[longomatch] Created tag LONGOMATCH_0_15_5

The signed tag 'LONGOMATCH_0_15_5' was created.

Tagger: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date: Mon Jan 11 02:39:11 2010 +0100

    tag version 0.15.5

Changes since the last tag 'LONGOMATCH_0_15_3':

Andoni Morales Alastruey (100):
      Fix lintian warnings in debian/control
      New Drawing Tool with specific tool for in-frame analysis
      Add Property to expand multimediaplayer logo
      Add config file for CesarPlayer.dll so ldconfig is not needed anymore after installing
      Cascade on deleted for 'Player' objects to delete them from the DB
      Fix indentation using GNU indent
      New Feature: Support for store a drawings in a plays named Key Frame and redraw it when the player reaches this instant
      Improve plays details by displaying a bigger frame and using a unique Cell for all the details (name, start time,...)
      Try to fix some memory leaks handling Pxibuf's
      Closes bug: #598675 -  Memory leak handling Project objects
      Add missing file in previous commit
      Set a default width for the rubber
      Used  icons embeded as resources in the drawing tool
      Apply changes in drawing tool icons to the class (previously only effective in the stetic file)
      Update Translations
      Bump version (pre-release)
      Update win32 Mafefile
      Improve win32 makefiles
      Update win32 spanish translations
      Make the project intltool compatible for GNOME translators
      i18n fixes
      Add more i18n fixes
      Force the deletion of the project from the DB when updating it       When updating a project if we use the update method binding       the current Project object to the one in the DB with the       same filename, the update is successfull but all the childs       of the stored project remains in the DB. Instead if we delete       the project stored in the DB and we replace it with the updated       one all the childs are deleted, and therefore the DB does not       expand on each update
      Change spanich translation code to es_ES in makefile
      Remove warnings
      Update RELEASE
      Update projects list when a project is edited and saved
      Don't try to set sections is we set a null project
      Bump version
      Bump version 0.15.4
      Start refactoring
      Revert "Start refactoring"
      Start documention and fix code style
      Document LongoMatch.DB and fix code style
      Apply new coding style to LongoMatch/*
      Revert astyle for stetic generated files.     	These files are autogenerated by Gtk Stetic and wil be changed     	on each rebuild
      Move enums to a LongoMatch.Common namespace/folder
      Add missing enums file
      Added templates export function and fix the mess with autogenereated code
      Intltool/gettext compatiblity fixes
      Add the template file for longomatch.desktop
      Use templates in POTFILES
      Generate longomatch.desktop from template in configure script
      Closes #603277 The projects manager does not ask to save an edited project when exiting
      Closes #603274: Enable multiple selection of plays
      Updated AUTHORS
      Closes #603276 -  Use a template different from the default one when creating a new one
      Prevent crash for projects with NULL file saved in the DB
      Added support for tagging plays
      Fix Hotkey Equal(object obj) method.     	When comparing to an object, check first if has the right type
      Added Project's serialization support
      Remove print
      Make PreviewMediaFile serializable
      Add project export function to the projects manager
      Fix Project deserialization
      Fix Gdk.Color Serialization/Deserialization
      Added ability to import project into the DB     	Closes #603260: Ability to export/import projects to/from other machines
      Use helper function to prevent adding twice the same tag
      Add duration to CVS file
      Override MediaTimeNode's toString() and use it in the treeviews
      Remove unused code
      Add tags in the Plays description
      Remove the changed hotkey from the unavailable hotkeys dictionary
      Allow use of direct hotkeys (without Shift or Alt combination)
      Fix infinit loop trying to get a frame at the segment stop time
      libcesarplayer.so is a link, use libcesarplayer.so.0
      Add SortingFunction property to SectionsTimeNode
      Add support to select the sort method to the GUI layer
      Fix multiselection function
      Added widget to list plays filtered by tags
      Add missing files in previous commit
      Add .gitignore
      Fix typo Position clumn name
      Delete unused file from project
      Add sort function to the plays list treeview
      Removed unused widget
      Fix plays treeview sort function
      Column name must be translatable
      Add menu to set the category's sort method
      Fix menu labels
      Add a sorting method selection in a submenu
      Listen to events after creating the menu
      Initialize tags list form compatibility with older projects
      Fix title typo
      Update Spanish translation
      Fix typo in translatable string
      Update Spanish translation
      Remove AssemblyInfo.cs because it is autogenerated
      Add german translation to the makefiles
      Bump prerelease version
      Update win32 Makefile
      Delete the LongoMatch/win32 deployment folder
      Simplify win32 deployment     	Created new win32 folder for all the windows stuff     	Added new deployment script -> No more dll's in the repo!
      Remove LongoMatch binaries from the deps folder
      After adding a new play expand the tree and select the play
      Add tags data to CSV file
      Update RELEASE notes
      Add players data to csv file
      Fix version in comment
      Remove warnings

Mario Blättermann (2):
      Added German translation
      Added de to LINGUAS

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