[gnome-games/gnibbles-clutter-rebased: 14/129] Added two files that got lost somehow along the way

commit d879f0507d3563062034a51dd58d0f4ad9c041c2
Author: Guillaume Beland <guillaume beland gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jun 4 18:25:12 2009 -0400

    Added two files that got lost somehow along the way

 glchess/src/lib/game.py |  812 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 glchess/src/lib/uci.py  |  185 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 997 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/game.py b/glchess/src/lib/game.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b50726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glchess/src/lib/game.py
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = 'Robert Ancell <bob27 users sourceforge net>'
+__license__ = 'GNU General Public License Version 2'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2005-2006  Robert Ancell'
+import chess.board
+import chess.san
+# Game results
+RESULT_IN_PROGRESS         = '*'
+RESULT_WHITE_WINS          = '1-0'
+RESULT_BLACK_WINS          = '0-1'
+RESULT_DRAW                = '1/2-1/2'
+# Reasons for the result
+RULE_TIMEOUT               = 'TIMEOUT'
+RULE_RESIGN                = 'RESIGN'
+RULE_DEATH                 = 'DEATH'
+class ChessMove:
+    """
+    """
+    # The move number (game starts at 0)
+    number     = 0
+    # The player and piece that moved
+    player     = None
+    piece      = None
+    # The piece that was promoted to (or None)
+    promotion  = None
+    # The victim piece (or None)
+    victim     = None
+    # The start and end position of the move
+    start      = None
+    end        = None
+    # The move in CAN and SAN format
+    canMove    = ''
+    sanMove    = ''
+    # The game result after this move
+    opponentInCheck = False
+    opponentCanMove = False
+    # If this move can be used as a resignation
+    fiftyMoveRule = False
+    threeFoldRepetition = False
+    # A comment about this move
+    comment = ''
+    # Numeric annotation glyph for move
+    nag     = ''
+class ChessPlayer:
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        """Constructor for a chess player.
+        'name' is the name of the player.
+        """
+        self.__name = str(name)
+        self.__game = None
+        self.__readyToMove = False
+        self.isAlive = True
+    # Methods to extend
+    def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete):
+        """Called when a chess piece is moved.
+        'piece' is the piece that has been moved (chess.board.ChessPiece).
+        'start' is the location the piece in LAN format (string) or None if the piece has been created.
+        'end' is the location the piece has moved to in LAN format (string).
+        'delete' is a flag to show if the piece should be deleted when it arrives there (boolean).
+        """
+        pass
+    def onPlayerMoved(self, player, move):
+        """Called when a player has moved.
+        'player' is the player that has moved (ChessPlayer).
+        'move' is the record for this move (ChessMove).
+        """
+        pass
+    def onUndoMove(self):
+        pass
+    def onPlayerStartTurn(self, player):
+        pass
+    def onGameEnded(self, game):
+        """Called when a chess game has ended.
+        'game' is the game that has ended (Game).
+        """
+        pass
+    def readyToMove(self):
+        """FIXME
+        """
+        pass
+    # Public methods
+    def getName(self):
+        """Get the name of this player.
+        Returns the player name (string).
+        """
+        return self.__name
+    def getGame(self):
+        """Get the game this player is in.
+        Returns the game (Game) or None if not in a game.
+        """
+        return self.__game
+    def getRemainingTime(self):
+        """Get the amount of time this player has remaining.
+        Returns the amount of time in milliseconds.
+        """
+        if self is self.__game.getWhite():
+            timer = self.__game.whiteTimer
+        elif self is self.__game.getBlack():
+            timer = self.__game.blackTimer
+        else:
+            return 0
+        if timer is None:
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return timer.controller.getRemaining()
+    def isReadyToMove(self):
+        """
+        """
+        return self.__readyToMove
+    def canMove(self, start, end, promotionType = chess.board.QUEEN):
+        """
+        """
+        return self.__game.canMove(self, start, end, promotionType)
+    def move(self, move):
+        """Move a piece.
+        'move' is the move to make in Normal/Long/Standard Algebraic format (string).
