[gnome-games] Remove dead code for old 3D models

commit b466f3c569df28f23c1b1e58db537c88d445dff3
Author: Robert Ancell <robert ancell gmail com>
Date:   Tue May 19 16:36:57 2009 +0200

    Remove dead code for old 3D models
 glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/Makefile.am           |    3 +-
 glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/builtin_models.py     |  509 --------------------
 .../lib/scene/opengl/{new_models.py => models.py}  |   25 +-
 glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/opengl.py             |    5 +-
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 533 deletions(-)

diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/Makefile.am b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/Makefile.am
index 380ef4b..7827c02 100644
--- a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/Makefile.am
+++ b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/Makefile.am
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 glchessdir = $(pythondir)/glchess/scene/opengl
 glchess_PYTHON = \
-	builtin_models.py	\
 	__init__.py	\
-	new_models.py	\
+	models.py	\
 	opengl.py	\
 	texture.py	\
diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/builtin_models.py b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/builtin_models.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56560c8..0000000
--- a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/builtin_models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-__author__ = 'Robert Ancell <bob27 users sourceforge net>'
-__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2'
-__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006  Robert Ancell'
-import math
-import os.path
-from OpenGL.GL import *
-import glchess.scene
-import texture
-from glchess.defaults import *
-WHITE_BASE      = (0.95, 0.81, 0.64)
-WHITE_AMBIENT   = (0.4*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.4*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.4*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0)
-WHITE_DIFFUSE   = (0.7*WHITE_BASE[0], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[1], 0.7*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0)
-WHITE_SPECULAR  = (1.0*WHITE_BASE[0], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[1], 1.0*WHITE_BASE[2], 1.0)
-BLACK_BASE      = (0.62, 0.45, 0.28)
-BLACK_AMBIENT   = (0.4*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.4*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.4*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0)
-BLACK_DIFFUSE   = (0.7*BLACK_BASE[0], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[1], 0.7*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0)
-BLACK_SPECULAR  = (1.0*BLACK_BASE[0], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[1], 1.0*BLACK_BASE[2], 1.0)
-class BuiltinSet(glchess.scene.ChessSet):
-    """
-    """    
-    def __init__(self, textureFileName, ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess):
-        self.__pawn = Pawn()
-        self.__rook = Rook()
-        self.__knight = Knight()
-        self.__bishop = Bishop()
-        self.__queen = Queen()
-        self.__king = King()
-        self.__modelsByName = {'pawn': self.__pawn,
-                               'rook': self.__rook,
-                               'knight': self.__knight,
-                               'bishop': self.__bishop,
-                               'queen': self.__queen,
-                               'king': self.__king}
-        self.__displayLists = {}
-        self.__stateColours = {}
-        self.__defaultState = None
-        # The rotation in degrees of pieces in the set (i.e. 0.0 for white and 180.0 for black)
-        self.__rotation = 0.0
-        self.__texture = texture.Texture(textureFileName, ambient = ambient, diffuse = diffuse,
-                                         specular = specular, shininess = shininess)
-    def setRotation(self, theta):
-        """
-        """
-        self.__rotation = theta
-    def addState(self, name, colour, default = False):
-        """
-        """
-        self.__stateColours[name] = colour
-        if default is True:
-            self.__defaultState = colour
-    def drawPiece(self, pieceName, state, context):
-        """Draw a piece.
-        'pieceName' is the piece name (string).
-        'state' is the piece state (string).
-        'context' is a reference to the openGL context being used (user-defined).
-        If a context is provided then the models are rendered using display lists.
