seed r269 - trunk/examples/lightsoff
- From: hortont svn gnome org
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Subject: seed r269 - trunk/examples/lightsoff
- Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 01:22:43 +0000 (UTC)
Author: hortont
Date: Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
New Revision: 269
Lights Off: Save score in GConf, add stable level code, add level switch arrows.
trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow-r.svg (contents, props changed)
trunk/examples/lightsoff/score.js (contents, props changed)
Modified: trunk/examples/lightsoff/
--- trunk/examples/lightsoff/ (original)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/ Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
led.svg \
score.js \
off.svg \
- menu.js
+ menu.js \
+ lightsoff.schemas \
+ arrow-l.svg \
+ arrow-r.svg
board.js \
light.js \
@@ -42,7 +45,14 @@
led.svg \
score.js \
off.svg \
- menu.js
+ menu.js \
+ lightsoff.schemas \
+ arrow-l.svg \
+ arrow-r.svg
## File created by the gnome-build tools
+schemadir = @GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR@
+schema_DATA = lightsoff.schemas
+ GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE="" gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule $(schema_DATA)
Added: trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow-l.svg
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow-l.svg Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
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Added: trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow-r.svg
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow-r.svg Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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+ ry="19.72727"
+ transform="matrix(0.1669277,0,0,-8.1894579e-2,315.15745,384.66903)" />
+ </g>
Added: trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow.js
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/arrow.js Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ArrowType = {
+ parent: Clutter.Group.type,
+ name: "Arrow",
+ class_init: function(klass, prototype)
+ {
+ prototype.set_arrow_flipped = function ()
+ {
+ this.flipped = 1;
+ this.remove_all();
+ var bkg = Clutter.Texture.new_from_file("./arrow-r.svg");
+ bkg.filter_quality = Clutter.TextureQuality.high;
+ this.add_actor(bkg);
+ }
+ },
+ instance_init: function(klass)
+ {
+ this.flipped = 0;
+ var bkg = Clutter.Texture.new_from_file("./arrow-l.svg");
+ bkg.filter_quality = Clutter.TextureQuality.high;
+ this.add_actor(bkg);
+ }};
+Arrow = new GType(ArrowType);
Modified: trunk/examples/lightsoff/board.js
--- trunk/examples/lightsoff/board.js (original)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/board.js Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
if(light.get_parent().cleared() && !in_setup)
- score.increment_value(100);
+ score.animate_value(score.value+1);
+ gconf_client.set_int("/apps/lightsoff/score", score.value);
@@ -111,14 +112,16 @@
prototype.randomize = function ()
in_setup = true;
+ GLib.random_set_seed(score.value);
- var count = -4;
- var sym = Math.floor(3*Math.random());
+ var count = Math.log(score.value*score.value) + 1;
+ var sym = Math.floor(3*GLib.random_double());
- for (q = 0; q < count + 5; ++q)
+ for (q = 0; q < count; ++q)
- i = Math.round((tiles-1) * Math.random());
- j = Math.round((tiles-1) * Math.random());
+ i = Math.round((tiles-1) * GLib.random_double());
+ j = Math.round((tiles-1) * GLib.random_double());
flip_region(null, null, this.lights[i][j]);
Added: trunk/examples/lightsoff/lightsoff.schemas
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/lightsoff.schemas Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <schemalist>
+ <schema>
+ <key>/schemas/apps/lightsoff/score</key>
+ <applyto>/apps/lightsoff/score</applyto>
+ <owner>lightsoff</owner>
+ <type>int</type>
+ <default>1</default>
+ <locale name="C">
+ <short>Current level.</short>
+ <long>Current level.</long>
+ </locale>
+ </schema>
+ </schemalist>
Modified: trunk/examples/lightsoff/main.js
--- trunk/examples/lightsoff/main.js (original)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/main.js Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -11,13 +11,19 @@
GtkClutter.init(null, null);
+GConf.init(null, null);
+var gconf_client = GConf.client_get_default();
var black = Clutter.Color._new();
Clutter.color_parse("Black", black);
@@ -30,21 +36,29 @@
stage.color = black;
menu = create_menu();
-board = new Board();
score = new Score();
+board = new Board();
rect = new Clutter.Rectangle({color:black});
+forward = new Arrow();
+back = new Arrow();
score.set_position((board_size / 2) - (score.width / 2), board_size + margin);
stage.set_size(board_size, board_size + score.height + margin * 3);
window.resize(stage.width, stage.height);
rect.set_position(0, board_size);
rect.set_size(stage.width, stage.height);
+back.set_position(score.x - back.width - 2*margin, score.y + (.5 * score.height) - (.5 * back.height));
+forward.set_position(score.x + score.width, score.y + (.5 * score.height) - (.5 * forward.height));
+stage.add_actor(rect); // TODO: gradient at top of rect
Modified: trunk/examples/lightsoff/score.js
--- trunk/examples/lightsoff/score.js (original)
+++ trunk/examples/lightsoff/score.js Sun Nov 16 01:22:43 2008
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
var current_val = this.value;
var max_val = this.value + val;
- for(var i = this.value; i <= max_val; i += 5)
+ for(var i = this.value; i <= max_val; i += 1)
Seed.setTimeout("score.animate_value("+i+");",5*(i - current_val) + 100);
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
this.bkg_top.set_position(1, 1);
- this.animate_value(0); Seed.print(bkg.__debug_ref_count());
+ this.animate_value(gconf_client.get_int("/apps/lightsoff/score"));
+ Seed.print(bkg.__debug_ref_count());
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