+        """
+        self.__game.move(self, move)
+    def undo(self):
+        """Undo moves until it is this players turn"""
+        self.__game.undo(self)
+    def endMove(self):
+        """Complete this players turn"""
+        self.__game.endMove(self)
+    def resign(self):
+        """Resign from the game"""
+        self.__game.resign(self)
+    def claimDraw(self):
+        """Claim a draw"""
+        return self.__game.claimDraw()
+    def outOfTime(self):
+        """Report this players timer has expired"""
+        self.__game.outOfTime(self)
+    def die(self):
+        """Report this player has died"""
+        self.isAlive = False
+        if self.__game is not None:
+            self.__game.killPlayer(self)
+    # Private methods
+    def _setGame(self, game):
+        """
+        """
+        self.__game = game
+    def _setReadyToMove(self, readyToMove):
+        if self.__readyToMove == readyToMove:
+            return
+        self.__readyToMove = readyToMove
+        if readyToMove is True:
+            self.readyToMove()
+class ChessGameBoard(chess.board.ChessBoard):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, game):
+        """
+        """
+        self.__game = game
+        chess.board.ChessBoard.__init__(self)
+    def onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete):
+        """Called by chess.board.ChessBoard"""
+        self.__game._onPieceMoved(piece, start, end, delete)
+class ChessGameSANConverter(chess.san.SANConverter):
+    """
+    """
+    __colourToSAN = {chess.board.WHITE: chess.san.SANConverter.WHITE,
+                     chess.board.BLACK: chess.san.SANConverter.BLACK}
+    __sanToColour = {}
+    for (a, b) in __colourToSAN.iteritems():
+        __sanToColour[b] = a
+    __typeToSAN = {chess.board.PAWN:   chess.san.SANConverter.PAWN,
+                   chess.board.KNIGHT: chess.san.SANConverter.KNIGHT,
+                   chess.board.BISHOP: chess.san.SANConverter.BISHOP,
+                   chess.board.ROOK:   chess.san.SANConverter.ROOK,
+                   chess.board.QUEEN:  chess.san.SANConverter.QUEEN,
+                   chess.board.KING:   chess.san.SANConverter.KING}
+    __sanToType = {}
+    for (a, b) in __typeToSAN.iteritems():
+        __sanToType[b] = a
+    def __init__(self, board, moveNumber):
+        self.board = board
+        self.moveNumber = moveNumber
+        chess.san.SANConverter.__init__(self)
+    def decode(self, colour, move):
+        (start, end, result, promotionType) = chess.san.SANConverter.decode(self, self.__colourToSAN[colour], move)
+        return (start, end, self.__sanToType[promotionType])
+    def encode(self, start, end, isTake, promotionType):
+        if promotionType is None:
+            promotion = self.QUEEN
+        else:
+            promotion = self.__typeToSAN[promotionType]
+        return chess.san.SANConverter.encode(self, start, end, isTake, promotion)
+    def getPiece(self, location):
+        """Called by chess.san.SANConverter"""
+        piece = self.board.getPiece(location, self.moveNumber)
+        if piece is None:
+            return None
+        return (self.__colourToSAN[piece.getColour()], self.__typeToSAN[piece.getType()])
+    def testMove(self, colour, start, end, promotionType, allowSuicide = False):
+        """Called by chess.san.SANConverter"""
+        move = self.board.testMove(self.__sanToColour[colour], start, end,
+                                     self.__sanToType[promotionType], allowSuicide, self.moveNumber)
+        if move is None:
+            return False
+        if move.opponentInCheck:
+            if not move.opponentCanMove:
+                return chess.san.SANConverter.CHECKMATE
+            return chess.san.SANConverter.CHECK
+        return True
+class ChessGame:
+    """
+    """    
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Game constructor"""
+        self.__players = []
+        self.__spectators = []
+        self.__whitePlayer = None
+        self.__blackPlayer = None
+        self.__currentPlayer = None
+        self.__moves = []
+        self.__inCallback = False
+        self.__queuedCalls = []
+        self.board = ChessGameBoard(self)
+        self.__started = False
+        self.result  = RESULT_IN_PROGRESS
+        self.rule    = None    
+        self.whiteTimer = None
+        self.blackTimer = None
+    def getAlivePieces(self, moveNumber = -1):
+        """Get the alive pieces on the board.
+        'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer).
+        Returns a dictionary of the alive pieces (board.ChessPiece) keyed by location.
+        Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid.
+        """
+        return self.board.getAlivePieces(moveNumber)
+    def getDeadPieces(self, moveNumber = -1):
+        """Get the dead pieces from the game.
+        'moveNumber' is the move to get the pieces from (integer).
+        Returns a list of the pieces (board.ChessPiece) in the order they were killed.
+        Raises an IndexError exception if moveNumber is invalid.