-        """
-        glRotatef(self.__rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
-        # Draw as white if textured
-        if glGetBoolean(GL_TEXTURE_2D):
-            glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
-        else:
-            try:
-                colour = self.__stateColours[state]
-            except KeyError:
-                colour = self.__defaultState
-            glColor3fv(colour)
-        self.__texture.bind()
-        # Render to a display list for optimisation
-        # TODO: This lists should be able to be shared between colours and games
-        try:
-            list = self.__displayLists[pieceName]
-        except KeyError:
-            # Get model to render
-            piece = self.__modelsByName[pieceName]
-            # Attempt to make an optimised list, if none available just render normally
-            list = self.__displayLists[pieceName] = glGenLists(1)
-            if list == 0:
-                piece.draw()
-                return
-            # Draw the model
-            glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE)
-            piece.draw()
-            glEndList()
-        # Draw pre-rendered model
-        glCallList(list)
-class WhiteBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet):
-    """
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(TEXTURE_DIR, 'piece.png'), WHITE_AMBIENT, WHITE_DIFFUSE, WHITE_SPECULAR, WHITE_SHININESS)
-        self.setRotation(180.0)
-        self.addState('unselected', (0.9, 0.9, 0.9), default = True)
-class BlackBuiltinSet(BuiltinSet):
-    """
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        BuiltinSet.__init__(self, os.path.join(TEXTURE_DIR, 'piece.png'), BLACK_AMBIENT, BLACK_DIFFUSE, BLACK_SPECULAR, BLACK_SHININESS)
-        self.addState('unselected', (0.2, 0.2, 0.2), default = True)
-class SimpleModel:
-    """
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.pos = None
-    def start(self):
-        pass
-    def revolve(self, coords, divisions = 16, scale = 1.0, maxHeight = None):
-        """
-        """
-        # Get the number of points
-        # If less than two points, can not revolve
-        if len(coords) < 2:
-            raise TypeError() # FIXME
-        # If the max_height hasn't been defined, find it
-        if maxHeight is None:
-            maxHeight = 0.0
-            for coord in coords:
-                if maxHeight < coord[1]:
-                    maxHeight = coord[1]
-        # Draw the revolution
-        sin_ptheta = 0.0
-        cos_ptheta = 1.0
-        norm_ptheta = 0.0
-        for division in range(1, divisions+1):
-            theta = 2.0 * (float(division) * math.pi) / float(divisions)
-            sin_theta = math.sin(theta)
-            cos_theta = math.cos(theta)
-            norm_theta = theta / (2.0 * math.pi)
-            coord = coords[0]
-            pradius = coord[0] * scale
-            pheight = coord[1] * scale
-            for coord in coords[1:]:
-                radius = coord[0] * scale
-                height = coord[1] * scale
-                # Get the normalized lengths of the normal vector
-                dradius = radius - pradius
-                dheight = height - pheight
-                length = math.sqrt(dradius * dradius + dheight * dheight)
-                dradius /= length
-                dheight /= length
-                normal = (dheight, -dradius)
-                # Rotate the normal
-                n0 = (normal[0] * sin_ptheta, normal[1], normal[0] * cos_ptheta)
-                n1 = (normal[0] * sin_theta, normal[1], normal[0] * cos_theta)
-                #
-                # |    |
-                # |    |    _ height1
-                # |    \
-                # |     \
-                # |      \  _ height0
-                # |       |
-                #
