gimp-help-2 r2548 - in branches/xml2po-support: . tools

Author: ulfehlert
Date: Wed Sep  3 19:52:49 2008
New Revision: 2548

2008-09-03  Ulf-D. Ehlert  <ulfehlert svn gnome org>

	* tools/ added (first version of) a script to
	split multi-language XML files into single-language XML files of the
	same structure, which should then be used with xml2po's "reuse" option

   branches/xml2po-support/tools/   (contents, props changed)

Added: branches/xml2po-support/tools/
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/xml2po-support/tools/	Wed Sep  3 19:52:49 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# _*_ coding: utf8 -*_
+ Convert multi-lang XML files
+ Copyright (C) 2008 The GIMP Documentation Team
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import codecs
+#import getopt
+import optparse
+import re
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import logging
+# Configure logging package
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)-8s %(message)s")
+Logger = logging.getLogger("splitxml")
+# these tags are considered NOT final
+sections   = ('sect1', 'sect2', 'sect3', 'sect4', 'section')
+sectinfos  = ('sect2info', 'sect1info', 'sect3info', 'sect4info')
+notes      = ('warning', 'caution', 'important', 'tip', 'note')
+containers = ('figure', 'caption', 'revhistory', 'formalpara')
+objects    = ('textobject', 'imageobject', 'mediaobject', 'screenshot')
+lists      = ('itemizedlist', 'orderedlist', 'variablelist',
+              'segmentedlist', 'simplelist', 'calloutlist')
+items      = ('varlistentry', 'listitem')
+# these tags are considered final
+paras      = ('para', 'simpara')
+leafs      = ('phrase', 'revision', 'indexterm')
+non_final_nodes = sections + sectinfos + notes + containers + \
+                  objects + lists + items
+final_nodes     = paras + leafs
+#        XML node                                              #
+# TODO: try to implement this class, this should make
+# the code more readable (and logical), e.g.
+#     some_node.is_whatever()
+# instead of
+#     self.whatever(some_node)
+class XmlNode(object):
+    """FIXME"""
+    def __init__(self, node):
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("splitxml.node")
+        assert isinstance(node, xml.dom.minidom.Node)
+        self._node = node
+    def get_children(self):
+        """FIXME
+        This method is just an idea, it has never been used or tested...
+        """
+        if self._node.childNodes:
+            return [XmlNode(child) for child in self._node.childNodes]
+        else:
+            return []
+    def type(self):
+        """Get the node type"""
+        return self._node.nodeType
+    def is_text(self):
+        """Whether or not a node is a text node.
+        """
+        return self.type() == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE
+    def ignore(self):
+        """Whether or not a node is to be ignored.
+        This method is used to skip comments etc.
+        """
+        return self._node.nodeType in (xml.dom.minidom.Node.COMMENT_NODE,) \
+            or self._node.nodeName in ('xi:include',)
+#        Multi-language XML document                           #
+class MultiLangDoc(object):
+    """Multi-language XML document
+    This class provides methods to read/parse a multi-lang XML source
+    file, to split the document into single-language documents, and to
+    print these documents as single-language XML files.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, destdir = None):
+        """Multi-language XML document"""
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.destdir  = destdir
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("splitxml.doc")
+"parsing %s" % filename)
+        self.doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
+        self.dest = {}
+        self.seqnum = 0
+    def printfiles(self, destdir):
+        """Print resulting documents to the respective output files"""
+        assert destdir
+        langdir_template = '*'
+        destdir = destdir.rstrip('/')
+        if destdir.find(langdir_template) < 0:
+            if destdir:
+                destdir = os.path.join(destdir, langdir_template)
+            else:
+                destdir = langdir_template
+        self.destdir = destdir
+        filename = os.path.basename(self.filename)
+        for lang in self.languages:
+            destdir = self.destdir.replace(langdir_template, lang)
+            if not os.path.isdir(destdir):
+                os.makedirs(destdir, 0755)
+            destfile = os.path.join(destdir, filename)
+            output =, 'w', "UTF-8")
+  "writing %s" % destfile)
+            self.dest[lang].writexml(output, encoding="UTF-8")
+            output.close()
+            self.dest[lang].unlink()
+    def process(self, languages):
+        """Split a multi-language XML document
+        This method creates XML document (root) nodes for every language,
+        and constructs single language documents while processing the
+        document recursively starting with the document element,
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("process(%s)" % str(self.doc.documentElement.nodeName))
+        self.languages = languages
+        if 'en' not in languages:
+            self.languages.insert(0, "en")
+        impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
+        for lang in self.languages:
+            self.dest[lang] = impl.createDocument(None, None, None)
+            dtd = impl.createDocumentType(
+                    self.doc.documentElement.nodeName,
+                    "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN",
+                    "";)
+            self.dest[lang].encoding = "UTF-8"
+            self.dest[lang].appendChild(dtd)