+        """
+        return self.board.getDeadPieces(moveNumber)
+    def setTimers(self, whiteTimer, blackTimer):
+        """
+        """
+        self.whiteTimer = whiteTimer
+        self.blackTimer = blackTimer
+    def setWhite(self, player):
+        """Set the white player in the game.
+        'player' is the player to use as white.
+        If the game has started or there is a white player an exception is thrown.
+        """
+        assert(self.__started is False)
+        assert(self.__whitePlayer is None)
+        self.__whitePlayer = player
+        self.__connectPlayer(player)
+    def getWhite(self):
+        """Returns the current white player (player.Player)"""
+        return self.__whitePlayer
+    def setBlack(self, player):
+        """Set the black player in the game.
+        'player' is the player to use as black.
+        If the game has started or there is a black player an exception is thrown.
+        """
+        assert(self.__started is False)
+        assert(self.__blackPlayer is None)
+        self.__blackPlayer = player
+        self.__connectPlayer(player)
+    def getBlack(self):
+        """Returns the current white player (player.Player)"""
+        return self.__blackPlayer
+    def getCurrentPlayer(self):
+        """Get the player to move"""
+        return self.__currentPlayer
+    def addSpectator(self, player):
+        """Add a spectator to the game.
+        'player' is the player spectating.
+        This can be called after the game has started.
+        """
+        self.__spectators.append(player)
+        self.__connectPlayer(player)
+    def isStarted(self):
+        """Returns True if the game has been started"""
+        return self.__started
+    def start(self, moves = []):
+        """Start the game.
+        'moves' is a list of moves to start with.
+        If there is no white or black player then an exception is raised.
+        """
+        assert(self.__whitePlayer is not None and self.__blackPlayer is not None)
+        # Disabled for now
+        #import network
+        #self.x = network.GameReporter('Test Game', 12345)
+        #print 'Reporting'
+        # Load starting moves
+        self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer
+        for move in moves:
+            self.move(self.__currentPlayer, move)
+            if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer:
+                self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer
+            else:
+                self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer
+        self.__started = True
+        # Stop if both players aren't alive
+        if not self.__whitePlayer.isAlive:
+            self.killPlayer(self.__whitePlayer)
+            return
+        if not self.__blackPlayer.isAlive:
+            self.killPlayer(self.__blackPlayer)
+            return
+        # Stop if game ended on loaded moves
+        if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS:
+            self._notifyEndGame()
+            return
+        self.startLock()
+        # Inform other players of the result
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onPlayerStartTurn(self.__currentPlayer)
+        # Get the next player to move
+        self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(True)
+        self.endLock()
+    def getSquareOwner(self, coord):
+        """TODO
+        """
+        piece = self.board.getPiece(coord)
+        if piece is None:
+            return None
+        colour = piece.getColour()
+        if colour is chess.board.WHITE:
+            return self.__whitePlayer
+        elif colour is chess.board.BLACK:
+            return self.__blackPlayer
+        else:
+            return None
+    def canMove(self, player, start, end, promotionType):
+        """Test if a player can move.
+        'player' is the player making the move.
+        'start' is the location to move from in LAN format (string).
+        'end' is the location to move from in LAN format (string).
+        'promotionType' is the piece type to promote pawns to. FIXME: Make this a property of the player
+        Return True if can move, otherwise False.
+        """
+        if player is not self.__currentPlayer:
+            return False
+        if player is self.__whitePlayer:
+            colour = chess.board.WHITE
+        elif player is self.__blackPlayer:
+            colour = chess.board.BLACK
+        else:
+            assert(False)
+        move = self.board.testMove(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotionType)
+        return move is not None
+    def move(self, player, move):
+        """Get a player to make a move.
+        'player' is the player making the move.
+        'move' is the move to make in SAN or LAN format (string).
+        """
+        if self.__inCallback:
+            self.__queuedCalls.append((self.move, (player, move)))
+            return
+        self.startLock()
+        if player is not self.__currentPlayer:
+            print 'Player attempted to move out of turn'
+        else:
+            self._move(player, move)
+        self.endLock()
+    def undo(self, player):
+        if self.__inCallback:
+            self.__queuedCalls.append((self.undo, (player,)))
+            return
+        self.startLock()
+        self.__whitePlayer._setReadyToMove(False)
+        self.__blackPlayer._setReadyToMove(False)
+        # Pretend the current player is the oponent so when endMove() is called
+        # this player will become the active player.
+        # Yes, this IS a big hack...
