[tracker] Cleaning rdfs:comments

commit d9673815a5edd127a0bed45764e2ab864f07581a
Author: Ivan Frade <ivan frade nokia com>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 13:29:49 2009 +0300

    Cleaning rdfs:comments
    Some rdfs:comments in the ontologies were written as python lists ['...','...']. Removed those marks to keep the text clean and readible.
 data/ontologies/20-dc.ontology   |    4 +-
 data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology  |   34 +++++++++++-----------
 data/ontologies/33-nfo.ontology  |   58 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 data/ontologies/35-ncal.ontology |   42 +++++++++++++-------------
 data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology  |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/ontologies/20-dc.ontology b/data/ontologies/20-dc.ontology
index 552dd42..e7e9a49 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/20-dc.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/20-dc.ontology
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ dc:type a rdf:Property ;
 dc:format a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Format" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The file format', 'physical medium', 'or dimensions of the resource.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ dc:relation a rdf:Property ;
 dc:coverage a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Coverage" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The spatial or temporal topic of the resource', 'the spatial applicability of the resource', 'or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
diff --git a/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology b/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
index ed91fff..690d241 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/32-nco.ontology
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ nco: a tracker:Namespace ;
 nco:Role a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Role" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A role played by a contact. Contacts that denote people', 'can have many roles (e.g. see the hasAffiliation property and Affiliation class). Contacts that denote Organizations or other Agents usually have one role.  Each role can introduce additional contact media.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A role played by a contact. Contacts that denote people, can have many roles (e.g. see the hasAffiliation property and Affiliation class). Contacts that denote Organizations or other Agents usually have one role.  Each role can introduce additional contact media." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
 nco:Affiliation a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ nco:ContactGroup a rdfs:Class ;
 nco:ContactList a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "ContactList" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A contact list', 'this class represents an addressbook or a contact list of an IM application. Contacts inside a contact list can belong to contact groups.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A contact list, this class represents an addressbook or a contact list of an IM application. Contacts inside a contact list can belong to contact groups." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
 # Maybe a bug? Shouldnt it be a subclass of nie:InformationElement?
 nco:ContactMedium a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "ContactMedium" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A superclass for all contact media - ways to contact an entity represented by a Contact instance. Some of the subclasses of this class (the various kinds of telephone numbers and postal addresses) have been inspired by the values of the TYPE parameter of ADR and TEL properties defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1. and 3.3.1 respectively. Each value is represented by an appropriate subclass with two major exceptions TYPE=home and TYPE=work. They are to be expressed by the roles these contact media are attached to i.e. contact media with TYPE=home parameter are to be attached to the default role (nco:Contact or nco:PersonContact)', 'whereas media with TYPE=work parameter should be attached to nco:Affiliation or nco:OrganizationContact.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A superclass for all contact media - ways to contact an entity represented by a Contact instance. Some of the subclasses of this class (the various kinds of telephone numbers and postal addresses) have been inspired by the values of the TYPE parameter of ADR and TEL properties defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.2.1. and 3.3.1 respectively. Each value is represented by an appropriate subclass with two major exceptions TYPE=home and TYPE=work. They are to be expressed by the roles these contact media are attached to i.e. contact media with TYPE=home parameter are to be attached to the default role (nco:Contact or nco:PersonContact), whereas media with TYPE=work parameter should be attached to nco:Affiliation or nco:OrganizationContact." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
 nco:EmailAddress a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ nco:BbsNumber a rdfs:Class ;
 nco:CellPhoneNumber a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "CellPhoneNumber" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A cellular phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=cell) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec  3.3.1. Usually a cellular phone can accept voice calls as well as textual messages (SMS)', 'therefore this class has two superclasses.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A cellular phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=cell) parameter of the TEL property as defined in RFC 2426 sec  3.3.1. Usually a cellular phone can accept voice calls as well as textual messages (SMS), therefore this class has two superclasses." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nco:MessagingNumber , nco:VoicePhoneNumber .