-                #      |  |
-                # 0    r1 r0
-                #
-                #   d +----------+ c - upper point
-                #     |          |
-                #     |          |
-                #     |          |
-                #     |          |
-                #   a +----------+ b - lower point
-                #
-                #     |          |
-                #  smaller     larger
-                #   angle      angle
-                a = (pradius * sin_ptheta, pheight, pradius * cos_ptheta)
-                b = (pradius * sin_theta, pheight, pradius * cos_theta)
-                c = (radius * sin_theta, height, radius * cos_theta)
-                d = (radius * sin_ptheta, height, radius * cos_ptheta)
-                # Texture co-ordinates (conical transformation)
-                ta = self.__getTextureCoord(a, maxHeight)
-                tb = self.__getTextureCoord(b, maxHeight)
-                tc = self.__getTextureCoord(c, maxHeight)
-                td = self.__getTextureCoord(d, maxHeight)
-                # If only triangles required
-                if c == d:
-                    glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES)
-                    glNormal3fv(n0)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(ta)
-                    glVertex3fv(a)
-                    glNormal3fv(n1)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(tb)
-                    glVertex3fv(b)
-                    # FIXME: should have an average normal
-                    glTexCoord2fv(tc)
-                    glVertex3fv(c)
-                    glEnd()
-                if a == b:
-                    glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES)
-                    glNormal3fv(n0)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(ta)
-                    glVertex3fv(a)
-                    glNormal3fv(n1)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(tc)
-                    glVertex3fv(c)
-                    # FIXME: should have an average normal
-                    glVertex3fv(td)
-                    glVertex3fv(d)
-                    glEnd()
-                else:
-                    # quads required
-                    glBegin(GL_QUADS)
-                    glNormal3fv(n0)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(ta)
-                    glVertex3fv(a)
-                    glNormal3fv(n1)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(tb)
-                    glVertex3fv(b)
-                    glNormal3fv(n1)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(tc)
-                    glVertex3fv(c)
-                    glNormal3fv(n0)
-                    glTexCoord2fv(td)
-                    glVertex3fv(d)
-                    glEnd()
-                pradius = radius
-                pheight = height
-            sin_ptheta = sin_theta
-            cos_ptheta = cos_theta
-            norm_ptheta = norm_theta
-    def __getTextureCoord(self, vertex, maxHeight):
-        """
-        """
-        # FIXME: Change to a hemispherical projection so the top is not so flat
-        # Conical transformation, get u and v based on vertex angle
-        u = vertex[0]
-        v = vertex[2]
-        # Normalise 
-        length = math.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
-        if length != 0.0:
-            u /= length
-            v /= length
-        # Maximum height is in the middle of the texture, minimum on the boundary
-        h = 1.0 - (vertex[1] / maxHeight)
-        return (0.5 + 0.5 * h * u, 0.5 + 0.5 * h * v)
-    def __drawVertex(self, vertex, maxHeight):
-        glTexCoord2fv(self.__getTextureCoord(vertex, maxHeight))
-        glVertex3fv(vertex)
-    def drawTriangles(self, triangles, verticies, normals, maxHeight):
-        """
-        """
