gtk+ r19732 - in trunk: . gtk tests
- From: johan svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: gtk+ r19732 - in trunk: . gtk tests
- Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 20:03:35 +0000 (GMT)
Author: johan
Date: Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
New Revision: 19732
2008-03-07 Johan Dahlin <johan gnome org>
* gtk/gtkbuilder.c:
* gtk/gtkbuilderparser.c:
* gtk/gtkbuilderprivate.h:
* gtk/gtkiconfactory.c:
* tests/buildertest.c:
- Treat enums like enums and not values
- Avoid invalid free, in case of more than two sources
- Add better error messages
- Add much improved tests
(#520979, Christian Persch)
Modified: trunk/gtk/gtkbuilder.c
--- trunk/gtk/gtkbuilder.c (original)
+++ trunk/gtk/gtkbuilder.c Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@
GParamSpec *pspec);
static GType gtk_builder_real_get_type_from_name (GtkBuilder *builder,
const gchar *type_name);
-static gboolean _gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GType type,
- const gchar *string,
- gint *enum_value,
- GError **error);
enum {
@@ -1280,7 +1275,7 @@
return ret;
-static gboolean
_gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GType type,
const gchar *string,
gint *enum_value,
Modified: trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderparser.c
--- trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderparser.c (original)
+++ trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderparser.c Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
@@ -915,9 +915,13 @@
if (data->subparser && data->subparser->start)
+ GError *tmp_error = NULL;
if (data->subparser->parser->text)
data->subparser->parser->text (context, text, text_len,
- data->subparser->data, error);
+ data->subparser->data, &tmp_error);
+ if (tmp_error)
+ g_propagate_error (error, tmp_error);
Modified: trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderprivate.h
--- trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderprivate.h (original)
+++ trunk/gtk/gtkbuilderprivate.h Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@
gboolean _gtk_builder_boolean_from_string (const gchar *string,
gboolean *value,
GError **error);
+gboolean _gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GType type,
+ const gchar *string,
+ gint *enum_value,
+ GError **error);
gboolean _gtk_builder_flags_from_string (GType type,
const char *string,
guint *value,
Modified: trunk/gtk/gtkiconfactory.c
--- trunk/gtk/gtkiconfactory.c (original)
+++ trunk/gtk/gtkiconfactory.c Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
@@ -2752,20 +2752,23 @@
gchar *stock_id = NULL;
gchar *filename = NULL;
gchar *icon_name = NULL;
- GtkIconSize size = -1;
- GtkTextDirection direction = -1;
- GtkStateType state = -1;
+ gint size = -1;
+ gint direction = -1;
+ gint state = -1;
IconFactoryParserData *parser_data;
IconSourceParserData *source_data;
+ gchar *error_msg;
+ GQuark error_domain;
parser_data = (IconFactoryParserData*)user_data;
if (!parser_data->in_source)
if (strcmp (element_name, "sources") != 0)
- g_warning ("Unexpected element %s, expected <sources>", element_name);
- return;
+ error_msg = g_strdup_printf ("Unexpected element %s, expected <sources>", element_name);
+ goto error;
parser_data->in_source = TRUE;
@@ -2774,8 +2777,9 @@
if (strcmp (element_name, "source") != 0)
- g_warning ("Unexpected element %s, expected <source>", element_name);
- return;