 nco:DomesticDeliveryAddress a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ nco:contributor a rdf:Property ;
 nco:creator a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "creator" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Creator of a data object', 'an entity primarily responsible for the creation of the content of the data object.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Creator of a data object, an entity primarily responsible for the creation of the content of the data object.]" ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:creator , nco:contributor ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nie:InformationElement ;
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ nco:creator a rdf:Property ;
 nco:region a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "region" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Region. Inspired by the fifth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Region. Inspired by the fifth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ nco:nameHonorificSuffix a rdf:Property ;
 nco:nameFamily a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "nameFamily" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The family name of an Object represented by this Contact. These applies to people that have more than one given name. The 'first' one is considered 'the' given name (see nameGiven) property. All additional ones are considered 'additional' names. The name inherited from parents is the 'family name'. e.g. For Dr. John Phil Paul Stevenson Jr. M.D. A.C.P. we have contact with: honorificPrefix: 'Dr.'', 'nameGiven: 'John'', 'nameAdditional: 'Phil'', 'nameAdditional: 'Paul'', 'nameFamily: 'Stevenson'', 'honorificSuffix: 'Jr.'', 'honorificSuffix: 'M.D.'', 'honorificSuffix: 'A.C.P.'. These properties form an equivalent of the compound 'N' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.2']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The family name of an Object represented by this Contact. These applies to people that have more than one given name. The 'first' one is considered 'the' given name (see nameGiven) property. All additional ones are considered 'additional' names. The name inherited from parents is the 'family name'. e.g. For Dr. John Phil Paul Stevenson Jr. M.D. A.C.P. we have contact with: honorificPrefix: 'Dr.', nameGiven: 'John', nameAdditional: 'Phil', nameAdditional: 'Paul', nameFamily: 'Stevenson', honorificSuffix: 'Jr.', honorificSuffix: 'M.D.', honorificSuffix: 'A.C.P.'. These properties form an equivalent of the compound 'N' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.1.2" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PersonContact ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ nco:publisher a rdf:Property ;
 nco:country a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "country" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A part of an address specyfing the country. Inspired by the seventh part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A part of an address specyfing the country. Inspired by the seventh part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ nco:nameHonorificPrefix a rdf:Property ;
 nco:extendedAddress a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "extendedAddress" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An extended part of an address. This field might be used to express parts of an address that aren't include in the name of the Contact but also aren't part of the actual location. Usually the streed address and following fields are enough for a postal letter to arrive. Examples may include ('University of California Campus building 45'', 'Sears Tower 34th floor' etc.) Inspired by the second part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An extended part of an address. This field might be used to express parts of an address that aren't include in the name of the Contact but also aren't part of the actual location. Usually the streed address and following fields are enough for a postal letter to arrive. Examples may include ('University of California Campus building 45', 'Sears Tower 34th floor' etc.) Inspired by the second part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ nco:department a rdf:Property ;
 nco:imID a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "imID" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Identifier of the IM account. Examples of such identifier might include ICQ UINs', 'Jabber IDs', 'Skype names etc.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Identifier of the IM account. Examples of such identifier might include ICQ UINs, Jabber IDs, Skype names etc." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:identifier ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ nco:note a rdf:Property ;
 nco:representative a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "representative" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An object that represent an object represented by this Contact. Usually this property is used to link a Contact to an organization', 'to a contact to the representative of this organization the user directly interacts with. An equivalent for the 'AGENT' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.5.4']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An object that represent an object represented by this Contact. Usually this property is used to link a Contact to an organization, to a contact to the representative of this organization the user directly interacts with. An equivalent for the 'AGENT' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.5.4" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:Contact ;
 	rdfs:range nco:Contact .
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ nco:fullname a rdf:Property ;
 nco:streetAddress a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "streetAddress" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The streed address. Inspired by the third part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The streed address. Inspired by the third part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ nco:hasEmailAddress a rdf:Property ;
 nco:postalcode a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "postalcode" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Postal Code. Inspired by the sixth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Postal Code. Inspired by the sixth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ nco:emailAddress a rdf:Property ;
 nco:locality a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "locality" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Locality or City. Inspired by the fourth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Locality or City. Inspired by the fourth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
@@ -534,21 +534,21 @@ nco:hasPostalAddress a rdf:Property ;
 nco:imAccountType a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "imAccountType" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Type of the IM account. This may be the name of the service that provides the IM functionality. Examples might include Jabber', 'ICQ', 'MSN etc']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Type of the IM account. This may be the name of the service that provides the IM functionality. Examples might include Jabber, ICQ, MSN etc" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
 nco:imProtocol a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "imProtocol" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Protocol of the account ('skype'', 'gtalk', 'icq', '...)']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Protocol of the account ('skype', 'gtalk', 'icq', ...)" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:IMAccount ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
 nco:pobox a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "pobox" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Post office box. This is the first part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426', 'sec. 3.2.1']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Post office box. This is the first part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426, sec. 3.2.1" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nco:PostalAddress ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
diff --git a/data/ontologies/33-nfo.ontology b/data/ontologies/33-nfo.ontology
index 42de2a4..da1a707 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/33-nfo.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/33-nfo.ontology
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ nfo:Document a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:FileDataObject a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "FileDataObject" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A resource containing a finite sequence of bytes with arbitrary information', 'that is available to a computer program and is usually based on some kind of durable storage. A file is durable in the sense that it remains available for programs to use after the current program has finished.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A resource containing a finite sequence of bytes with arbitrary information, that is available to a computer program and is usually based on some kind of durable storage. A file is durable in the sense that it remains available for programs to use after the current program has finished." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:DataObject .
