[ease/plugins: 37/37] Function split
- From: Nate Stedman <natesm src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [ease/plugins: 37/37] Function split
- Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 21:29:06 +0000 (UTC)
commit 119085a4f135dfc1cd2becbb5fa2c12f988aba37
Author: Stéphane Maniaci <stephane maniaci gmail com>
Date: Wed Jul 7 19:06:45 2010 -0500
Function split
plugins/flickr.vala | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/flickr.vala b/plugins/flickr.vala
index 4b7e348..cd32643 100644
--- a/plugins/flickr.vala
+++ b/plugins/flickr.vala
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ using Gtk;
- escaping the description tags (or show the markup maybe?)
- - wrapping the long fields (emo-descriptions)
- asyncing
- getting licence and author's realname based on the IDs we get right now
- make a nice combo-box for licenses
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ public class FlickrFetcher {
private Gtk.ListStore store;
- private Gdk.Pixbuf? gdk_pixbug_from_uri (string uri) {
+ private Gdk.Pixbuf? gdk_pixbug_new_from_uri (string uri) {
var file = File.new_for_uri (uri);
FileInputStream filestream = null;
@@ -87,32 +86,31 @@ public class FlickrFetcher {
call.run (null);
} catch (Error e) {
print ("Couldn't make call: %s\n", e.message);
- }
- string answer = call.get_payload ();
- if (answer == null) {
- var err = new Gtk.InfoBar ();
- var label = new Gtk.Label ("Unable to retrieve pictures. Make sure you're connected to the Internet.");
- err.add (label);
- err.add_buttons ("gtk-quit", 0,
- "gtk-refresh", 1, null);
+ var err = new Gtk.InfoBar.with_buttons ("gtk-quit", 0,
+ "gtk-refresh", 1, null);
+ var label = new Gtk.Label ("Unable to retrieve pictures." +
+ "Make sure you're connected to the Internet.");
+ ((Gtk.Box)err.get_content_area()).add (label);
+ err.set_message_type (Gtk.MessageType.WARNING);
err.response.connect ( (dialog, response) =>
if (response != 0) {
- debug ("Should launch Flickr again.");
} else {
this.dialog.destroy ();
err.show_all ();
- vbox.pack_start (err);
+ vbox.pack_start (err, false, false, 10);
vbox.reorder_child (err, 1);
+ string answer = call.get_payload ();
return answer;
private void parse_flickr_photos (string jsondata) {
if (jsondata == null) {
@@ -141,45 +139,53 @@ public class FlickrFetcher {
store.clear ();
// TODO : optimization
- photo_array.foreach_element ( (array, index, element) =>
+ photo_array.foreach_element ( (array, index, element) =>
- Gtk.TreeIter iter;
- Json.Object photo = element.get_object ();
- int64 farm_int = photo.get_int_member ("farm");
- string farm = @"$farm_int";
- string secret = photo.get_string_member ("secret");
- string server = photo.get_string_member ("server");
- string id = photo.get_string_member ("id");
- string http = "http://farm";;
- string flickr = ".static.flickr.com/";
- string uri = http + farm + flickr + server + "/" + id + "_" + secret + "_t.jpg";
- // TODO : unittest to track Flickr's URIs changes.
- var pixbuf = gdk_pixbug_from_uri (uri);
- string title = photo.get_string_member ("title");
- string description = photo.get_object_member ("description").get_string_member ("_content");
- string author = photo.get_string_member ("owner");
- // We did specified license in the extras, but it doesn't appear in the payload
- // string licence = photo.get_string_member ("license");
- /* Adding to the IconView */
- store.append (out iter);
- store.set (iter,
- 0, id,
- 1, title,
- 2, pixbuf,
- 3, description,
- 4, author,
-// 5, licence,
- -1);
- // FIXME : window is not updated till the whole function finishes.
+ iconview_add_thumbnail_from_json (array, index, element);
- }
+ }
+ public void iconview_add_thumbnail_from_json (Json.Array array,
+ uint index,
+ Json.Node element)
+ {
+ Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+ Json.Object photo = element.get_object ();
+ int64 farm_int = photo.get_int_member ("farm");
+ string farm = @"$farm_int";
+ string secret = photo.get_string_member ("secret");
+ string server = photo.get_string_member ("server");
+ string id = photo.get_string_member ("id");
+ string http = "http://farm";;
+ string flickr = ".static.flickr.com/";
+ string uri = http + farm + flickr + server + "/" + id + "_" + secret + "_t.jpg";
+ // TODO : unittest to track Flickr API changes.
+ var pixbuf = gdk_pixbug_new_from_uri (uri);
+ string title = photo.get_string_member ("title");
+ string description = photo.get_object_member ("description").get_string_member ("_content");
+ string author = photo.get_string_member ("owner");
+ // We did specified license in the extras, but it doesn't appear in the payload
+ // string licence = photo.get_string_member ("license");
+ /* Adding to the IconView */
+ store.append (out iter);
+ store.set (iter,
+ 0, id,
+ 1, title,
+ 2, pixbuf,
+ 3, description,
+ 4, author,
+// 5, licence,
+ -1);
+ }
[CCode (instance_pos = -1)]
public void on_item_activated (Gtk.IconView view, Gtk.TreePath path) {
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