+        if player is self.__whitePlayer:
+            self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer
+        else:
+            self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer
+        # If this player hasn't moved then undo oponents move before their one
+        if len(self.__moves) > 0 and self.__moves[-1].player is not player:
+            count = 2
+        else:
+            count = 1
+        for i in xrange(count):
+            if len(self.__moves) != 0:
+                self.board.undo()
+                self.__moves = self.__moves[:-1]
+                for p in self.__players:
+                    p.onUndoMove()
+        self.endLock()
+    def startLock(self):
+        assert(self.__inCallback is False)
+        self.__inCallback = True
+    def endLock(self):
+        self.__inCallback = False
+        while len(self.__queuedCalls) > 0:
+            (call, args) = self.__queuedCalls[0]
+            self.__queuedCalls = self.__queuedCalls[1:]
+            call(*args)
+    def _move(self, player, move):
+        """
+        """
+        if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS:
+            print 'Game completed'
+            return
+        if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer:
+            colour = chess.board.WHITE
+        else:
+            colour = chess.board.BLACK
+        # If move is SAN process it as such
+        try:
+            (start, end, _, _, promotionType, _) = chess.lan.decode(colour, move)
+        except chess.lan.DecodeError, e:
+            converter = ChessGameSANConverter(self.board, len(self.__moves))
+            try:
+                (start, end, promotionType) = converter.decode(colour, move)
+            except chess.san.Error, e:
+                print 'Invalid move: ' + move
+                return
+        # Only use promotion type if a pawn move to far file
+        piece = self.board.getPiece(start)
+        promotion = None
+        if piece is not None and piece.getType() is chess.board.PAWN:
+            if colour is chess.board.WHITE:
+                if end[1] == '8':
+                    promotion = promotionType
+            else:
+                if end[1] == '1':
+                    promotion = promotionType
+        moveResult = self.board.movePiece(colour, start, end, promotionType)
+        if moveResult is None:
+            print 'Illegal move: ' + str(move)
+            return
+        # Re-encode for storing and reporting
+        canMove = chess.lan.encode(colour, start, end, promotionType = promotion)
+        converter = ChessGameSANConverter(self.board, len(self.__moves))
+        try:
+            sanMove = converter.encode(start, end, moveResult.victim != None, promotionType)
+        except chess.san.Error:
+            # If for some reason we couldn't make the SAN move the use the CAN move instead
+            sanMove = canMove
+        m = ChessMove()
+        if len(self.__moves) == 0:
+            m.number = 1
+        else:
+            m.number = self.__moves[-1].number + 1
+        m.player              = self.__currentPlayer
+        m.piece               = piece
+        m.victim              = moveResult.victim
+        m.start               = start
+        m.end                 = end
+        m.canMove             = canMove
+        m.sanMove             = sanMove
+        m.opponentInCheck     = moveResult.opponentInCheck
+        m.opponentCanMove     = moveResult.opponentCanMove
+        m.fiftyMoveRule       = moveResult.fiftyMoveRule
+        m.threeFoldRepetition = moveResult.threeFoldRepetition
+        #FIXME: m.comment             = move.comment
+        #FIXME: m.nag                 = move.nag
+        self.__moves.append(m)
+        # This player has now moved
+        self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(False)
+        # Inform other players of the result
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onPlayerMoved(self.__currentPlayer, m)
+        # Check if the game has ended
+        result = RESULT_IN_PROGRESS
+        if not m.opponentCanMove:
+            if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer:
+                result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS
+            else:
+                result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS
+            if m.opponentInCheck:
+                rule = RULE_CHECKMATE
+            else:
+                result = RESULT_DRAW
+                rule = RULE_STALEMATE
+        # Check able to complete
+        if not self.board.sufficientMaterial():
+            result = RESULT_DRAW
+        if result is not RESULT_IN_PROGRESS:
+            self.endGame(result, rule)
+    def endMove(self, player):
+        """
+        """
+        if self.__inCallback:
+            self.__queuedCalls.append((self.endMove, (player,)))
+            return
+        if player is not self.__currentPlayer:
+            print 'Player attempted to move out of turn'
+            return
+        if player.move is None:
+            print "Ending move when haven't made one"
+            return
+        if self.__currentPlayer is self.__whitePlayer:
+            self.__currentPlayer = self.__blackPlayer
+        else:
+            self.__currentPlayer = self.__whitePlayer
+        self.startLock()
+        # Inform other players of the result
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onPlayerStartTurn(self.__currentPlayer)
+        # Notify the next player they can move
+        if self.__started is True and self.result == RESULT_IN_PROGRESS:
+            self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(True)
+        self.endLock()
+    def resign(self, player):
+        """Get a player to resign.
