[kupfer: 26/51] Move builtin file actions to kupfer.obj.fileactions

commit 17fdb7affd86d455ceadb3e3c4cf674745c957aa
Author: Ulrik Sverdrup <ulrik sverdrup gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jan 9 17:16:45 2010 +0100

    Move builtin file actions to kupfer.obj.fileactions

 kupfer/obj/fileactions.py |  185 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 kupfer/obj/objects.py     |  179 +-------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kupfer/obj/fileactions.py b/kupfer/obj/fileactions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484f74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kupfer/obj/fileactions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+import os
+import gio
+from kupfer import icons
+from kupfer import pretty
+from kupfer import utils
+from kupfer.obj.base import Action, InvalidDataError
+def get_actions_for_file(fileleaf):
+	acts = [RevealFile(), ]
+	app_actions = []
+	default = None
+	if fileleaf.is_dir():
+		acts.append(OpenTerminal())
+		default = OpenDirectory()
+	elif fileleaf.is_valid():
+		gfile = gio.File(fileleaf.object)
+		info = gfile.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE)
+		content_type = info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE)
+		def_app = gio.app_info_get_default_for_type(content_type, False)
+		def_key = def_app.get_id() if def_app else None
+		apps_for_type = gio.app_info_get_all_for_type(content_type)
+		apps = {}
+		for info in apps_for_type:
+			key = info.get_id()
+			if key not in apps:
+				try:
+					is_default = (key == def_key)
+					app = OpenWith(info, is_default)
+					apps[key] = app
+				except InvalidDataError:
+					pass
+		if def_key:
+			if not def_key in apps:
+				pretty.print_debug("No default found for %s, but found %s" % (fileleaf, apps))
+			else:
+				app_actions.append(apps.pop(def_key))
+		# sort the non-default OpenWith actions
+		open_with_sorted = utils.locale_sort(apps.values())
+		app_actions.extend(open_with_sorted)
+		if fileleaf._is_executable():
+			acts.extend((Execute(), Execute(in_terminal=True)))
+		elif app_actions:
+			default = app_actions.pop(0)
+		else:
+			app_actions.append(Show())
+	if app_actions:
+		acts.extend(app_actions)
+	if default:
+		acts.insert(0, default)
+	return acts
+class OpenWith (Action):
+	"""
+	Open a FileLeaf with a specified application
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, desktop_item, is_default=False):
+		"""
+		Construct an "Open with application" item:
+		Application of @name should open, if
+		@is_default, it means it is the default app and
+		should only be styled "Open"
+		"""
+		if not desktop_item:
+			raise InvalidDataError
+		name = desktop_item.get_name()
+		action_name = _("Open") if is_default else _("Open with %s") % name
+		Action.__init__(self, action_name)
+		self.desktop_item = desktop_item
+		self.is_default = is_default
+		# add a name alias from the package name of the application
+		if is_default:
+			self.rank_adjust = 5
+			self.name_aliases.add(_("Open with %s") % name)
+		package_name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.desktop_item.get_id() or "")
+		if package_name:
+			self.name_aliases.add(_("Open with %s") % package_name)
+	def repr_key(self):
+		return "" if self.is_default else self.desktop_item.get_id()
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		if not self.desktop_item.supports_files() and not self.desktop_item.supports_uris():
+			pretty.print_error(__name__, self.desktop_item,
+				"says it does not support opening files, still trying to open")
+		utils.launch_app(self.desktop_item, paths=(leaf.object,))
+	def get_description(self):
+		if self.is_default:
+			return _("Open with %s") % self.desktop_item.get_name()
+		else:
+			# no description is better than a duplicate title
+			#return _("Open with %s") % self.desktop_item.get_name()
+			return u""
+	def get_gicon(self):
+		return icons.ComposedIcon(self.get_icon_name(),
+				self.desktop_item.get_icon(), emblem_is_fallback=True)
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "gtk-execute"
+class Show (Action):
+	""" Open file with default viewer """
+	rank_adjust = 5
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Open")):
+		super(Show, self).__init__(name)
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		utils.show_path(leaf.object)
