[kupfer: 3/20] + clawsmail plugin

commit 4d3c2c552d4e5aabe00bd2d1386bd77b660964d4
Author: Karol BÄ?dkowski <karol bedkowski gmail com>
Date:   Sat Oct 3 11:11:01 2009 +0200

    + clawsmail plugin
    Index contacts from ClawsMail.

 kupfer/plugin/clawsmail.py |  158 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/plugin/clawsmail.py b/kupfer/plugin/clawsmail.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804224d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/plugin/clawsmail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
+import os
+import re
+import urllib
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from kupfer.objects import Leaf, Action, Source, TextLeaf, UrlLeaf, RunnableLeaf
+from kupfer.utils import spawn_async
+__kupfer_name__ = _("ClawsMail contacts actions")
+__kupfer_sources__ = ("ClawsContactsSource", )
+__description__ = _("Contacts from ClawsMail")
+__version__ = "0.1"
+__author__ = "Karol BÄ?dkowski <karol bedkowski gmail com>"
+class ClawsContactLeaf(Leaf):
+	''' Leaf represent single contact from Claws address book '''
+	def get_actions(self):
+		yield NewMailAction()
+	def get_description(self):
+		return self.object
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "stock_person"
+class ComposeMailAction(RunnableLeaf):
+	''' Create new mail without recipient '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		RunnableLeaf.__init__(self, name=_("Compose new mail"))
+	def run(self):
+		spawn_async(('claws-mail', '--compose'))
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Compose new mail with ClawsMail")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "stock_mail-compose"
+class ReceiveMailAction(RunnableLeaf):
+	''' Receive all new mail from all accounts '''
+	def __init__(self):
+		RunnableLeaf.__init__(self, name=_("Receive all mails"))
+	def run(self):
+		spawn_async(('claws-mail', '--receive-all'))
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Receive new mail from all accounts by ClawsMail")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "stock_mail-receive"
+class NewMailAction(Action):
+	''' Createn new mail to selected leaf (ClawsContactLeaf or TextLeaf)'''
+	def __init__(self):
+		Action.__init__(self, _('Write new mail'))
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		email = leaf.object
+		if isinstance(leaf, UrlLeaf):
+			email = NewMailAction._get_email_from_url(email)
+		spawn_async(("claws-mail", "--compose", str(email)))
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return 'stock_mail-compose'
+	def item_types(self):
+		yield ClawsContactLeaf
+		# we can enter email
+		yield TextLeaf
+		yield UrlLeaf
+	def valid_for_item(self, item):
+		if isinstance(item, ClawsContactLeaf):
+			return True
+		if isinstance(item, TextLeaf):
+			return ClawsContactLeaf._check_email(self.object)
+		elif isinstance(item, UrlLeaf):
+			url = NewMailAction._get_email_from_url(item.object)
+			return ClawsContactLeaf._check_email(url)
+		return False
+	@staticmethod
+	def _get_email_from_url(url):
+		sep = url.find('://')
+		return url[sep+3:] if sep > -1 else url
+	@staticmethod
+	def _check_email(email):
+		return len(email) > 7 and re.match(r"^[a-z0-9\ _%-+]+\ [a-z0-9 _%-]+\ [a-z]{2,6}$", email.lower()) is not None
+class ClawsContactsSource(Source):
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Claws contacts")):
+		Source.__init__(self, name)
+		self._claws_addrbook_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.claws-mail/addrbook')
+		self._claws_addrbook_index = os.path.join(self._claws_addrbook_dir, "addrbook--index.xml")
+	def is_dynamic(self):
+		return False
+	def get_items(self):
+		if os.path.exists(self._claws_addrbook_index):
+			for addrbook_file in self._load_address_books():
+				addrbook_filepath = os.path.join(self._claws_addrbook_dir, addrbook_file)
+				if not os.path.exists(addrbook_filepath):
+					continue
+				try:
+					dtree = minidom.parse(addrbook_filepath)
+					persons = dtree.getElementsByTagName('person')
+					for person in persons:
+						cn = person.getAttribute('cn')
+						addresses = person.getElementsByTagName('address')
+						for address in addresses:
+							email = address.getAttribute('email')
+							yield ClawsContactLeaf(email, cn)
+				except Exception, err:
+					print err
+		yield ComposeMailAction()
+		yield ReceiveMailAction()
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Session saved in Putty")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "claws-mail"
+	def provides(self):
+		yield ClawsContactLeaf
+		yield RunnableLeaf
+	def _load_address_books(self):
+		''' load list of address-book files '''
+		try:
+			dtree = minidom.parse(self._claws_addrbook_index)
+			for book in dtree.getElementsByTagName('book'):
+				yield book.getAttribute('file')
+		except Exception, err:
+			print err

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