+        for child in self.doc.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
+                continue
+            if child.nodeType != xml.dom.minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+                for lang in self.languages:
+                    clone = child.cloneNode(False)
+                    self.dest[lang].appendChild(clone)
+            else:
+                # FIXME: what if root element has no 'lang' attribute # "en"?
+                source = self.vectorize(child)
+                clones = self.append_clones(source, self.dest, False)
+                return self.split(child, source, clones)
+        # Never reached, since "parse(filename)" catched it...
+        raise RuntimeError("Oops!? No document element found!?")
+    def split(self, elem, source, dest):
+        """Split a multi-language XML element
+        This method does the real work when processing the
+        document tree.
+        TODO: describe the algorithm(?)
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("split(%s)" % (elem.nodeName))
+        assert source and dest
+        self.seqnum += 1
+        for child in elem.childNodes:
+            # (1) skip this node if we don't need it (e.g. comments)
+            if self.ignore(child):
+                self.logger.debug("ignoring %s %s" % (child.nodeType, child.nodeName))
+            # (2) append non-empty text nodes to the destination nodes
+            elif self.text(child):
+                if child.nodeValue.strip():
+                    # we should never be here, the (parent) node
+                    # should be final then...
+                    self.logger.warn("TEXT in %s" % elem.nodeName)
+                    for lang in self.languages:
+                        dest[lang].appendChild(child)
+            # (3) skip every non-English element
+            elif self.skip(child):
+                #self.logger.debug("skipping %s %s" % (child.nodeType, child.nodeName))
+                pass
+            # (4) at last, handle non-trivial cases...
+            else:
+                assert child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE \
+                   and 'en' in self.get_langs(child)
+                # for every language, find the respective node
+                copies = self.vectorize(child)	# no clones
+                # (4a) append recursively (localized) clones of nodes we don't
+                # need/want to process any further (para, phrase, etc.)
+                if
+                    self.logger.debug("adding cloned final %s" % child.nodeName)
+                    clones = self.append_clones(copies, dest, True)
+                # (4b) append non-recursively (localized) clones of nodes and
+                # process child recursively (sect[1-4], note, etc.)
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug("adding cloned %s" % child.nodeName)
+                    clones = self.append_clones(copies, dest, False)
+                    self.split(child, copies, clones)
+        return dest
+    def vectorize(self, elem):
+        """Make a set of corresponding nodes from an element node
+        This method gets an element with no 'lang' attribute or a 'lang'
+        attribute containing "en" (English language) and returns a set of
+        corresponding nodes for all languages (translations). If there is
+        no translation for some language, the original input node (i.e.
+        'en') will be returned.
+        """
+        self.logger.debug("vectorize(%s)" % elem.nodeName)
+        # mark element as "seen"
+        elem.setAttribute("seqnum", str(self.seqnum))
+        # handle element's "lang" attribute
+        nodes = dict([(lang, elem) for lang in self.get_langs(elem)])
+        assert nodes.has_key('en')
+        if len(nodes) == len(self.languages):
+            return nodes
+        # Algorithm:
+        #   (1) create set of *all* sibling elements of the same type/name
+        #     (1a) filter out elements which has already been used (with
+        #          "seqnum" attribute) -- done in ".get_siblings()"
+        #   (2) select the first matching element for every language
+        #   (3) select input element for every missing language
+        siblings = self.get_siblings(elem)
+        try:
+            for sibling in siblings:
+                sibling_languages = self.get_langs(sibling)
+                for lang in sibling_languages:
+                    if not nodes.has_key(lang):
+                        nodes[lang] = sibling
+                        sibling.setAttribute("seqnum", str(self.seqnum))
+                        if len(nodes) == len(self.languages):
+                            raise StopIteration  # TODO: user-defined exception(s)
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        for lang in (k for k in self.languages if not nodes.has_key(k)):
+            nodes[lang] = elem
+        assert len(nodes) == len(self.languages)
+        return nodes
+    def get_siblings(self, element):
+        """Get a list of all previous and following siblings
+        of the same type as element
+        Elements with a "seqnum" attribute will be removed from the list.
+        """
+        siblings = []
+        this = element
+        while this.previousSibling: this = this.previousSibling
+        while this:
+            # TODO: add test for 'lang' attribute here(!?)
+            if this.nodeType == element.nodeType \
+            and this.nodeName == element.nodeName \
+            and not this.isSameNode(element):
+                if not (this.hasAttributes() and
+                        this.attributes.get("seqnum")):
+                    siblings.append(this)
+            this = this.nextSibling
+        return siblings
+    def append_clones(self, element, parent, recursive):