+        'player' is the player resigning.
+        """
+        rule = RULE_RESIGN
+        if player is self.__whitePlayer:
+            self.endGame(RESULT_BLACK_WINS, rule)
+        else:
+            self.endGame(RESULT_WHITE_WINS, rule)
+    def claimDraw(self):
+        """
+        """
+        # TODO: Penalise if make an incorrect attempt
+        try:
+            move = self.__moves[-1]
+        except IndexError:
+            return False
+        else:
+            if move.fiftyMoveRule:
+                rule = RULE_FIFTY_MOVES
+            elif move.threeFoldRepetition:
+                rule = RULE_THREE_FOLD_REPETITION
+            else:
+                return False
+        self.endGame(RESULT_DRAW, rule)
+        return True
+    def killPlayer(self, player):
+        """Report a player has died
+        'player' is the player that has died.
+        """
+        if player is self.__whitePlayer:
+            result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS
+        elif player is self.__blackPlayer:
+            result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS       
+        self.endGame(result, RULE_DEATH)
+    def outOfTime(self, player):
+        """Report a player's timer has expired"""
+        if player is self.__whitePlayer:
+            result = RESULT_BLACK_WINS
+        elif player is self.__blackPlayer:
+            result = RESULT_WHITE_WINS
+        else:
+            assert(False)
+        self.endGame(result, RULE_TIMEOUT)
+    def abandon(self):
+        self.endGame(RESULT_DRAW, RULE_ABANDONMENT)
+    def endGame(self, result, rule):
+        if self.result != RESULT_IN_PROGRESS:
+            return
+        self.result = result
+        self.rule = rule
+        if self.isStarted():
+            self._notifyEndGame()
+    def _notifyEndGame(self):
+        self.__currentPlayer._setReadyToMove(False)
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onGameEnded(self)
+    def getMoves(self):
+        """
+        """
+        return self.__moves
+    def abort(self):
+        """End the game"""
+        # Inform players
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onGameEnded(self)
+    # Private methods:
+    def __connectPlayer(self, player):
+        """Add a player into the game.
+        'player' is the player to add.
+        The player will be notified of the current state of the board.
+        """
+        self.__players.append(player)
+        player._setGame(self)
+        # Notify the player of the current state
+        # FIXME: Make the board iteratable...
+        for file in '12345678':
+            for rank in 'abcdefgh':
+                coord = rank + file
+                piece = self.board.getPiece(coord)
+                if piece is None:
+                    continue
+                # These are moves from nowhere to their current location
+                player.onPieceMoved(piece, None, coord, False)
+    def _onPieceMoved(self, piece, start, end, delete):
+        """Called by the chess board"""
+        # Notify all players of creations and deletions
+        # NOTE: Normal moves are done above since the SAN moves are calculated before the move...
+        # FIXME: Change this so the SAN moves are done afterwards...
+        for player in self.__players:
+            player.onPieceMoved(piece, start, end, delete)
+class NetworkChessGame(ChessGame):
+    """
+    """
+    def move(self, player, move):
+        """Get a player to make a move.
+        'player' is the player making the move.
+        'move' is the move to make. It can be of the form:
+               A coordinate move in the form ((file0, rank0), (file1, rank1), promotionType) ((int, int), (int, int), chess.board.PIECE_TYPE) or
+               A SAN move (string).
+        """
+        # Send to the server
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    game = ChessGame()
+    import pgn
+    p = pgn.PGN('black.pgn')
+    g = p.getGame(0)
+    class PGNPlayer(ChessPlayer):
+        def __init__(self, isWhite):
+            self.__isWhite = isWhite
+            self.__moveNumber = 1
+        def readyToMove(self):
+            if self.__isWhite:
+                move = g.getWhiteMove(self.__moveNumber)
+            else:
+                move = g.getBlackMove(self.__moveNumber)
+            self.__moveNumber += 1
+            self.move(move)
+    white = PGNPlayer(True)
+    black = PGNPlayer(False)
+    game.setWhite(white)
+    game.setBlack(black)
+    game.start()
diff --git a/glchess/src/lib/uci.py b/glchess/src/lib/uci.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657a019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glchess/src/lib/uci.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class StateMachine:
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        """
+        self.options = {}
+        self.__queuedCommands = []
+        self.buffer = ''
+        self.__haveMoves = False
+        self.__readyToConfigure = False    
+        self.__ready            = False
+        self.__inCallback       = False
+        self.__queuedCommands   = None
+        self.__positionCommand = 'position startpos'
+    def logText(self, text, style):
+        """
+        """
+        pass
+    def onOutgoingData(self, data):
+        """
+        """
+        pass
+    def onMove(self, move):
+        """Called when the AI makes a move.