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Open with default viewer")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "gtk-execute"
+class OpenDirectory (Show):
+	rank_adjust = 5
+	def __init__(self):
+		super(OpenDirectory, self).__init__(_("Open"))
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Open folder")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "folder-open"
+class RevealFile (Action):
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Reveal")):
+		super(RevealFile, self).__init__(name)
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		fileloc = leaf.object
+		parent = os.path.normpath(path.join(fileloc, os.path.pardir))
+		utils.show_path(parent)
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Open parent folder")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "folder-open"
+class OpenTerminal (Action):
+	def __init__(self, name=_("Open Terminal Here")):
+		super(OpenTerminal, self).__init__(name)
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		# any: take first successful command
+		any(utils.spawn_async((term, ), in_dir=leaf.object) for term in
+			("xdg-terminal", "gnome-terminal", "xterm"))
+	def get_description(self):
+		return _("Open this location in a terminal")
+	def get_icon_name(self):
+		return "terminal"
+class Execute (Action):
+	"""
+	Execute executable file (FileLeaf)
+	"""
+	rank_adjust = 5
+	def __init__(self, in_terminal=False, quoted=True):
+		name = _("Run in Terminal") if in_terminal else _("Run")
+		super(Execute, self).__init__(name)
+		self.in_terminal = in_terminal
+		self.quoted = quoted
+	def repr_key(self):
+		return (self.in_terminal, self.quoted)
+	def activate(self, leaf):
+		cmd = "'%s'" % leaf.object if self.quoted else leaf.object
+		utils.launch_commandline(cmd, in_terminal=self.in_terminal)
+	def get_description(self):
+		if self.in_terminal:
+			return _("Run this program in a Terminal")
+		else:
+			return _("Run this program")
diff --git a/kupfer/obj/objects.py b/kupfer/obj/objects.py
index dedc800..275d4f7 100644
--- a/kupfer/obj/objects.py
+++ b/kupfer/obj/objects.py
@@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ import os
 from os import path
 import gobject
-import gio
 from kupfer import icons, launch, utils
 from kupfer import pretty
-from kupfer.utils import locale_sort
 from kupfer.obj.base import Leaf, Action, Source, InvalidDataError
-from kupfer.obj.helplib import PicklingHelperMixin, FilesystemWatchMixin
+from kupfer.obj import fileactions
 from kupfer.interface import TextRepresentation
 from kupfer.kupferstring import tounicode
@@ -104,49 +102,7 @@ class FileLeaf (Leaf, TextRepresentation):
 		return utils.get_display_path_for_bytestring(self.canonical_path())
 	def get_actions(self):
-		acts = [RevealFile(), ]
-		app_actions = []
-		default = None
-		if self.is_dir():
-			acts.append(OpenTerminal())
-			default = OpenDirectory()
-		elif self.is_valid():
-			gfile = gio.File(self.object)
-			info = gfile.query_info(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE)
-			content_type = info.get_attribute_string(gio.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE)
-			def_app = gio.app_info_get_default_for_type(content_type, False)
-			def_key = def_app.get_id() if def_app else None
-			apps_for_type = gio.app_info_get_all_for_type(content_type)
-			apps = {}
-			for info in apps_for_type:
-				key = info.get_id()
-				if key not in apps:
-					try:
-						is_default = (key == def_key)
-						app = OpenWith(info, is_default)
-						apps[key] = app
-					except InvalidDataError:
-						pass
-			if def_key:
-				if not def_key in apps:
-					pretty.print_debug("No default found for %s, but found %s" % (self, apps))
-				else:
-					app_actions.append(apps.pop(def_key))
-			# sort the non-default OpenWith actions
-			open_with_sorted = locale_sort(apps.values())
-			app_actions.extend(open_with_sorted)
-			if self._is_executable():
-				acts.extend((Execute(), Execute(in_terminal=True)))
-			elif app_actions:
-				default = app_actions.pop(0)
-			else:
-				app_actions.append(Show())
-		if app_actions:
-			acts.extend(app_actions)
-		if default:
-			acts.insert(0, default)
-		return acts
+		return fileactions.get_actions_for_file(self)
 	def has_content(self):
 		return self.is_dir() or Leaf.has_content(self)