 nfo:Software a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ nfo:RasterImage a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:DataContainer a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "DataContainer" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A superclass for all entities', 'whose primary purpose is to serve as containers for other data object. They usually don't have any 'meaning' by themselves. Examples include folders', 'archives and optical disc images.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A superclass for all entities, whose primary purpose is to serve as containers for other data object. They usually don't have any 'meaning' by themselves. Examples include folders, archives and optical disc images." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
 nfo:RemotePortAddress a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "RemotePortAddress" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An address specifying a remote host and port. Such an address can be interpreted in many ways (examples of such interpretations include mailboxes', 'websites', 'remote calendars or filesystems)', 'depending on an interpretation', 'various kinds of data may be extracted from such an address.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An address specifying a remote host and port. Such an address can be interpreted in many ways (examples of such interpretations include mailboxes, websites, remote calendars or filesystems), depending on an interpretation, various kinds of data may be extracted from such an address." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:DataObject .
 nfo:MediaFileListEntry a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "MediaFileListEntry" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A single node in the list of media files contained within an MediaList instance. This class is intended to provide a type all those links have. In valid NRL untyped resources cannot be linked. There are no properties defined for this class but the application may expect rdf:first and rdf:last links. The former points to the DataObject instance', 'interpreted as Media the latter points at another MediaFileListEntr. At the end of the list there is a link to rdf:nil.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A single node in the list of media files contained within an MediaList instance. This class is intended to provide a type all those links have. In valid NRL untyped resources cannot be linked. There are no properties defined for this class but the application may expect rdf:first and rdf:last links. The former points to the DataObject instance, interpreted as Media the latter points at another MediaFileListEntr. At the end of the list there is a link to rdf:nil." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
 nfo:VectorImage a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ nfo:CompressionType a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Icon a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Icon" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An Icon (regardless of whether it's a raster or a vector icon. A resource representing an icon could have two types (Icon and Raster', 'or Icon and Vector) if required.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An Icon (regardless of whether it's a raster or a vector icon. A resource representing an icon could have two types (Icon and Raster, or Icon and Vector) if required." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:Image .
 nfo:TextDocument a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ nfo:TextDocument a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:PlainTextDocument a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "PlainTextDocument" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A file containing plain text (ASCII', 'Unicode or other encodings). Examples may include TXT', 'HTML', 'XML', 'program source code etc.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A file containing plain text (ASCII, Unicode or other encodings). Examples may include TXT, HTML, XML, program source code etc." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:TextDocument .
 nfo:HtmlDocument a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "HtmlDocument" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A HTML document', 'may contain links to other files.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A HTML document, may contain links to other files." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:PlainTextDocument .
 nfo:OperatingSystem a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ nfo:Font a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Filesystem a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Filesystem" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A filesystem. Examples of filesystems include hard disk partitions', 'removable media', 'but also images thereof stored in files.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A filesystem. Examples of filesystems include hard disk partitions, removable media, but also images thereof stored in files." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:DataContainer .
 nfo:SoftwareService a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "SoftwareService" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A service published by a piece of software', 'either by an operating system or an application. Examples of such services may include calendar','addresbook and mailbox managed by a PIM application. This category is introduced to distinguish between data available directly from the applications (Via some Interprocess Communication Mechanisms) and data available from files on a disk. In either case both DataObjects would receive a similar interpretation (e.g. a Mailbox) and wouldn't differ on the content level.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A service published by a piece of software, either by an operating system or an application. Examples of such services may include calendar, addresbook and mailbox managed by a PIM application. This category is introduced to distinguish between data available directly from the applications (Via some Interprocess Communication Mechanisms) and data available from files on a disk. In either case both DataObjects would receive a similar interpretation (e.g. a Mailbox) and wouldn't differ on the content level." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:DataObject .