-        glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES)
-        for t in triangles:
-            glNormal3fv(normals[t[0]])
-            v = t[1]
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[0]], maxHeight)
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[1]], maxHeight)
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[2]], maxHeight)
-        glEnd()
-    def drawQuads(self, quads, verticies, normals, maxHeight):
-        """
-        """
-        glBegin(GL_QUADS)
-        for t in quads:
-            glNormal3fv(normals[t[0]])
-            v = t[1]
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[0]], maxHeight)
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[1]], maxHeight)
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[2]], maxHeight)
-            self.__drawVertex(verticies[v[3]], maxHeight)
-        glEnd()
-    def end(self):
-        pass
-    def draw(self):
-        """
-        """
-        pass
-class Pawn(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(3.5, 0.0), (3.5, 2.0), (2.5, 3.0), (2.5, 4.0), (1.5, 6.0), (1.0, 8.8),
-                       (1.8, 8.8), (1.0, 9.2), (2.0, 11.6), (1.0, 13.4), (0.0, 13.4)]
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        pass
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords)
-class Rook(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(3.8, 0.0), (3.8, 2.0), (2.6, 5.0), (2.0, 10.2), (2.8, 10.2), (2.8, 13.6), (2.2, 13.6), (2.2, 13.0), (0.0, 13.0)]
-    def __init__(self):
-        SimpleModel.__init__(self)
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        pass
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords)
-class Knight(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(4.1, 0.0), (4.1, 2.0), (2.0, 3.6), (2.0, 4.8), (2.6, 5.8)]
-    # The other polygons
-    __verticies = [(2.6, 5.8, 2.6), (-2.6, 5.8, 2.6), (-2.6, 5.8, -0.8), (2.6, 5.8, -0.8),
-                   (0.8, 16.2, 4.0), (1.0, 16.8, 3.4), (-1.0, 16.8, 3.4), (-0.80, 16.2, 4.0),
-                   (1.0, 16.8, 3.0), (-1.0, 16.8, 3.0), (0.5, 16.8, 1.6), (-0.5, 16.8, 1.6),
-                   (1.0, 16.8, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.8, 0.20), (1.0, 16.8, -0.20), (-1.0, 16.8, -0.20),
-                   (0.4, 16.8, -1.1), (-0.4, 16.8, -1.1), (1.0, 16.8, -2.0), (-1.0, 16.8, -2.0),
-                   (1.0, 16.8, -4.4), (-1.0, 16.8, -4.4), (1.0, 15.0, -4.4), (-1.0, 15.0, -4.4),
-                   (0.55, 14.8, -2.8), (-0.55, 14.8, -2.8), (-1.0, 14.0, 1.3), (-1.2, 13.8, 2.4),
-                   (-0.8, 16.8, 0.20), (-1.2, 13.8, 0.20), (-0.82666667, 16.6, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.6, -0.38),
-                   (-0.88, 16.2, 0.20), (-1.0, 16.2, -0.74), (-1.2, 13.6, -0.20), (-1.0, 15.8, -1.1),
-                   (-0.6, 14.0, -1.4), (1.2, 13.8, 2.4), (1.0, 14.0, 1.3), (1.2, 13.8, 0.20),
-                   (0.8, 16.8, 0.20), (0.82666667, 16.6, 0.20), (1.0, 16.6, -0.38), (1.2, 13.6, -0.20),
-                   (1.0, 16.2, -0.74), (0.88, 16.2, 0.20), (0.6, 14.0, -1.4), (1.0, 15.8, -1.1),
-                   (0.8, 16.4, -0.56), (0.61333334, 16.4, 0.20), (-0.61333334, 16.4, 0.20), (-0.8, 16.4, -0.56),
-                   (0.35, 17.8, -0.8), (0.35, 17.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 17.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 17.8, -0.8),
-                   (0.35, 16.8, -0.8), (0.35, 16.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 16.8, -4.4), (-0.35, 16.8, -0.8),
-                   (0.0, 15.0, -3.6), (0.0, 7.8, -4.0), (-0.5, 13.8, 0.4), (-2.0, 8.8, 4.0),
-                   (2.0, 8.8, 4.0), (0.5, 13.8, 0.4), (-1.4, 12.2, -0.4), (-1.1422222222, 12.2, -2.2222222222),
-                   (1.4, 12.2, -0.4), (1.1422222222, 12.2, -2.2222222222), (1.44, 5.8, -2.6), (-1.44, 5.8, -2.6),
