[planner] Dropped our own autogen.sh in favor of the gnome-common one
- From: Maurice van der Pot <mvdpot src gnome org>
- To: svn-commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [planner] Dropped our own autogen.sh in favor of the gnome-common one
- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 20:04:49 +0000 (UTC)
commit e8e08f5002e1842ef78fb6e0571a0cd34e40ef49
Author: Maurice van der Pot <griffon26 kfk4ever com>
Date: Thu Nov 19 22:09:16 2009 +0100
Dropped our own autogen.sh in favor of the gnome-common one
You now need to have gnome-common installed if you want to run
autogen.sh. This mainly affects people building the source from git.
.gitignore | 2 +
autogen.sh | 175 +++------------------------------------------------------
omf.make | 61 --------------------
xmldocs.make | 95 -------------------------------
4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 753c76a..5691f6c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -36,4 +36,6 @@ Makefile.in
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
index db8c870..b48e854 100755
--- a/autogen.sh
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -4,173 +4,18 @@
srcdir=`dirname $0`
test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
-cd $srcdir
-: ${AUTOCONF=autoconf}
-: ${AUTOHEADER=autoheader}
-: ${AUTOMAKE=automake-1.9}
-: ${ACLOCAL=aclocal-1.9}
-: ${LIBTOOLIZE=libtoolize}
-: ${INTLTOOLIZE=intltoolize}
-: ${LIBTOOL=libtool}
-# if GNOME2_DIR set, modify ACLOCAL_FLAGS ...
-if [ -n "$GNOME2_DIR" ]; then
-($AUTOCONF --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
- echo
- echo "You must have autoconf installed to compile $PROJECT."
- echo "Download the appropriate package for your distribution,"
- echo "or get the source tarball at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/";
- DIE=1
-(grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" $srcdir/$CONFIGURE >/dev/null) && {
- ($INTLTOOLIZE --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
- echo
- echo "You must have \`intltoolize' installed to compile $PROJECT."
- echo "Get ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/stable/sources/intltool/intltool-0.28.tar.gz";
- echo "(or a newer version if it is available)"
- DIE=1
- }
+(test -f $srcdir/configure.in) || {
+ echo -n "**Error**: Directory "\`$srcdir\'" does not look like the"
+ echo " top-level $PKG_NAME directory"
+ exit 1
-($AUTOMAKE --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
- echo
- echo "You must have automake 1.9.x installed to compile $PROJECT."
- echo "Install the appropriate package for your distribution,"
- echo "or get the source tarball at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/";
- DIE=1
+which gnome-autogen.sh || {
+ echo "You need to install the gnome-common package"
+ exit 1
-(grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null) && {
- ($LIBTOOL --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
- echo
- echo "You must have libtool 1.5 installed to compile $PROJECT."
- echo "Install the appropriate package for your distribution,"
- echo "or get the source tarball at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libtool/";
- echo "(or a newer version if it is available)"
- DIE=1
- }
-(gtkdocize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
- echo
- echo "You must have gtk-doc installed to compile $PROJECT."
- echo "Install the appropriate package for your distribution,"
- echo "or get the source tarball at ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gtk-doc/";
- DIE=1
-if grep "^AM_[A-Z0-9_]\{1,\}_GETTEXT" "$CONFIGURE" >/dev/null; then
- if grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" "$CONFIGURE" >/dev/null; then
- GETTEXTIZE="glib-gettextize"
- GETTEXTIZE_URL="ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v2.0/glib-2.0.0.tar.gz";
- else
- GETTEXTIZE="gettextize"
- GETTEXTIZE_URL="ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz";
- fi
- $GETTEXTIZE --version < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1
- if test $? -ne 0; then
- echo
- echo "**Error**: You must have \`$GETTEXTIZE' installed to compile $PKG_NAME."
- echo "Get $GETTEXTIZE_URL"
- echo "(or a newer version if it is available)"
- DIE=1
- fi
-if test "$DIE" -eq 1; then
- exit 1
-test $TEST_TYPE $FILE || {
- echo "You must run this script in the top-level $PROJECT directory"
- exit 1
-if test -z "$*"; then
- echo "I am going to run ./configure with no arguments - if you wish "
- echo "to pass any to it, please specify them on the $0 command line."
-case $CC in
-*xlc | *xlc\ * | *lcc | *lcc\ *) am_opt=--include-deps;;
-for coin in $CONFIGURE
- dr=`dirname $coin`
- if test -f $dr/NO-AUTO-GEN; then
- echo skipping $dr -- flagged as no auto-gen
- else
- echo processing $dr
- macrodirs=`sed -n -e 's,AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE(\(.*\)),\1,gp' < $coin`
- ( cd $dr
- aclocalinclude="$ACLOCAL_FLAGS"
- for k in $macrodirs; do
- if test -d $k; then
- aclocalinclude="$aclocalinclude -I $k"
- ##else
- ## echo "**Warning**: No such directory \`$k'. Ignored."
- fi
- done
- if grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null; then
- #if grep "sed.*POTFILES" configure.in >/dev/null; then
- # : do nothing -- we still have an old unmodified configure.in
- #else
- echo "Creating $dr/aclocal.m4 ..."
- test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 || touch $dr/aclocal.m4
- echo "Running glib-gettextize... Ignore non-fatal messages."
- echo "no" | glib-gettextize --force --copy
- echo "Making $dr/aclocal.m4 writable ..."
- test -r $dr/aclocal.m4 && chmod u+w $dr/aclocal.m4
- #fi
- fi
- if grep "^IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null; then
- echo "Running intltoolize..."
- intltoolize --copy --force --automake
- fi
- if grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null; then
- echo "Running $LIBTOOLIZE..."
- $LIBTOOLIZE --force --copy
- fi
- gtkdocize || exit 1
- echo "Running $ACLOCAL $aclocalinclude ..."
- $ACLOCAL $aclocalinclude
- if grep "^AM_CONFIG_HEADER" $CONFIGURE >/dev/null; then
- echo "Running $AUTOHEADER..."
- fi
- echo "Running $AUTOMAKE --gnu $am_opt ..."
- $AUTOMAKE --add-missing --gnu $am_opt
- echo "Running $AUTOCONF ..."
- )
- fi
-conf_flags="--enable-maintainer-mode --enable-compile-warnings" #--enable-iso-c #--enable-simple-priority-scheduling
-cd "$ORIGDIR"
-if test x$NOCONFIGURE = x; then
- echo Running $srcdir/configure $conf_flags "$@" ...
- $srcdir/configure $conf_flags "$@" \
- && echo Now type \`make\' to compile $PROJECT || exit 1
- echo Skipping configure process.
+USE_GNOME2_MACROS=1 USE_COMMON_DOC_BUILD=yes . gnome-autogen.sh
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