 nfo:SoftwareItem a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -139,17 +139,17 @@ nfo:SoftwareItem a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Presentation a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Presentation" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A Presentation made by some presentation software (Corel Presentations', 'OpenOffice Impress', 'MS Powerpoint etc.)']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A Presentation made by some presentation software (Corel Presentations, OpenOffice Impress, MS Powerpoint etc.)" ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:Document .
 nfo:RemoteDataObject a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "RemoteDataObject" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A file data object stored at a remote location. Don't confuse this class with a RemotePortAddress. This one applies to a particular resource, 'RemotePortAddress applies to an address', 'that can have various interpretations.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A file data object stored at a remote location. Don't confuse this class with a RemotePortAddress. This one applies to a particular resource, RemotePortAddress applies to an address, that can have various interpretations." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:FileDataObject .
 nfo:PaginatedTextDocument a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "PaginatedTextDocument" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A file containing a text document', 'that is unambiguously divided into pages. Examples might include PDF', 'DOC', 'PS', 'DVI etc.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A file containing a text document, that is unambiguously divided into pages. Examples might include PDF, DOC, PS', DVI etc." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:TextDocument .
 nfo:Video a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -159,17 +159,17 @@ nfo:Video a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Spreadsheet a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Spreadsheet" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A spreadsheet', 'created by a spreadsheet application. Examples might include Gnumeric', 'OpenOffice Calc or MS Excel.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A spreadsheet, created by a spreadsheet application. Examples might include Gnumeric, OpenOffice Calc or MS Excel." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:Document .
 nfo:Trash a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Trash" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Represents a container for deleted files', 'a feature common in modern operating systems.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Represents a container for deleted files, a feature common in modern operating systems." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:DataContainer .
 nfo:FileHash a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "FileHash" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A fingerprint of the file', 'generated by some hashing function.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A fingerprint of the file, generated by some hashing function." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
 nfo:SourceCode a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ nfo:EmbeddedFileDataObject a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Attachment a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Attachment" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A file attached to another data object. Many data formats allow for attachments: emails', 'vcards', 'ical events', 'id3 and exif...']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A file attached to another data object. Many data formats allow for attachments: emails, vcards, ical events, id3 and exif..." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:EmbeddedFileDataObject .
 nfo:ArchiveItem a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -204,23 +204,23 @@ nfo:Archive a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:MindMap a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "MindMap" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A MindMap', 'created by a mind-mapping utility. Examples might include FreeMind or mind mapper.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A MindMap, created by a mind-mapping utility. Examples might include FreeMind or mind mapper." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:Document .
 nfo:MediaStream a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "MediaStream" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A stream of multimedia content', 'usually contained within a media container such as a movie (containing both audio and video) or a DVD (possibly containing many streams of audio and video). Most common interpretations for such a DataObject include Audio and Video.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A stream of multimedia content, usually contained within a media container such as a movie (containing both audio and video) or a DVD (possibly containing many streams of audio and video). Most common interpretations for such a DataObject include Audio and Video." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:DataObject .
 nfo:BookmarkFolder a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Bookmark Folder" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A folder with bookmarks of a webbrowser. Use nfo:containsBookmark to relate Bookmarks. Folders can contain subfolders', 'use containsBookmarkFolder to relate them.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A folder with bookmarks of a webbrowser. Use nfo:containsBookmark to relate Bookmarks. Folders can contain subfolders, use containsBookmarkFolder to relate them." ;
 	tracker:notify true ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
 nfo:FilesystemImage a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "FilesystemImage" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An image of a filesystem. Instances of this class may include CD images', 'DVD images or hard disk partition images created by various pieces of software (e.g. Norton Ghost)']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An image of a filesystem. Instances of this class may include CD images, DVD images or hard disk partition images created by various pieces of software (e.g. Norton Ghost)" ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nfo:Filesystem .