+ error_msg = g_strdup_printf ("Unexpected element %s, expected <source>", element_name);
+ goto error;
@@ -2789,34 +2793,42 @@
icon_name = g_strdup (values[i]);
else if (strcmp (names[i], "size") == 0)
- if (!_gtk_builder_flags_from_string (GTK_TYPE_ICON_SIZE,
- values[i],
- &size,
- error))
+ if (!_gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GTK_TYPE_ICON_SIZE,
+ values[i],
+ &size,
+ error))
else if (strcmp (names[i], "direction") == 0)
- if (!_gtk_builder_flags_from_string (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_DIRECTION,
- values[i],
- &direction,
- error))
+ if (!_gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GTK_TYPE_TEXT_DIRECTION,
+ values[i],
+ &direction,
+ error))
else if (strcmp (names[i], "state") == 0)
- if (!_gtk_builder_flags_from_string (GTK_TYPE_STATE_TYPE,
- values[i],
- &state,
- error))
+ if (!_gtk_builder_enum_from_string (GTK_TYPE_STATE_TYPE,
+ values[i],
+ &state,
+ error))
+ else
+ {
+ error_msg = g_strdup_printf ("'%s' is not a valid attribute of <%s>",
+ names[i], "source");
+ goto error;
+ }
if (!stock_id || !filename)
- g_warning ("<source> requires a stock_id and a filename");
- return;
+ error_msg = g_strdup_printf ("<source> requires a stock_id and a filename");
+ goto error;
source_data = g_slice_new (IconSourceParserData);
@@ -2828,6 +2840,33 @@
source_data->state = state;
parser_data->sources = g_slist_prepend (parser_data->sources, source_data);
+ return;
+ error:
+ {
+ gchar *tmp;
+ gint line_number, char_number;
+ g_markup_parse_context_get_position (context,
+ &line_number,
+ &char_number);
+ tmp = g_strdup_printf ("%s:%d:%d %s", "input",
+ line_number, char_number, error_msg);
+#if 0
+ g_set_error (error,
+ error_domain,
+ tmp);
+ g_warning (tmp);
+ g_free (tmp);
+ g_free (stock_id);
+ g_free (filename);
+ g_free (icon_name);
+ return;
+ }
static const GMarkupParser icon_source_parser =
@@ -2886,6 +2925,7 @@
icon_set = gtk_icon_set_new ();
gtk_icon_factory_add (icon_factory, source_data->stock_id, icon_set);
+ gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set);
icon_source = gtk_icon_source_new ();
@@ -2900,18 +2940,26 @@
if (source_data->icon_name)
gtk_icon_source_set_icon_name (icon_source, source_data->icon_name);
if (source_data->size != -1)
- gtk_icon_source_set_size (icon_source, source_data->size);
+ {
+ gtk_icon_source_set_size (icon_source, source_data->size);
+ gtk_icon_source_set_size_wildcarded (icon_source, FALSE);
+ }
if (source_data->direction != -1)
- gtk_icon_source_set_direction (icon_source, source_data->direction);
+ {
+ gtk_icon_source_set_direction (icon_source, source_data->direction);
+ gtk_icon_source_set_direction_wildcarded (icon_source, FALSE);
+ }
if (source_data->state != -1)
- gtk_icon_source_set_state (icon_source, source_data->state);
+ {
+ gtk_icon_source_set_state (icon_source, source_data->state);
+ gtk_icon_source_set_state_wildcarded (icon_source, FALSE);
+ }
/* Inline source_add() to avoid creating a copy */
g_assert (icon_source->type != GTK_ICON_SOURCE_EMPTY);
icon_set->sources = g_slist_insert_sorted (icon_set->sources,
- gtk_icon_set_unref (icon_set);
g_free (source_data->stock_id);
g_free (source_data->filename);
@@ -2920,6 +2968,11 @@
g_slist_free (parser_data->sources);
g_slice_free (IconFactoryParserData, parser_data);
+ /* TODO: Add an attribute/tag to prevent this.
+ * Usually it's the right thing to do though.