@@ -287,58 +243,6 @@ class AppLeaf (Leaf, pretty.OutputMixin):
 	def get_icon_name(self):
 		return "exec"
-class OpenWith (Action):
-	"""
-	Open a FileLeaf with a specified application
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, desktop_item, is_default=False):
-		"""
-		Construct an "Open with application" item:
-		Application of @name should open, if
-		@is_default, it means it is the default app and
-		should only be styled "Open"
-		"""
-		if not desktop_item:
-			raise InvalidDataError
-		name = desktop_item.get_name()
-		action_name = _("Open") if is_default else _("Open with %s") % name
-		Action.__init__(self, action_name)
-		self.desktop_item = desktop_item
-		self.is_default = is_default
-		# add a name alias from the package name of the application
-		if is_default:
-			self.rank_adjust = 5
-			self.name_aliases.add(_("Open with %s") % name)
-		package_name, ext = path.splitext(self.desktop_item.get_id() or "")
-		if package_name:
-			self.name_aliases.add(_("Open with %s") % package_name)
-	def repr_key(self):
-		return "" if self.is_default else self.desktop_item.get_id()
-	def activate(self, leaf):
-		if not self.desktop_item.supports_files() and not self.desktop_item.supports_uris():
-			pretty.print_error(__name__, self.desktop_item,
-				"says it does not support opening files, still trying to open")
-		utils.launch_app(self.desktop_item, paths=(leaf.object,))
-	def get_description(self):
-		if self.is_default:
-			return _("Open with %s") % self.desktop_item.get_name()
-		else:
-			# no description is better than a duplicate title
-			#return _("Open with %s") % self.desktop_item.get_name()
-			return u""
-	def get_gicon(self):
-		return icons.ComposedIcon(self.get_icon_name(),
-				self.desktop_item.get_icon(), emblem_is_fallback=True)
-	def get_icon_name(self):
-		return "gtk-execute"
 class OpenUrl (Action):
 	rank_adjust = 5
 	def __init__(self, name=None):
@@ -362,61 +266,6 @@ class OpenUrl (Action):
 	def get_icon_name(self):
 	  	return "forward"
-class Show (Action):
-	""" Open file with default viewer """
-	rank_adjust = 5
-	def __init__(self, name=_("Open")):
-		super(Show, self).__init__(name)
-	def activate(self, leaf):
-		utils.show_path(leaf.object)
-	def get_description(self):
-		return _("Open with default viewer")
-	def get_icon_name(self):
-		return "gtk-execute"
-class OpenDirectory (Show):
-	rank_adjust = 5
-	def __init__(self):
-		super(OpenDirectory, self).__init__(_("Open"))
-	def get_description(self):
-		return _("Open folder")
-	def get_icon_name(self):
-		return "folder-open"
-class RevealFile (Action):
-	def __init__(self, name=_("Reveal")):
-		super(RevealFile, self).__init__(name)
-	def activate(self, leaf):
-		fileloc = leaf.object
-		parent = path.normpath(path.join(fileloc, path.pardir))
-		utils.show_path(parent)
-	def get_description(self):
-		return _("Open parent folder")
-	def get_icon_name(self):
-		return "folder-open"
-class OpenTerminal (Action):
-	def __init__(self, name=_("Open Terminal Here")):
-		super(OpenTerminal, self).__init__(name)
-	def activate(self, leaf):
-		# any: take first successful command
-		any(utils.spawn_async((term, ), in_dir=leaf.object) for term in
-			("xdg-terminal", "gnome-terminal", "xterm"))
-	def get_description(self):
-		return _("Open this location in a terminal")
-	def get_icon_name(self):
-		return "terminal"
 class Launch (Action):
 	Launch operation base class
@@ -475,30 +324,6 @@ class CloseAll (Action):
 	def get_icon_name(self):
 		return "gtk-close"
-class Execute (Launch):
-	"""
-	Execute executable file (FileLeaf)
-	"""
-	rank_adjust = 5
-	def __init__(self, in_terminal=False, quoted=True):
-		name = _("Run in Terminal") if in_terminal else _("Run")
-		super(Execute, self).__init__(name)
-		self.in_terminal = in_terminal
-		self.quoted = quoted
-	def repr_key(self):
-		return (self.in_terminal, self.quoted)
-	def activate(self, leaf):
-		cmd = "'%s'" % leaf.object if self.quoted else leaf.object
-		utils.launch_commandline(cmd, in_terminal=self.in_terminal)
-	def get_description(self):
-		if self.in_terminal:
-			return _("Run this program in a Terminal")
-		else:
-			return _("Run this program")
 class UrlLeaf (Leaf, TextRepresentation):
 	# slots saves memory since we have lots this Leaf
 	__slots__ = ("name", "object")

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