+        'move' is the move the AI has decided to make (string).
+        """
+        print 'UCI move: ' + move
+    def registerIncomingData(self, data):
+        """
+        """
+        self.__inCallback = True
+        self.buffer += data
+        while True:
+            index = self.buffer.find('\n')
+            if index < 0:
+                break
+            line = self.buffer[:index]
+            self.buffer = self.buffer[index + 1:]
+            self.parseLine(line)
+        self.__inCallback = False
+        if self.__options is not None and self.__readyToConfigure:
+            options = self.__options
+            self.__options = None
+            self.configure(options)
+        # Send queued commands once have OK
+        if len(self.__queuedCommands) > 0 and self.__ready:
+            commands = self.__queuedCommands
+            self.__queuedCommands = []
+            for c in commands:
+                self.__sendCommand(c)
+    def __sendCommand(self, command):
+        """
+        """
+        if self.__ready and not self.__inCallback:
+            self.onOutgoingData(command + '\n')
+        else:
+            self.__queuedCommands.append(command)
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        """
+        self.onOutgoingData('uci\n')
+    def startGame(self):
+        """
+        """
+        self.__sendCommand('ucinewgame')
+        self.__sendCommand(self.__positionCommand)
+    def configure(self, options = []):
+        """
+        """
+        if not self.__readyToConfigure:
+            self.__options = options
+            return
+        for option in options:
+            if not hasattr(option, 'name'):
+                print 'Ignoring unnamed UCI option'
+                continue
+            if option.value == '':
+                continue
+            self.onOutgoingData('setoption ' + option.name + ' value ' + option.value + '\n')
+        self.onOutgoingData('isready\n')
+    def requestMove(self, whiteTime, blackTime, ownTime):
+        """
+        """
+        # Some AI's don't work unless assigned some time
+        # TODO: which ones? I think Glaurung had issues
+        if whiteTime == 0:
+            whiteTime = 30000
+        if blackTime == 0:
+            blackTime = 30000
+        self.__sendCommand('go wtime %d btime %d' % (whiteTime, blackTime))
+    def undoMove(self):
+        """
+        """
+        self.__sendCommand('stop');
+        (self.__positionCommand, _) = self.__positionCommand.rsplit(" ", 1)
+        if self.__positionCommand.endswith(' moves'):
+            self.__haveMoves = False
+            self.__positionCommand = 'position startpos'
+        self.__sendCommand(self.__positionCommand)        
+    def reportMove(self, move, isSelf):
+        """
+        """
+        if not self.__haveMoves:
+            self.__positionCommand += ' moves'
+        self.__haveMoves = True
+        self.__positionCommand += ' ' + move
+        self.__sendCommand(self.__positionCommand)
+    def parseLine(self, line):
+        """
+        """
+        words = line.split()
+        while True:
+            if len(words) == 0:
+                self.logText(line + '\n', 'input')
+                return
+            style = self.parseCommand(words[0], words[1:])
+            if style is not None:
+                self.logText(line + '\n', style)
+                return
+            print 'WARNING: Unknown command: ' + repr(words[0])
+            words = words[1:]
+    def parseCommand(self, command, args):
+        """
+        """
+        if command == 'id':
+            return 'info'
+        elif command == 'uciok':
+            if len(args) != 0:
+                print 'WARNING: Arguments on uciok: ' + str(args)
+            self.__readyToConfigure = True
+            return 'info'
+        elif command == 'readyok':
+            if len(args) != 0:
+                print 'WARNING: Arguments on readyok: ' + str(args)
+            self.__ready = True
+            return 'info'
+        elif command == 'bestmove':
+            if len(args) == 0:
+                print 'WARNING: No move with bestmove'
+                return 'error'
+            else:
+                move = args[0]
+                self.onMove(move)
+                # TODO: Check for additional ponder information
+                return 'move'
+        elif command == 'info':
+            return 'info'
+        elif command == 'option':
+            return 'info'
+        return None

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