 nfo:HardDiskPartition a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ nfo:Cursor a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Bookmark a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Bookmark" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A bookmark of a webbrowser. Use nie:title for the name/label', 'nie:contentCreated to represent the date when the user added the bookmark', 'and nie:contentLastModified for modifications. nfo:bookmarks to store the link.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A bookmark of a webbrowser. Use nie:title for the name/label, nie:contentCreated to represent the date when the user added the bookmark, and nie:contentLastModified for modifications. nfo:bookmarks to store the link." ;
 	tracker:notify true ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ nfo:DeletedResource a rdfs:Class ;
 nfo:Website a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Website" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A website', 'usually a container for remote resources', 'that may be interpreted as HTMLDocuments', 'images or other types of content.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A website, usually a container for remote resources, that may be interpreted as HTMLDocuments, images or other types of content." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
 nfo:WebHistory a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ nfo:aspectRatio a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:fileSize a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "fileSize" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The size of the file in bytes. For compressed files it means the size of the packed file', 'not of the contents. For folders it means the aggregated size of all contained files and folders']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The size of the file in bytes. For compressed files it means the size of the packed file, not of the contents. For folders it means the aggregated size of all contained files and folders" ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:byteSize ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:FileDataObject ;
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ nfo:definesClass a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:interlaceMode a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "interlaceMode" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['True if the image is interlaced', 'false if not.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "True if the image is interlaced, false if not." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:Visual ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:boolean .
@@ -438,14 +438,14 @@ nfo:height a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:hashAlgorithm a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "hashAlgorithm" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Name of the algorithm used to compute the hash value. Examples might include CRC32', 'MD5', 'SHA', 'TTH etc.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Name of the algorithm used to compute the hash value. Examples might include CRC32, MD5, SHA, TTH etc." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:FileHash ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
 nfo:fileName a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "fileName" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Name of the file', 'together with the extension']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Name of the file, together with the extension" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:FileDataObject ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string ;
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ nfo:definesGlobalVariable a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:compressionType a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "compressionType" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The type of the compression. Values include', 'x'lossy' and x'lossless'.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The type of the compression. Values include, lossy and lossless." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:Media ;
 	rdfs:range nfo:CompressionType .
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ nfo:originalLocation a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:foundry a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "foundry" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The foundry', 'the organization that created the font.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The foundry, the organization that created the font." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nco:creator ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:Font ;
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ nfo:containsBookmark a rdf:Property ;
 nfo:averageBitrate a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "averageBitrate" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The average overall bitrate of a media container. (i.e. the size of the piece of media in bits', 'divided by it's duration expressed in seconds).']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The average overall bitrate of a media container. (i.e. the size of the piece of media in bits, divided by it's duration expressed in seconds)." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nfo:rate ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nfo:Media ;
diff --git a/data/ontologies/35-ncal.ontology b/data/ontologies/35-ncal.ontology
index 9a9b153..ee91f6b 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/35-ncal.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/35-ncal.ontology
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ncal:AccessClassification a rdfs:Class ;
 ncal:CalendarDataObject a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "CalendarDataObject" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A DataObject found in a calendar. It is usually interpreted as one of the calendar entity types (e.g. Event', 'Journal', 'Todo etc.)']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A DataObject found in a calendar. It is usually interpreted as one of the calendar entity types (e.g. Event, Journal, Todo etc.)" ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:DataObject .
 ncal:JournalStatus a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ ncal:NcalPeriod a rdfs:Class ;
 ncal:Calendar a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Calendar" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A calendar. Inspirations for this class can be traced to the VCALENDAR component defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.4', 'but it may just as well be used to represent any kind of Calendar.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A calendar. Inspirations for this class can be traced to the VCALENDAR component defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.4, but it may just as well be used to represent any kind of Calendar." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf nie:InformationElement .
 ncal:FreebusyPeriod a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "FreebusyPeriod" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['An aggregate of a period and a freebusy type. This class has been introduced to serve as a range of the ncal:freebusy property. See documentation for ncal:freebusy for details. Note that the specification of freebusy property states that the period is to be expressed using UTC time', 'so the timezone properties should NOT be used for instances of this class.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "An aggregate of a period and a freebusy type. This class has been introduced to serve as a range of the ncal:freebusy property. See documentation for ncal:freebusy for details. Note that the specification of freebusy property states that the period is to be expressed using UTC time, so the timezone properties should NOT be used for instances of this class." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf ncal:NcalPeriod .
