-                        $node->setAttribute("id", $change);
-                }
+    // Main attributes
+    var $uid;
+    var $cn;
+    var $mail;
+    var $description;
+    var $authorizedKeys;
+    // Details of the groups the user is in
+    var $groups;
+    var $uid_from_ldap;
+    // Has 'pubkeyauthenticationuser' objectclass set?
+    var $pubkeyauthenticationuser;
+    function User() {
+        $this->authorizedKeys = array();
+        $this->groups = array();
+        $this->uid_from_ldap = false;
+        $this->pubkeyauthenticationuser = false;
+    }
+    function absorb($entry) {
+        $user = new User();
+        $user->uid = $entry['uid'][0];
+        $user->cn = $entry['cn'][0];
+        $user->mail = $entry['mail'][0];
+        $user->description = $entry['description'][0];
+        if(count($entry['authorizedkey']) > 0) {
+            for($i = 0; $i < $entry['authorizedkey']['count']; $i++) {
+                $user->authorizedKeys[] = $entry['authorizedkey'][$i];
+            }
+        }
+        $user->pubkeyauthenticationuser = false;
+        if(count($entry['objectclass']) > 0) {
+            for($i = 0; $i < $entry['objectclass']['count']; $i++) {
+                $objectclass = $entry['objectclass'][$i];
+                if($objectclass == "pubkeyAuthenticationUser")
+                    $user->pubkeyauthenticationuser = true;
+            }
+        }
+        return $user;
+    }
+    function listusers(&$results) {
+        global $config;
+        // Process list of UIDs into an LDAP search criteria
+        $ldapcriteria = "";
+        foreach($results as $key => $result) {
+            $ldapcriteria .= "(uid=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($result).")";
+        }
+        if($ldapcriteria) {
+            $ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(|".$ldapcriteria."))";
+        } else {
+            $ldapcriteria = "(objectClass=posixAccount)";
+        }
+        // Connect to LDAP server
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('uid', 'cn', 'mail'));
+        if(!$result) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        return $entries;
+    }           
+    function adduser() {
+        global $config;
+        // Connect to LDAP server
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        // Identify next UID/GID number
+        $uidNumber = $this->_next_uidnumber($ldap);
+        if(PEAR::isError($uidNumber)) return $uidNumber;
+        if($uidNumber < 1000 || $uidNumber > 10000) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("Dodgy UID number ($uidNumber) found!");
+        }
+        // Add user entry
+        $dn = "uid=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_users_basedn;
+        $entry = array();
+        $entry['objectclass'][] = "posixAccount";
+        $entry['objectclass'][] = "inetOrgPerson";
+        $entry['uid'][] = $this->uid;
+        $entry['uidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
+        $entry['gidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
+        $entry['sn'][] = $this->cn;
+        $entry['cn'][] = $this->cn;
+        $entry['mail'][] = $this->mail;
+        if(!empty($this->description))
+            $entry['description'][] = $this->description;
+        if(count($this->authorizedKeys) > 0) {
+            $entry['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
+            foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $key) {
+                $entry['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
+            }
+        }
+        $entry['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
+        $entry['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
+        $result = ldap_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
+        if(!$result) {
+            $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+            return $pe;
+        }
+        // Add group entry
+        $dn = "cn=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
+        $entry = array();
+        $entry['objectclass'][] = "posixGroup";
+        $entry['cn'][] = $this->uid;
+        $entry['gidNumber'][] = $uidNumber;
+        $result = ldap_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
+        if(!$result) {
+            $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+            return $pe;
+        }
+        // Add to groups
+        foreach($this->groups as $group) {
+            $dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
+            $entry = array();
+            $entry['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
+            $result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $entry);
+            if(!$result) {
+                $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (groupmember) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                return $pe;
+            }
+        }
+        // Tidy up      
+        return true;
+    }
+    // by default this searches for 'uid', but can handle other things as well
+    // NOTE: will always pick the first user returned!
+    function fetchuser($search_for, $attribute = "uid") {
+        global $config;
+        // Connect to LDAP server
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        // Gather user attributes
+        $ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)($attribute=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($search_for)."))";
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, $ldapcriteria);
+        if(!$result) {
+            $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+            return $pe;
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        if ($entries['count'] == 0)
+            return PEAR::raiseError('No such user');
+        $user = User::absorb($entries[0]);
+        // Gather groups
+        $ldapcriteria = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=".LDAPUtil::ldap_quote($user->uid)."))";
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_groups_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn'));
+        if(!$result) {
+            $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+            return $pe;
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        $groups = array();
+        for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
+            $groups[] = $entries[$i]['cn'][0];
+        }
+        $user->groups = $groups;
+        $user->uid_from_ldap = true;
+        // Tidy up      
+        return $user;
+    }
+    function update() {
+        global $config;
+        // Connect to LDAP server
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        // Pull up existing record for comparison
+        $olduser = User::fetchuser($this->uid);
+        if(PEAR::isError($olduser)) return $olduser;
+        if(!is_a($olduser, "User")) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("No user (".$this->uid.") found!");
+        }
+        // What's changed in the user attributes?
