rhythmbox r6279 - in trunk: . plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay

Author: jmatthew
Date: Thu Apr  9 06:07:04 2009
New Revision: 6279
URL: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/rhythmbox?rev=6279&view=rev

2009-04-09  Jonathan Matthew  <jonathan d14n org>

	* plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/__init__.py:
	Limit the cover art image size to one third of the height of the main
	window, so it behaves sensibly when the side pane is expanded to cover
	most of the window.  This avoids forcing the main window to be
	resized.  When above the size limit, center the image in the side pane.
	Fixes #443720.


Modified: trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/__init__.py
--- trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/__init__.py	(original)
+++ trunk/plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/__init__.py	Thu Apr  9 06:07:04 2009
@@ -82,7 +82,10 @@
 	return ret
 class FadingImage (gtk.Misc):
-	__gsignals__ = { 'size-allocate': 'override' }
+	__gsignals__ = {
+		'size-allocate': 'override',
+		'get-max-size' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_INT, ())
+	}
 	def __init__ (self, missing_image):
 		gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
 		self.sc_id = self.connect('screen-changed', self.screen_changed)
@@ -142,12 +145,17 @@
 		self.missing_pixbuf = merge_with_background (missing_pixbuf, self.style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], False)
 	def do_size_allocate (self, allocation):
+		old_width = self.allocation.width
 		self.allocation = allocation
 		if self.resize_id == 0:
 			self.resize_id = gobject.idle_add (self.after_resize)
-		if self.size != allocation.width:
-			self.size = allocation.width
+		if old_width != allocation.width:
+			max_size = self.emit ('get-max-size')
+			self.size = min (allocation.width, max_size)
 			self.queue_resize ()
 		elif self.window is not None:
 			self.window.move_resize (allocation.x, allocation.y, allocation.width, allocation.height)
 			self.queue_draw ()
@@ -166,12 +174,23 @@
 	def expose (self, widget, event):
 		if not self.ensure_merged_pixbuf ():
 			return False
 		if self.merged_pixbuf.props.width != self.size:
 			draw_pb = self.merged_pixbuf.scale_simple (self.size, self.size, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST)
 			draw_pb = self.merged_pixbuf
+		# center the image if we're wider than we are tall
 		x, y, w, h = event.area
-		event.window.draw_pixbuf (None, draw_pb, x, y, x, y, min (w, self.size - x), min (h, self.size - y))
+		pad = (self.allocation.width - self.size) / 2
+		left = max (x, pad)
+		right = min (x + w, pad + self.size)
+		top = y
+		bottom = min (y + h, self.size)
+		if right > left and bottom > top:
+			event.window.draw_pixbuf (None, draw_pb, left-pad, top, left, top, right - left, bottom - top)
 		if self.anim:
 			x, y, w, h = self.anim_rect ()
 			event.window.draw_pixbuf (None, self.anim, max (0, -x), max (0, -y), max (0, x), max (0, y), w, h)
@@ -340,6 +359,7 @@
 		self.art_widget = ArtDisplayWidget (self.find_file (ART_MISSING_ICON + ".svg"))
 		self.art_widget.connect ('pixbuf-dropped', self.on_set_pixbuf)
 		self.art_widget.connect ('uri-dropped', self.on_set_uri)
+		self.art_widget.connect ('get-max-size', self.get_max_art_size)
 		self.art_container = gtk.VBox ()
 		self.art_container.pack_start (self.art_widget, padding=6)
 		shell.add_widget (self.art_container, rb.SHELL_UI_LOCATION_SIDEBAR)
@@ -460,3 +480,10 @@
 	def on_set_uri (self, widget, entry, uri):
 		db = self.shell.get_property ("db")
 		self.art_db.set_pixbuf_from_uri (db, entry, uri, self.on_get_pixbuf_completed)
+	def get_max_art_size (self, widget):
+		# limit the art image to a third of the window height to prevent it from
+		# forcing the window to resize, obscuring everything else, and so on.
+		(width, height) = self.shell.props.window.get_size()
+		return height / 3

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