+ */
+ gtk_icon_factory_add_default (icon_factory);
Modified: trunk/tests/buildertest.c
--- trunk/tests/buildertest.c (original)
+++ trunk/tests/buildertest.c Fri Mar 7 20:03:35 2008
@@ -28,6 +28,17 @@
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include <gtk/gtkprintjob.h>
+/* Copied from gtkiconfactory.c; keep in sync! */
+struct _GtkIconSet
+ guint ref_count;
+ GSList *sources;
+ GSList *cache;
+ guint cache_size;
+ guint cache_serial;
static GtkBuilder *
builder_new_from_string (const gchar *buffer,
gsize length,
@@ -1805,8 +1816,45 @@
" </sources>"
" </object>"
+ const gchar buffer2[] =
+ "<interface>"
+ " <object class=\"GtkIconFactory\" id=\"iconfactory1\">"
+ " <sources>"
+ " <source stock-id=\"sliff\" direction=\"rtl\" state=\"active\""
+ " size=\"menu\" filename=\"sloff.png\"/>"
+ " <source stock-id=\"sliff\" direction=\"ltr\" state=\"selected\""
+ " size=\"dnd\" filename=\"slurf.png\"/>"
+ " </sources>"
+ " </object>"
+ "</interface>";
+#if 0
+ const gchar buffer3[] =
+ "<interface>"
+ " <object class=\"GtkIconFactory\" id=\"iconfactory1\">"
+ " <invalid/>"
+ " </object>"
+ "</interface>";
+ const gchar buffer4[] =
+ "<interface>"
+ " <object class=\"GtkIconFactory\" id=\"iconfactory1\">"
+ " <sources>"
+ " <invalid/>"
+ " </sources>"
+ " </object>"
+ "</interface>";
+ const gchar buffer5[] =
+ "<interface>"
+ " <object class=\"GtkIconFactory\" id=\"iconfactory1\">"
+ " <sources>"
+ " <source/>"
+ " </sources>"
+ " </object>"
+ "</interface>";
+ GError *error = NULL;
GObject *factory;
GtkIconSet *icon_set;
+ GtkIconSource *icon_source;
GtkWidget *image;
builder = builder_new_from_string (buffer1, -1, NULL);
@@ -1815,10 +1863,55 @@
icon_set = gtk_icon_factory_lookup (GTK_ICON_FACTORY (factory), "apple-red");
g_assert (icon_set != NULL);
gtk_icon_factory_add_default (GTK_ICON_FACTORY (factory));
image = gtk_image_new_from_stock ("apple-red", GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON);
g_assert (image != NULL);
+ builder = builder_new_from_string (buffer2, -1, NULL);
+ factory = gtk_builder_get_object (builder, "iconfactory1");
+ g_assert (factory != NULL);
+ icon_set = gtk_icon_factory_lookup (GTK_ICON_FACTORY (factory), "sliff");
+ g_assert (icon_set != NULL);
+ g_assert (g_slist_length (icon_set->sources) == 2);
+ icon_source = icon_set->sources->data;
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_direction (icon_source) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL);
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_state (icon_source) == GTK_STATE_ACTIVE);
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_size (icon_source) == GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
+ g_assert (g_str_has_suffix (gtk_icon_source_get_filename (icon_source), "sloff.png"));
+ icon_source = icon_set->sources->next->data;
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_direction (icon_source) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR);
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_state (icon_source) == GTK_STATE_SELECTED);
+ g_assert (gtk_icon_source_get_size (icon_source) == GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND);
+ g_assert (g_str_has_suffix (gtk_icon_source_get_filename (icon_source), "slurf.png"));
+ g_object_unref (builder);
+#if 0
+ error = NULL;
+ gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, buffer3, -1, &error);
+ g_assert (error != NULL);
+ g_assert (error->domain == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR);
+ g_assert (error->code == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_TAG);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ error = NULL;
+ gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, buffer4, -1, &error);
+ g_assert (error != NULL);
+ g_assert (error->domain == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR);
+ g_assert (error->code == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_TAG);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ error = NULL;
+ gtk_builder_add_from_string (builder, buffer5, -1, &error);
+ g_assert (error != NULL);
+ g_assert (error->domain == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR);
+ g_assert (error->code == GTK_BUILDER_ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE);
+ g_error_free (error);
static void
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