+        $dn = "uid=".$this->uid.",".$config->ldap_users_basedn;
+        $changes = array();
+        $userchanges = array();
+        if($olduser->cn != $this->cn) {
+            $userchanges['cn'][] = $this->cn;
+            $userchanges['sn'][] = $this->cn;
+            $changes[] = "cn";
+        }
+        if($olduser->mail != $this->mail) {
+            $userchanges['mail'][] = $this->mail;
+            $changes[] = "mail";
+        }
+        if($olduser->description != $this->description) {
+            $userchanges['description'][] = $this->description;
+            $changes[] = "description";
+        }
+        // Dropping out of 'gnomecvs'?
+        if(in_array("gnomecvs", $olduser->groups) && !in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups)) {
+            $userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
+            $userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
+        }
+        // Joining 'ftpadmin'?
+        if(!in_array("gnomecvs", $olduser->groups) && in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups)) {
+            $userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
+            $userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
+        }
+        // Dropping out of 'ftpadmin'?
+        if(in_array("ftpadmin", $olduser->groups) && !in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups)) {
+            $userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
+            $userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
+            $changes[] = "shellaccessrevoked";
+        }
+        // Joining 'ftpadmin'?
+        if(!in_array("ftpadmin", $olduser->groups) && in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups)) {
+            $userchanges['loginShell'][] = $this->which_shell();
+            $userchanges['homeDirectory'][] = $this->which_homedir();
+            $changes[] = "shellaccessgranted";
+        }
+        if(count($userchanges) > 0) {
+            $result = ldap_modify($ldap, $dn, $userchanges);
+            if(!$result) {
+                $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user) modify failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                return $pe;
+            }
+        }
+        // What's changed with the SSH keys?
+        $removedkeys = array_diff($olduser->authorizedKeys, $this->authorizedKeys);
+        if(is_array($removedkeys) && count($removedkeys) > 0) {
+            $keychanges = array();
+            foreach($removedkeys as $key) {
+                $keychanges['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
+            }
+            if(count($this->authorizedKeys) == 0) {
+                $keychanges['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
+                $changes[] = "pubkeyauthdisabled";
+            }
+            $result = ldap_mod_del($ldap, $dn, $keychanges);
+            if(!$result) {
+                $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user keys) delete failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                return $pe;
+            }
+            $changes[] = "keysremoved";
+        }
+        $newkeys = array_diff($this->authorizedKeys, $olduser->authorizedKeys);
+        if(is_array($newkeys) && count($newkeys) > 0) {
+            $keychanges = array();
+            foreach($newkeys as $key) {
+                $keychanges['authorizedKey'][] = $key;
+            }
+            if(count($olduser->authorizedKeys) == 0) {
+                $keychanges['objectclass'][] = "pubkeyAuthenticationUser";
+                $changes[] = "pubkeyauthenabled";
+            }
+            $result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $keychanges);
+            if(!$result) {
+                $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (user keys) add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                return $pe;
+            }
+            $changes[] = "keysadded";
+        }
-                // Process the mail body template
-                $stylesheet = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');
-                $stylesheet->loadXML(file_get_contents("../templates/user_instructions.xsl"));
-                $xsltprocessor = new XSLTProcessor();
-                $xsltprocessor->importStylesheet($stylesheet);
-                $body = $xsltprocessor->transformToXML($maildom);
-                if (empty($body))
-                    return false;
-                $subject = in_array('newuser', $changes) ?