 ncal:TriggerRelation a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ ncal:Todo a rdfs:Class ;
 ncal:Freebusy a rdfs:Class ;
 	rdfs:label "Freebusy" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Provide a grouping of component properties that describe either a request for free/busy time', 'describe a response to a request for free/busy time or describe a published set of busy time.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Provide a grouping of component properties that describe either a request for free/busy time, describe a response to a request for free/busy time or describe a published set of busy time." ;
 	rdfs:subClassOf ncal:UnionParentClass , nie:InformationElement .
 ncal:Journal a rdfs:Class ;
@@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ ncal:related a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:until a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "until" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The UNTIL rule part defines a date-time value which bounds the recurrence rule in an inclusive manner. If the value specified by UNTIL is synchronized with the specified recurrence', 'this date or date-time becomes the last instance of the recurrence. If specified as a date-time value', 'then it MUST be specified in an UTC time format. If not present', 'and the COUNT rule part is also not present', 'the RRULE is considered to repeat forever.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The UNTIL rule part defines a date-time value which bounds the recurrence rule in an inclusive manner. If the value specified by UNTIL is synchronized with the specified recurrence, this date or date-time becomes the last instance of the recurrence. If specified as a date-time value, then it MUST be specified in an UTC time format. If not present, and the COUNT rule part is also not present, the RRULE is considered to repeat forever." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:RecurrenceRule ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:dateTime .
 ncal:created a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "created" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['This property specifies the date and time that the calendar information was created by the calendar user agent in the calendar store. Note: This is analogous to the creation date and time for a file in the file system. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Note that this property is a subproperty of nie:created. The domain of nie:created is nie:DataObject. It is not a superclass of UnionOf_Vevent_Vjournal_Vtodo', 'but since that union is conceived as an 'abstract' class', 'and in real-life all resources referenced by this property will also be DataObjects', 'than this shouldn't cause too much of a problem. Note that RFC allows ONLY UTC time values for this property.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "This property specifies the date and time that the calendar information was created by the calendar user agent in the calendar store. Note: This is analogous to the creation date and time for a file in the file system. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Note that this property is a subproperty of nie:created. The domain of nie:created is nie:DataObject. It is not a superclass of UnionOf_Vevent_Vjournal_Vtodo, but since that union is conceived as an 'abstract' class, and in real-life all resources referenced by this property will also be DataObjects, than this shouldn't cause too much of a problem. Note that RFC allows ONLY UTC time values for this property." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:created ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
@@ -384,14 +384,14 @@ ncal:eventStatus a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:bydayModifier a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "bydayModifier" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A n integer modifier for the BYDAY rule part.    Each BYDAY value can also be preceded by a positive (+n) or negative  (-n) integer. If present', 'this indicates the nth occurrence of the specific day within the MONTHLY or YEARLY RRULE. For example', 'within a MONTHLY rule', '+1MO (or simply 1MO) represents the first Monday within the month', 'whereas -1MO represents the last Monday of the month. If an integer modifier is not present', 'it means all days of this type within the specified frequency. For example', 'within a MONTHLY rule', 'MO represents all Mondays within the month. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A n integer modifier for the BYDAY rule part. Each BYDAY value can also be preceded by a positive (+n) or negative  (-n) integer. If present, this indicates the nth occurrence of the specific day within the MONTHLY or YEARLY RRULE. For example, within a MONTHLY rule, +1MO (or simply 1MO) represents the first Monday within the month, whereas -1MO represents the last Monday of the month. If an integer modifier is not present, it means all days of this type within the specified frequency. For example, within a MONTHLY rule, MO represents all Mondays within the month. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:BydayRulePart ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:integer .
 ncal:uid a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "uid" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['This property defines the persistent', 'globally unique identifier for the calendar component. Inspired by the RFC 2445 sec']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "This property defines the persistent, globally unique identifier for the calendar component. Inspired by the RFC 2445 sec" ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:identifier ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ ncal:method a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:triggerDateTime a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "triggerDateTime" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The exact date and time of the trigger. This property has been created to express the VALUE=DATE', 'and VALUE=DATE-TIME parameters of the TRIGGER property. See the documentation for ncal:trigger for more details']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The exact date and time of the trigger. This property has been created to express the VALUE=DATE, and VALUE=DATE-TIME parameters of the TRIGGER property. See the documentation for ncal:trigger for more details" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:Trigger ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:dateTime .
