[gstreamermm] 0.10.5 - Ship a local beautify docs script.

commit bc7a533a65fca1a97389eac5d6d4b88df02cd8c0
Author: José Alburquerque <jaalburqu svn gnome org>
Date:   Wed Sep 2 19:36:25 2009 -0400

    	0.10.5 - Ship a local beautify docs script.
    	* docs/reference/Makefile.am:
    	* docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in: Include a local beautify docs
    	script to fix the build with the latest glibmm version.
    	* NEWS:
    	* configure.ac: Prepare for a new release.

 ChangeLog                          |   15 +++++++
 NEWS                               |    5 ++
 configure.ac                       |    3 +-
 docs/reference/Makefile.am         |    7 ++-
 docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3af8ada..b439293 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2009-09-02  José Alburquerque  <jaalburqu svn gnome org>
+	0.10.5 - Ship a local beautify docs script.
+	* docs/reference/Makefile.am:
+	* docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in: Include a local beautify docs
+	script to fix the build with the latest glibmm version.
+	* NEWS:
+	* configure.ac: Prepare for a new release.
 2009-08-19  José Alburquerque  <jaalburqu svn gnome org>
 	0.10.4 release.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 06e0403..3c0d69e 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+0.10.5 (unstable)
+* Distribute a local beautify docs script to fix the build with the latest
+  glibmm version (
 0.10.4 (unstable):
 * Fixed Gst::BufferFlag enum definition. Critial bug #590923 (missed in 0.10.3
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index ba6dd9e..95af2b3 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #We use pushdef here because we can't use shell variables before AC_INIT, but we want to use a variable with AC_INIT:
 pushdef([GSTREAMERMM_MAJOR_VERSION],     [0])
 pushdef([GSTREAMERMM_MINOR_VERSION],     [10])
-pushdef([GSTREAMERMM_MICRO_VERSION],     [4])
+pushdef([GSTREAMERMM_MICRO_VERSION],     [5])
 AC_INIT([gstreamermm], GSTREAMERMM_VERSION, [gtkmm-list gnome org])
@@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ DOCS_SUBDIR="docs"
+      docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl
diff --git a/docs/reference/Makefile.am b/docs/reference/Makefile.am
index 3a36378..3210e86 100644
--- a/docs/reference/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/reference/Makefile.am
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ doxygenprog= DOXYGEN@
-beautify_docs = @GMMPROC_DIR@/beautify_docs.pl
+beautify_docs_source = $(srcdir)/beautify_docs.pl.in
+beautify_docs = beautify_docs.pl
-EXTRA_DIST= Doxyfile.in html
+EXTRA_DIST= Doxyfile.in beautify_docs.pl html 
 docdir = $(datadir)/doc/gstreamermm-0.10/docs
-$(HTML_INDEX): $(doxygen_configfile_source) $(beautify_docs) \
+$(HTML_INDEX): $(doxygen_configfile_source) $(beautify_docs_source) \
 	-rm -rf html
 	$(doxygenprog) $(doxygen_configfile)
diff --git a/docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in b/docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28df9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/beautify_docs.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# @configure_input@
+#sub main()
+  my $directory = ".";
+  $directory = $ARGV[0] unless scalar(@ARGV) == 0;
+  print "processing directory $directory...\n" unless $directory =~ /^\.?$/;
+  foreach(`find "$directory" -type f -name '*.html'`)
+  {
+    chomp;
+    /([^\/]+)$/;
+    print "processing $1...\n";
+    &process($_);
+  }
+  exit 0;
+sub process($)
+  my ($file) = @_;
+  my @outbuf;
+  open(FILE, '<', $file);
+  while(<FILE>)
+  {
+    if(/<a class="el"/)
+    {
+      # return value
+      s/ &amp;&nbsp;/&amp;&nbsp;/;
+      s/ \*&nbsp;/*&nbsp;/;
+      # arg list
+      s/ &amp;/&amp;/g;
+      s/&amp;\b/&amp; /g;
+      s/ \*/*/g;
+      s/\*\b/* /g;
+      # templates
+      s/\btemplate&lt;\b/template &lt;/;
+      while(s/(.*&lt;) +(.+) +(&gt;.*)/$1$2$3/) {}
+    }
+    elsif(/<td class="md(|name)"/)
+    {
+      # left parenthesis
+      s/\(&nbsp;/(/;
+      # return value
+      s/ &amp; /&amp; /g;
+      s/ \* /* /g;
+      # arg list
+      s/ &amp;&nbsp;/&amp;&nbsp;/g;
+      s/ \*&nbsp;/*&nbsp;/g;
+      # templates
+      s/\btemplate&lt;\b/template &lt;/;
+      while(s/(.*&lt;) +(.+) +(&gt;.*)/$1$2$3/) {}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      # template decls
+      s/^(|<h\d>)template&lt;\b/$1template &lt;/;
+    }
+    push(@outbuf, $_);
+  }
+  open(FILE, '>', $file);
+  # write the whole buffer back
+  print FILE "$_" foreach(@outbuf);
+  close(FILE);

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