-                           'Your new GNOME account' :
-                           'Changes to your GNOME account';
-                $mime = new Mail_Mime();
-                $mime->setTXTBody($body);
-                $headers = array(
-                        "Reply-To" => "Mango <accounts gnome org>",
-                        "From" => "Mango <accounts gnome org>",
-                        "To" => $this->mail,
-                        "Subject" => $subject,
-                );
-                $params = array(
-                        'head_charset' => 'UTF-8',
-                        'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
-                        'text_charset' => 'UTF-8',
-                );
-                $content = $mime->get($params);
-                $headers = $mime->headers($headers);
-                $mail = &Mail::factory('smtp');
-                $recipient = ($config->mode == 'live') ? $this->mail : $config->support_email;
-                $error = $mail->send($recipient, $headers, $content);
-                return $error;
-        }
-	function _next_uidnumber(&$ldap) {
-		global $config;
-		// Just as dodgy as Jonathan's method ;)
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, "(objectClass=posixAccount)", array("uidNumber", "gidNumber"));
-		if(!$result) {
-			$pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-			return $pe;
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-		// Process entries
-		$watermark = 1000;
-		for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
-			$uidnumber = $entries[$i]['uidnumber'][0];
-			$gidnumber = $entries[$i]['gidnumber'][0];
-			if($uidnumber > $watermark)
-				$newwatermark = $uidnumber;
-			if($gidnumber > $watermark)
-				$newwatermark = $gidnumber;
-			// Ignore really high uidNumbers (such as nobody)
-			if($newwatermark > $watermark && $newwatermark < 10000)
-				$watermark = $newwatermark;
-		}
-		return $watermark + 1;
-	}
-	function which_shell() {
-		if(in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups))
-			return "/bin/bash";
-		if(in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups))
-			return "/bin/bash";
-		return "/sbin/nologin";
-	}
-	function which_homedir() {
-		if(in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups))
-			return "/home/users/".$this->uid;
-		return "/";
-	}
-	function add_to_node(&$dom, &$formnode) {
-		$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("uid"));
-		$node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->uid));
-		$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("cn"));
-		$node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->cn));
-		$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("mail"));
-		$node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->mail));
-		$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("description"));
-		$node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->description));
-		foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $authorizedKey) {
-			$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("authorizedKey"));
-			$node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($authorizedKey));
-		}
-		foreach($this->groups as $group) {
-			$node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("group"));
-			$node->setAttribute("cn", $group);
-		}
-	}
-	function validate() {
-		$errors = array();
-                if(empty($this->uid) || (!$this->uid_from_ldap
-                                         && !preg_match("/^[a-z]{1,12}$/",
-                                                        $this->uid))) {
-			$errors[] = "uid";
-		}
-		if(empty($this->cn))
-			$errors[] = "cn";
-		if(empty($this->mail) || !preg_match('/^[\w\ \+\-=]+ [\w\ \-]+\ [\w\-]+$/', $this->mail))
-			$errors[] = "mail";
-                foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $authorizedKey) {
-                    if (!is_valid_ssh_pub_key($authorizedKey, false)) {
-                        $errors[] = 'keys';
-                        break;
-                    }
+        // What groups are we dropping out of?
+        $removedgroups = array_diff($olduser->groups, $this->groups);
+        if(is_array($removedgroups) && count($removedgroups) > 0) {
+            foreach($removedgroups as $group) {
+                $dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
+                $groupchanges = array();
+                $groupchanges['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
+                $result = ldap_mod_del($ldap, $dn, $groupchanges);
+                if(!$result) {
+                    $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group '$group') delete failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                    return $pe;
+                $changes[] = "left-".$group;
+            }
+        }
+        $newgroups = array_diff($this->groups, $olduser->groups);
+        if(is_array($newgroups) && count($newgroups) > 0) {
+            foreach($newgroups as $group) {
+                $dn = "cn=".$group.",".$config->ldap_groups_basedn;
+                $groupchanges = array();
+                $groupchanges['memberUid'][] = $this->uid;
+                $result = ldap_mod_add($ldap, $dn, $groupchanges);
+                if(!$result) {
+                    $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP (group '$group') add failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+                    return $pe;
+                }
+                $changes[] = "joined-".$group;
+            }
+        }
+        // Tidy up      
+        return $changes;
+    }
+    function inform_user(&$changes) {
+        global $config;
+        if (count($changes) == 0) return false;
+        // Prepare mail body template variables
+        $maildom = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');
+        $mailnode = $maildom->appendChild($maildom->createElement('user_instructions'));
+        $usernode = $mailnode->appendChild($maildom->createElement("user"));
+        $this->add_to_node($maildom, $usernode);
+        // Report successes
+        foreach($changes as $change) {
+            $node = $mailnode->appendChild($maildom->createElement("change"));
+            $node->setAttribute("id", $change);
+        }
-		return $errors;
-	}
-	function user_modules ($all = false) { 
-		global $config;
-		// if all modules including translation based modules
-		if ($all) {
-			$ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule))";
-		} else { 
-			$ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule)(!(objectClass=localizationModule)))";
-		}
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_modules_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn'));
-		if(!$result) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-		return $entries;
-	}
-	function user_languages () { 
-		global $config;
-		$ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule)(objectClass=localizationModule))";
-		$ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
-		if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
-		if(!$ldap) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
-		}
-		$result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_modules_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn', 'localizationTeam'));
-		if(!$result) {
-			return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
-		}
-		$entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
-		return $entries;
-	}
-	function is_maintainer ($module) { 
-		$modules = $this->user_modules(true);
-		for ($i = 0; $i < $modules['count']; $i++) { 
-			if ($modules[$i]['cn'][0] == $module) { 
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
+        // Process the mail body template
+        $stylesheet = new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');
+        $stylesheet->loadXML(file_get_contents("../templates/user_instructions.xsl"));
+        $xsltprocessor = new XSLTProcessor();
+        $xsltprocessor->importStylesheet($stylesheet);
+        $body = $xsltprocessor->transformToXML($maildom);
+        if (empty($body))
+            return false;
+        $subject = in_array('newuser', $changes) ?