-                   (0.0, 14.0, 4.0), (-0.45, 13.8, -0.20), (0.45, 13.8, -0.20)]
-    __normals = [(0.0, -1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.707107, 0.707107), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
-                 (-0.933878, 0.128964, -0.333528), (-0.966676, 0.150427, 0.207145), (-0.934057, 0.124541, -0.334704), (-0.970801, -0.191698, -0.144213),
-                 (-0.97561, 0.219512, 0.0), (0.933878, 0.128964, -0.333528), (0.966676, 0.150427, 0.207145), (0.934057, 0.124541, -0.334704),
-                 (0.970801, -0.191698, -0.144213), (0.97561, -0.219512, 0.0), (0.598246, 0.797665, 0.076372), (0.670088, -0.714758, 0.200256),
-                 (-0.598246, 0.797665, 0.076372), (-0.670088, -0.714758, 0.200256), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
-                 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, -0.853282, 0.52145), (0.0, -0.98387, -0.178885), (-0.788443, 0.043237, -0.613587),
-                 (0.788443, 0.043237, -0.613587), (0.0, 0.584305, 0.811534), (0.0, -0.422886, 0.906183), (-0.969286, 0.231975, -0.081681),
-                 (-0.982872, 0.184289, 0.0), (0.969286, 0.231975, -0.081681), (0.982872, 0.184289, 0.0), (0.81989, -0.220458, -0.528373),
-                 (0.0, -0.573462, -0.819232), (-0.819890, -0.220459, -0.528373), (-0.752714, -0.273714, 0.59875), (-0.957338, 0.031911, 0.287202),
-                 (-0.997785, 0.066519, 0.0), (0.752714, -0.273714, 0.59875), (0.957338, 0.031911, 0.287202), (0.997785, 0.066519, 0.0),
-                 (0.0, -0.992278, 0.124035), (-0.854714, 0.484047, 0.187514), (-0.853747, 0.515805, -0.0711460), (0.854714, 0.484047, 0.187514),
-                 (0.853747, 0.515805, -0.0711460), (0.252982, -0.948683, -0.189737), (0.257603, -0.966012, 0.021467), (0.126745, -0.887214, 0.443607),
-                 (-0.252982, -0.948683, -0.189737), (-0.257603, -0.966012, 0.021467), (-0.126745, -0.887214, 0.443607), (0.000003, -0.668965, 0.743294),
-                 (-0.000003, -0.668965, 0.743294), (-0.997484, 0.070735, 0.004796), (-0.744437, 0.446663, -0.496292), (0.997484, 0.070735, 0.004796),
-                 (0.744437, 0.446663, -0.496292)]
-    __triangles = ((31, (3, 70, 61)), (32, (70, 71, 61)), (33, (2, 61, 71)), (20, (72, 4, 7)),
-                   (34, (72, 7, 27)), (35, (27, 7, 6)), (36, (27, 6, 9)), (37, (72, 37, 4)),
-                   (38, (37, 5, 4)), (39, (37, 8, 5)), (40, (72, 27, 37)), (41, (36, 66, 73)),
-                   (42, (73, 66, 62)), (43, (46, 74, 68)), (44, (74, 65, 68)), (45, (46, 43, 74)),
-                   (46, (65, 74, 43)), (47, (65, 43, 39)), (48, (36, 73, 34)), (49, (62, 34, 73)),
-                   (50, (62, 29, 34)), (3, (45, 49, 41)), (51, (44, 42, 48)), (3, (32, 30, 50)),
-                   (52, (33, 51, 31)), (53, (17, 19, 35)), (54, (15, 17, 35)), (55, (16, 47, 18)),
-                   (56, (14, 47, 16)))
-    __quads = ((0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), (1, (4, 5, 6, 7)), (2, (5, 8, 9, 6)), (2, (8, 10, 11, 9)),
-               (2, (10, 12, 13, 11)), (2, (12, 14, 15, 13)), (2, (14, 16, 17, 15)), (2, (16, 18, 19, 17)),
-               (2, (18, 20, 21, 19)), (3, (21, 20, 22, 23)), (3, (23, 22, 24, 25)), (4, (9, 11, 26, 27)),
-               (5, (11, 28, 29, 26)), (6, (30, 28, 15, 31)), (6, (29, 32, 33, 34)), (6, (34, 33, 35, 36)),
-               (7, (19, 25, 36, 35)), (8, (19, 21, 23, 25)), (9, (8, 37, 38, 10)), (10, (10, 38, 39, 40)),
-               (11, (41, 42, 14, 40)), (11, (39, 43, 44, 45)), (11, (43, 46, 47, 44)), (12, (18, 47, 46, 24)),
-               (13, (18, 24, 22, 20)), (14, (45, 44, 48, 49)), (15, (49, 48, 42, 41)), (16, (32, 50, 51, 33)),
-               (17, (50, 30, 31, 51)), (2, (52, 53, 54, 55)), (18, (52, 56, 57, 53)), (19, (55, 54, 58, 59)),