+        """Clone elements and append them to parent nodes
+        Returns a dict of (lang,clone) pairs for a specified
+        dict of (lang,element) pairs.
+        """
+        clones = dict([(key, element[key].cloneNode(recursive))
+                       for key in element])
+        for lang in clones:
+            parent[lang].appendChild(clones[lang])
+        return clones
+    def final(self, node):
+        """Whether or not a node is a final node.
+        Final nodes will be cloned recursively and added to the
+        destination tree (more precisely: the localized nodes
+        will be cloned).
+        Non-final (localized) nodes will be cloned non-recursively
+        and also added to the destination tree, then they will be
+        processed recursively until a final node is reached.
+        """
+        name = node.nodeName
+        # Simple(?) cases
+        if name in non_final_nodes:
+            return False
+        elif name in final_nodes:
+            return True
+        # Special cases
+        # XXX: Hmm, what would happen if we used this test
+        #      for *every* node?
+        if name in ('title', 'term'):
+            return self.has_nonempty_text(node)
+        else:
+            self.logger.warn("don't know what to do with '%s', assuming final" % name)
+            return True
+    def ignore(self, node):
+        """Whether or not a node is to be ignored.
+        This method is used to skip comments etc.
+        """
+        return node.nodeType in (node.COMMENT_NODE,) \
+            or node.nodeName in ('xi:include',)
+    def text(self, node):
+        """Whether or not a node is a text node."""
+        return node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE
+    def has_nonempty_text(self, node):
+        """Whether or not a node has a non-empty text node."""
+        assert node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE \
+            and child.nodeValue.strip():
+                return True
+        return False
+    def skip(self, node):
+        """Whether or not a node is to be skipped.
+        This method is used to filter out non-English element nodes.
+        """
+        if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+            return True
+        else:
+            langs = self.get_langs(node)
+            return 'en' not in langs
+            #return not langs or 'en' not in langs
+    def get_langs(self, elem, all=False):
+        """Get a list of languages specified by the "lang"
+        attribute for a given element
+        Returnes all languages if element does not have a
+        "lang" attribute.
+        """
+        #if elem.hasAttributes():
+        #    lang_attr = elem.attributes.get("lang")
+        #else:
+        #    lang_attr = None
+        try:
+            lang_attr = elem.attributes.get("lang")
+        except:
+            lang_attr = None
+        if lang_attr:
+            # this is an Attr(Node) instance,
+            # its value is a string (e.g. "en;de;fr") or None
+            langs = lang_attr.value.strip(';').split(';')
+            if all:
+                return langs
+            else:
+                return [k for k in langs if k in self.languages]
+        else:
+            return self.languages
+#        main program                                          #
+def main():
+    """Read command line and then take off"""
+    logger = logging.getLogger("splitxml")
+    languages = ('de', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'no', 'ru')
+    # parse command line
+    usage = "usage: %prog [options] [FILE [DIR]]"
+    version = "%prog 0.1"
+    cmdline = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
+    cmdline.set_defaults(languages= ",".join(languages))
+    cmdline.add_option("--debug", dest="debug",
+        action="store_true", default=False,
+        help="produce some more or less useful debugging messages")
+    cmdline.add_option("-l", "--lang", dest="languages", metavar="LANG",
+        help="comma-separated list of languages, "
+             "'en' will be added automatically; "
+             "defaults to '" + ",".join(languages) + "'")
+    cmdline.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", metavar="FILE",
+        help="input file (required), a multi-lang XML file (FILE may also "
+             "be specified as the first command-line argument)")
+    cmdline.add_option("-d", "--dest", dest="destdir", metavar="DIR",
+        help="output directory (required); if DIR contains a single '*', "
+             "this will be replaced by the respective language, otherwise "
+             "subdirs DIR/xx, DIR/yy, etc. will be used for output (DIR "
+             "may also be specified as the second command-line argument)")
+    (options, args) = cmdline.parse_args()
+    if args:
+        options.filename = args[0]
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            options.destdir = args[1]
+        else:
+            cmdline.error("too many arguments")
+    if not options.filename:
+        cmdline.error("no input file specified")
+    if not options.destdir:
+        cmdline.error("no output directory specified")
+    if options.debug:
+        Logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    options.languages = re.split('[, ]+', options.languages)
+    try: options.languages.remove('en')
+    except ValueError: pass
+    options.languages.insert(0, 'en')
+    doc = MultiLangDoc(options.filename)
+    doc.process(options.languages)
+    doc.printfiles(options.destdir)
+# Main program start
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
+# pydoc doesn't like the following "raise" statement
+#    raise NotImplementedError

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