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ ncal:dir a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:interval a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "interval" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The INTERVAL rule part contains a positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is '1'', 'meaning every second for a SECONDLY rule', 'or every minute for a MINUTELY rule', 'every hour for an HOURLY rule', 'every day for a DAILY rule', 'every week for a WEEKLY rule', 'every month for a MONTHLY rule andevery year for a YEARLY rule. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The INTERVAL rule part contains a positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is '1', meaning every second for a SECONDLY rule, or every minute for a MINUTELY rule, every hour for an HOURLY rule, every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule, every month for a MONTHLY rule andevery year for a YEARLY rule. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:RecurrenceRule ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:integer .
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ ncal:triggerDuration a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:class a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "class" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Defines the access classification for a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. with the following reservations:  this property has limited vocabulary. Possible values are:  PUBLIC', 'PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL. The default is PUBLIC. Those values are expressed as instances of the AccessClassification class. The user may create his/her own if necessary.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Defines the access classification for a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. with the following reservations:  this property has limited vocabulary. Possible values are:  PUBLIC, PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL. The default is PUBLIC. Those values are expressed as instances of the AccessClassification class. The user may create his/her own if necessary." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
 	rdfs:range ncal:AccessClassification .
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ ncal:transp a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:attendee a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "attendee" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The property defines an 'Attendee' within a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Originally this property accepted many parameters. The Attendee class has been introduced to express them all. Note that NCAL is aligned with NCO. The actual value (of the CAL-ADDRESS type) is expressed as an instance of nco:Contact. Remember that the CN parameter has been removed from NCAL. Instead that value should be expressed using nco:fullname property of the above mentioned nco:Contact instance. The RFC stated that whenever this property is attached to a Valarm instance', 'the Attendee cannot have any parameters apart from involvedContact.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The property defines an 'Attendee' within a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Originally this property accepted many parameters. The Attendee class has been introduced to express them all. Note that NCAL is aligned with NCO. The actual value (of the CAL-ADDRESS type) is expressed as an instance of nco:Contact. Remember that the CN parameter has been removed from NCAL. Instead that value should be expressed using nco:fullname property of the above mentioned nco:Contact instance. The RFC stated that whenever this property is attached to a Valarm instance', 'the Attendee cannot have any parameters apart from involvedContact.']" ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
 	rdfs:range ncal:Attendee .
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ ncal:date a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:rrule a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "rrule" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events', 'to-dos', 'or time zone definitions. sec.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, to-dos, or time zone definitions. sec." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
 	rdfs:range ncal:RecurrenceRule .
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ ncal:dtend a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:dateTime a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "dateTime" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Representation of a date an instance of NcalDateTime actually refers to. It's purpose is to express values in DATE-TIME datatype', 'as defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.5']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Representation of a date an instance of NcalDateTime actually refers to. It's purpose is to express values in DATE-TIME datatype, as defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.5" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:NcalDateTime ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:dateTime .
@@ -715,14 +715,14 @@ ncal:contact a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:repeat a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "repeat" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['This property defines the number of time the alarm should be repeated', 'after the initial trigger. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "This property defines the number of time the alarm should be repeated, after the initial trigger. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:Alarm ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:integer .
 ncal:bysetpos a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "bysetpos" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The BYSETPOS rule part specify values which correspond to the nth occurrence within the set of events specified by the rule. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. It MUST only be used in conjunction with another BYxxx rule part. For example 'the last work day of the month' could be represented as: RRULE: FREQ=MONTHLY; BYDAY=MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR; BYSETPOS=-1. Each BYSETPOS value can include a positive (+n) or negative (-n)  integer. If present', 'this indicates the nth occurrence of the  specific occurrence within the set of events specified by the rule. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The BYSETPOS rule part specify values which correspond to the nth occurrence within the set of events specified by the rule. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. It MUST only be used in conjunction with another BYxxx rule part. For example 'the last work day of the month' could be represented as: RRULE: FREQ=MONTHLY; BYDAY=MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR; BYSETPOS=-1. Each BYSETPOS value can include a positive (+n) or negative (-n)  integer. If present, this indicates the nth occurrence of the  specific occurrence within the set of events specified by the rule. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:RecurrenceRule ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:integer .
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ ncal:contactAltRep a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:rdate a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "rdate" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['This property defines the list of date/times for a recurrence set. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Note that RFC allows both DATE', 'DATE-TIME and PERIOD values for this property. That's why the range has been set to NcalTimeEntity.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "This property defines the list of date/times for a recurrence set. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Note that RFC allows both DATE, DATE-TIME and PERIOD values for this property. That's why the range has been set to NcalTimeEntity." ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
 	rdfs:range ncal:NcalTimeEntity .