-               (20, (52, 55, 59, 56)), (3, (53, 57, 58, 54)), (21, (26, 29, 39, 38)), (22, (26, 38, 37, 27)),
-               (23, (2, 25, 60, 61)), (24, (3, 61, 60, 24)), (25, (62, 63, 64, 65)), (26, (63, 1, 0, 64)),
-               (27, (62, 66, 1, 63)), (28, (66, 67, 2, 1)), (28, (25, 67, 66, 36)), (29, (65, 64, 0, 68)),
-               (30, (68, 0, 3, 69)), (30, (24, 46, 68, 69)))
-    def __init__(self):
-        SimpleModel.__init__(self)
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        self.__maxHeight = 0.0
-        for v in self.__verticies:
-            if v[1] > self.__maxHeight:
-                self.__maxHeight = v[1]
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords, maxHeight = self.__maxHeight)
-        self.drawTriangles(self.__triangles, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight)
-        self.drawQuads(self.__quads, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight)
-class Bishop(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(4.0, 0.0), (4.0, 2.0), (2.5, 3.0), (2.5, 4.0), (1.5, 7.0), (1.2, 9.4), (2.5, 9.4), (1.7, 11.0), 
-                       (1.7, 12.2), (2.2, 13.2), (2.2, 14.8), (1.0, 16.0), (0.8, 17.0), (1.2, 17.7), (0.8, 18.4), (0.0, 18.4)]
-    def __init__(self):
-        SimpleModel.__init__(self)
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        pass
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords)
-class Queen(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(4.8, 0.0), (4.8, 2.2), (3.4, 4.0), (3.4, 5.0), (1.8, 8.0), (1.4, 11.8), (2.9, 11.8),
-                       (1.8, 13.6), (1.8, 15.2), (2.0, 17.8), (2.7, 19.2), (2.4, 20.0), (1.7, 20.0),
-                       (0.95, 20.8), (0.7, 20.8), (0.9, 21.4), (0.7, 22.0), (0.0, 22.0)]
-    def __init__(self):
-        SimpleModel.__init__(self)
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        pass
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords)
-class King(SimpleModel):
-    """
-    """
-    # The co-ordinates of the revolution that makes the model
-    __revolveCoords = [(5.0, 0.0), (5.0, 2.0), (3.5, 3.0), (3.5, 4.6), (2.0, 7.6), (1.4, 12.6), (3.0, 12.6),
-                       (2.0, 14.6), (2.0, 15.6), (2.8, 19.1), (1.6, 19.7), (1.6, 20.1), (0.0, 20.1)]
-    __verticies = [(-0.3, 20.1, 0.351), (0.3, 20.1, 0.35), (0.3, 23.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 23.1, 0.35),
-                   (-0.9, 21.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 21.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, 0.35), (-0.9, 22.1, 0.35),
-                   (0.9, 21.1, 0.35), (0.9, 22.1, 0.35), (0.3, 22.1, 0.35), (0.3, 21.1, 0.35),
-                   (0.3, 20.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 20.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 23.1, -0.35), (0.3, 23.1, -0.35),
-                   (-0.3, 21.1, -0.35), (-0.9, 21.1, -0.35), (-0.9, 22.1, -0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, -0.35),
-                   (0.3, 21.1, -0.35), (0.3, 22.1, -0.35), (0.9, 22.1, -0.35), (0.9, 21.1, -0.35),
-                   (-0.3, 20.1, 0.35), (-0.3, 22.1, 0.3), (-0.3, 23.1, 0.3), (-0.3, 23.1, -0.3),
-                   (-0.3, 22.1, -0.3)]
-    __normals = [(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)]
-    __quads = [(0, (0, 1, 2, 3)), (0, (4, 5, 6, 7)), (0, (8, 9, 10, 11)), (1, (12, 13, 14, 15)),
-               (1, (16, 17, 18, 19)), (1, (20, 21, 22, 23)), (2, (4, 7, 18, 17)), (2, (24, 5, 16, 13)),
-               (2, (25, 26, 27, 28)), (3, (23, 22, 9, 8)), (3, (12, 20, 11, 1)), (3, (21, 15, 2, 10)),
-               (4, (18, 7, 6, 19)), (4, (21, 10, 9, 22)), (4, (14, 3, 2, 15))]
-    def __init__(self):
-        SimpleModel.__init__(self)
-        self.pos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-        self.__maxHeight = 0.0
-        for v in self.__verticies:
-            if v[1] > self.__maxHeight:
-                self.__maxHeight = v[1]
-    def draw(self):
-        self.revolve(self.__revolveCoords, maxHeight = self.__maxHeight)
-        self.drawQuads(self.__quads, self.__verticies, self.__normals, self.__maxHeight)
diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/new_models.py b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/models.py
similarity index 99%
rename from glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/new_models.py
rename to glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/models.py
index 97c9089..61d7472 100644
--- a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/new_models.py
+++ b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/models.py
@@ -47,25 +47,6 @@ def normalize(a):
 class BuiltinSet(glchess.scene.ChessSet):
-    # The models
-    __pawn   = None
-    __rook   = None
-    __knight = None
-    __bishop = None
-    __queen  = None
-    __king   = None
-    # A dictionary of models indexed by name
-    __modelsByName = None
-    # The rotation in degrees of pieces in the set (i.e. 0.0 for white and 180.0 for black)
-    __rotation = 0.0
-    __stateColours = None
-    __defaultState = None    
-    # The model texture
-    __texture = None
     def __init__(self, textureFileName, ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess):
         self.__pawn = Pawn()
@@ -80,7 +61,9 @@ class BuiltinSet(glchess.scene.ChessSet):
                                'bishop': self.__bishop,
                                'queen': self.__queen,
                                'king': self.__king}
+        self.__defaultState = None
         self.__stateColours = {}
+        self.__rotation = 0.0 # The rotation in degrees of pieces in the set (i.e. 0.0 for white and 180.0 for black)
         self.__texture = texture.Texture(textureFileName, ambient = ambient, diffuse = diffuse,
                                          specular = specular, shininess = shininess)
@@ -494,6 +477,7 @@ class SimpleModel:
 class Pawn(SimpleModel):
     data = (SPIN,16,
@@ -576,6 +560,7 @@ class Rook(SimpleModel):
 class Knight(SimpleModel):
     data = (VERTICES, SETBACKREF,0, 7910,8863,0, 7790,8863,1326, 7433,8863,2611,
             6850,8863,3817, 6059,8863,4907, 5084,8863,5847, 3955,8863,6611,
             2705,8863,7173, 1373,8863,7517, 0,8863,7633, -1373,8863,7517,
@@ -1386,6 +1371,7 @@ class Knight(SimpleModel):
 class Bishop(SimpleModel):
     data = (VERTICES, SETBACKREF,0, 5233,26960,0, 5154,26960,909, 4918,26960,1790,
             4532,26960,2617, 4009,26960,3364, 3364,26960,4009, 2617,26960,4532,
             1790,26960,4918, 909,26960,5154, 0,26833,5233, -909,26960,5154,
@@ -1478,6 +1464,7 @@ class Bishop(SimpleModel):
 class Queen(SimpleModel):
     data = (SPIN,24,
diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/opengl.py b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/opengl.py
index 994699c..36c04a5 100644
--- a/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/opengl.py
+++ b/glchess/src/lib/scene/opengl/opengl.py
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ from glchess.defaults import *
 import glchess.scene
 import texture
-import new_models
-builtin_models = new_models
+import models
 PIECE_MOVE_SPEED    = 50.0 # FIXME: Define units
@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ class Scene(glchess.scene.Scene):
         self.showNumbering = False
         self.numberingTexture = None
-        self.chessSets = {'white': builtin_models.WhiteBuiltinSet(), 'black': builtin_models.BlackBuiltinSet()}
+        self.chessSets = {'white': models.WhiteBuiltinSet(), 'black': models.BlackBuiltinSet()}
         # Texture objects for the board
         self.whiteTexture = texture.Texture(os.path.join(TEXTURE_DIR, 'board.png'),

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