+               'Your new GNOME account' :
+               'Changes to your GNOME account';
+        $mime = new Mail_Mime();
+        $mime->setTXTBody($body);
+        $headers = array(
+            "Reply-To" => "Mango <accounts gnome org>",
+            "From" => "Mango <accounts gnome org>",
+            "To" => $this->mail,
+            "Subject" => $subject,
+        );
+        $params = array(
+            'head_charset' => 'UTF-8',
+            'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
+            'text_charset' => 'UTF-8',
+        );
+        $content = $mime->get($params);
+        $headers = $mime->headers($headers);
+        $mail = &Mail::factory('smtp');
+        $recipient = ($config->mode == 'live') ? $this->mail : $config->support_email;
+        $error = $mail->send($recipient, $headers, $content);
+        return $error;
+    }
+    function _next_uidnumber(&$ldap) {
+        global $config;
+        // Just as dodgy as Jonathan's method ;)
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_users_basedn, "(objectClass=posixAccount)", array("uidNumber", "gidNumber"));
+        if(!$result) {
+            $pe = PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+            return $pe;
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        // Process entries
+        $watermark = 1000;
+        for($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; $i++) {
+            $uidnumber = $entries[$i]['uidnumber'][0];
+            $gidnumber = $entries[$i]['gidnumber'][0];
+            if($uidnumber > $watermark)
+                $newwatermark = $uidnumber;
+            if($gidnumber > $watermark)
+                $newwatermark = $gidnumber;
+            // Ignore really high uidNumbers (such as nobody)
+            if($newwatermark > $watermark && $newwatermark < 10000)
+                $watermark = $newwatermark;
+        }
+        return $watermark + 1;
+    }
+    function which_shell() {
+        if(in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups))
+            return "/bin/bash";
+        if(in_array("gnomecvs", $this->groups))
+            return "/bin/bash";
+        return "/sbin/nologin";
+    }
+    function which_homedir() {
+        if(in_array("ftpadmin", $this->groups))
+            return "/home/users/".$this->uid;
+        return "/";
+    }
+    function add_to_node(&$dom, &$formnode) {
+        $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("uid"));
+        $node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->uid));
+        $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("cn"));
+        $node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->cn));
+        $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("mail"));
+        $node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->mail));
+        $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("description"));
+        $node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($this->description));
+        foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $authorizedKey) {
+            $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("authorizedKey"));
+            $node->appendChild($dom->createTextNode($authorizedKey));
+        }
+        foreach($this->groups as $group) {
+            $node = $formnode->appendChild($dom->createElement("group"));
+            $node->setAttribute("cn", $group);
+        }
+    }
+    function validate() {
+        $errors = array();
+        if(empty($this->uid) || (!$this->uid_from_ldap
+                                 && !preg_match("/^[a-z]{1,12}$/", $this->uid))) {
+            $errors[] = "uid";
+        }
+        if(empty($this->cn))
+            $errors[] = "cn";
+        if(empty($this->mail) || !preg_match('/^[\w\ \+\-=]+ [\w\ \-]+\ [\w\-]+$/', $this->mail))
+            $errors[] = "mail";
+        foreach($this->authorizedKeys as $authorizedKey) {
+            if (!is_valid_ssh_pub_key($authorizedKey, false)) {
+            $errors[] = 'keys';
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+        return $errors;
+    }
+    function user_modules ($all = false) { 
+        global $config;
+        // if all modules including translation based modules
+        if ($all) {
+            $ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule))";
+        } else { 
+            $ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule)(!(objectClass=localizationModule)))";
+        }
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_modules_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn'));
+        if(!$result) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        return $entries;
+    }
+    function user_languages () { 
+        global $config;
+        $ldapcriteria = "(&(maintainerUid=$this->uid)(objectClass=gnomeModule)(objectClass=localizationModule))";
+        $ldap = LDAPUtil::singleton();
+        if(PEAR::isError($ldap)) return $ldap;
+        if(!$ldap) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP authentication failed");
+        }
+        $result = ldap_search($ldap, $config->ldap_modules_basedn, $ldapcriteria, array('cn', 'localizationTeam'));
+        if(!$result) {
+            return PEAR::raiseError("LDAP search failed: ".ldap_error($ldap));
+        }
+        $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $result);
+        return $entries;
+    }
+    function is_maintainer ($module) { 
+        $modules = $this->user_modules(true);
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $modules['count']; $i++) { 
+            if ($modules[$i]['cn'][0] == $module) { 
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }

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