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ ncal:dtstart a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:description a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "description" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['A more complete description of the calendar component', 'than  that provided by the ncal:summary property.Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. with following reservations:  the LANGUAGE parameter has been discarded. Please use xml:lang literals to express language. For the ALTREP parameter use the descriptionAltRep property.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "A more complete description of the calendar component, than that provided by the ncal:summary property.Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. with following reservations:  the LANGUAGE parameter has been discarded. Please use xml:lang literals to express language. For the ALTREP parameter use the descriptionAltRep property." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:description ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
@@ -872,14 +872,14 @@ ncal:encoding a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:requestStatusData a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "requestStatusData" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Additional data associated with a request status. Inspired by the third part of the structured value for the REQUEST-STATUS property defined in RFC 2445 sec. ('Textual exception data. For example', 'the offending property name and value or complete property line')']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Additional data associated with a request status. Inspired by the third part of the structured value for the REQUEST-STATUS property defined in RFC 2445 sec. ('Textual exception data. For example, the offending property name and value or complete property line')" ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:RequestStatus ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
 ncal:partstat a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "partstat" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['To specify the participation status for the calendar user specified by the property. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.2.12. Originally this parameter had three sets of allowed values. Which set applied to a particular case - depended on the type of calendar entity this parameter occured in. (event', 'todo', 'journal entry). This would be awkward to model in RDF so a single ParticipationStatus class has been introduced. Terms of the values vocabulary are expressed as instances of this class. Users are advised to pay attention which instances they use.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "To specify the participation status for the calendar user specified by the property. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.2.12. Originally this parameter had three sets of allowed values. Which set applied to a particular case - depended on the type of calendar entity this parameter occured in. (event, todo, journal entry). This would be awkward to model in RDF so a single ParticipationStatus class has been introduced. Terms of the values vocabulary are expressed as instances of this class. Users are advised to pay attention which instances they use." ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:Attendee ;
 	rdfs:range ncal:ParticipationStatus .
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ ncal:relatedToChild a rdf:Property ;
 ncal:relatedToParent a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "relatedToParent" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['The property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calendar component and another. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Originally this property had a RELTYPE parameter. It has been decided that it is more natural to introduce three different properties to express the values of that parameter. This property expresses the RELATED-TO property with no RELTYPE parameter (the default value is PARENT)', 'or with explicit RELTYPE=PARENT parameter.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "The property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calendar component and another. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. Originally this property had a RELTYPE parameter. It has been decided that it is more natural to introduce three different properties to express the values of that parameter. This property expresses the RELATED-TO property with no RELTYPE parameter (the default value is PARENT), or with explicit RELTYPE=PARENT parameter." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf ncal:ncalRelation ;
 	rdfs:domain ncal:UnionParentClass ;
 	rdfs:range xsd:string .
diff --git a/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology b/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
index 7af58a7..f048ca4 100644
--- a/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
+++ b/data/ontologies/38-nmm.ontology
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ nmm:isForHearingImpaired a rdf:Property ;
 nmm:musicCDIdentifier a rdf:Property ;
 	rdfs:label "Music CD identifier" ;
-	rdfs:comment "['Music CD identifier to for databases like FreeDB.org. This frame is intended for music that comes from a CD', 'so that the CD can be identified in databases such as the CDDB. The frame consists of a binary dump of the Table Of Contents', 'TOC', 'from the CD', 'which is a header of 4 bytes and then 8 bytes/track on the CD plus 8 bytes for the 'lead out' making a maximum of 804 bytes. The offset to the beginning of every track on the CD should be described with a four bytes absolute CD-frame address per track', 'and not with absolute time.']" ;
+	rdfs:comment "Music CD identifier to for databases like FreeDB.org. This frame is intended for music that comes from a CD, so that the CD can be identified in databases such as the CDDB. The frame consists of a binary dump of the Table Of Contents, TOC, from the CD, which is a header of 4 bytes and then 8 bytes/track on the CD plus 8 bytes for the 'lead out' making a maximum of 804 bytes. The offset to the beginning of every track on the CD should be described with a four bytes absolute CD-frame address per track, and not with absolute time." ;
 	rdfs:subPropertyOf nie:identifier ;
 	nrl:maxCardinality 1 ;
 	rdfs:domain nmm:MusicAlbum ;

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