[pyatspi2] Fix property getting to use the correct interfaces.

commit 90d1f73334703ea89a2bdd404e59465679eafb49
Author: Mark Doffman <mark doffman codethink co uk>
Date:   Fri Jan 22 01:28:44 2010 -0800

    Fix property getting to use the correct interfaces.
    Re-factor the conversion between D-Bus and Corba event types.

 pyatspi/accessible.py  |   23 ++--
 pyatspi/appevent.py    |  275 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 pyatspi/application.py |    4 +-
 pyatspi/factory.py     |    6 +-
 pyatspi/hyperlink.py   |    6 +-
 pyatspi/image.py       |    4 +-
 pyatspi/interfaces.py  |    2 +-
 pyatspi/registry.py    |    3 +-
 pyatspi/selection.py   |    2 +-
 pyatspi/table.py       |   12 +-
 pyatspi/text.py        |    4 +-
 pyatspi/value.py       |    8 +-
 12 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pyatspi/accessible.py b/pyatspi/accessible.py
index fedf09d..4c4e1dd 100644
--- a/pyatspi/accessible.py
+++ b/pyatspi/accessible.py
@@ -353,18 +353,17 @@ class Accessible(BaseProxy):
                 @return : a long integer indicating this object's index in the
                 parent's list.
-                if self._cached:
-                        parent = self.get_parent()
-                        if parent == None:
-                                return -1
-                        for i in range(0, parent.childCount):
-                                child = parent.getChildAtIndex(i)
-                                if self == child:
-                                        return i
-                        raise AccessibleObjectNoLongerExists("Child not found within parent")
-                else:
-                        func = self.get_dbus_method("GetIndexInParent", dbus_interface=ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
-                        return func()
+                parent = self.get_parent()
+                if parent == None:
+                        return -1
+                for i in range(0, parent.childCount):
+                        child = parent.getChildAtIndex(i)
+                        if self == child:
+                                return i
+                raise AccessibleObjectNoLongerExists("Child not found within parent")
+                #func = self.get_dbus_method("GetIndexInParent", dbus_interface=ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
+                #return func()
         def getLocalizedRoleName(self):
diff --git a/pyatspi/appevent.py b/pyatspi/appevent.py
index b995758..7ba9b46 100644
--- a/pyatspi/appevent.py
+++ b/pyatspi/appevent.py
@@ -27,28 +27,6 @@ __all__ = [
-_interface_to_klass = {
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Object":"object",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Window":"window",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Mouse":"mouse",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Keyboard":"keyboard",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Terminal":"terminal",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Document":"document",
-                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Focus":"focus",
-                }
-_klass_to_interface = {
-                "object":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Object",
-                "window":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Window",
-                "mouse":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Mouse",
-                "keyboard":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Keyboard",
-                "terminal":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Terminal",
-                "document":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Document",
-                "focus":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Focus",
-                }
 class _ELessList(list):
         def __getitem__(self, index):
@@ -124,67 +102,126 @@ class EventType(str):
-def atspi_to_dbus(name):
-	ret = string.upper(name[0])
-	for i in range(1,len(name)):
-		if (name[i] == '-'):
-			pass
-		elif (name[i-1] == '-'):
-			ret += string.upper(name[i])
-		else:
-			ret += name[i]
-	return ret
-def dbus_to_atspi(name):
-	ret = string.lower(name[0])
-	for i in range(1,len(name)):
-		if (name[i] == str.lower(name[i])):
-			ret += name[i]
-		else:
-			ret += "-" + string.lower(name[++i])
-	return ret
+_interface_to_klass = {
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Object":"object",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Window":"window",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Mouse":"mouse",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Keyboard":"keyboard",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Terminal":"terminal",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Document":"document",
+                "org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Focus":"focus",
+                }
+_klass_to_interface = {
+                "object":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Object",
+                "window":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Window",
+                "mouse":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Mouse",
+                "keyboard":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Keyboard",
+                "terminal":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Terminal",
+                "document":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Document",
+                "focus":"org.freedesktop.atspi.Event.Focus",
+                }
+def _major_to_signal_name (name):
+        ret = string.upper(name[0])
+        for i in range(1,len(name)):
+                if (name[i] == '-'):
+                        pass
+                elif (name[i-1] == '-'):
+                        ret += string.upper(name[i])
+                else:
+                        ret += name[i]
+        return ret
+def _signal_name_to_major (name):
+        ret = string.lower(name[0])
+        for i in range(1,len(name)):
+                if (name[i] == str.lower(name[i])):
+                        ret += name[i]
+                else:
+                        ret += "-" + string.lower(name[++i])
+        return ret
+def signal_spec_to_event_type (interface, name, minor):
+        """
+        Converts an AT-SPI D-Bus signal specification into a Corba AT-SPI
+        event type.
+        """
+        klass = _interface_to_klass[interface]
+        major = _signal_name_to_major (name)
+        if klass == "focus":
+                return EventType ("focus:")
+        event_string = klass + ':' + major + ':'
+        if minor:
+                event_string += minor
+        return EventType (event_string)
 def event_type_to_signal_reciever(bus, factory, event_handler, event_type):
+        """
+        Converts a Corba AT-SPI event type to the correct D-Bus AT-SPI signal
+        reciever.
+        """
         kwargs = {
-        if event_type.major:
-                major = atspi_to_dbus(event_type.major)
         if event_type.klass:
                 kwargs['dbus_interface'] = _klass_to_interface[event_type.klass]
         if event_type.major:
-                kwargs['signal_name'] = major
+                kwargs['signal_name'] = _major_to_signal_name (event_type.major)
         if event_type.minor:
                 kwargs['arg0'] = event_type.minor
-        def handler_wrapper(app, minor, detail1, detail2, any_data,
-                            sender=None, interface=None, member=None, path=None):
-                event = Event((minor, detail1, detail2, any_data), factory, path, app, interface, member)
+        def handler_wrapper(source_application,
+                            minor,
+                            detail1,
+                            detail2,
+                            any_data,
+                            sender=None,
+                            interface=None,
+                            member=None,
+                            path=None):
+                # Convert the event type
+                type = signal_spec_to_event_type (interface, member, minor)
+                # Marshal the 'any_data' to correct class / structure
+                if   type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:bounds-changed")):
+                        any_data = BoundingBox(*any_data)
+                elif (type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:children-changed")) or
+                      type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:property-change:parent"))):
+                        data_name, data_path = any_data;
+                        any_data = factory (data_name, data_path, interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
+                # Create the source application
+                source_app_name, source_app_path = source_application
+                source_application = factory (source_app_name, source_app_path, interfaces.ATSPI_APPLICATION)
+                # Create the source
+                source_name = sender
+                source_path = path
+                source = factory (source_name, source_path, interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
+                event = Event (type,
+                               detail1,
+                               detail2,
+                               any_data,
+                               source_application,
+                               source)
                 return event_handler(event)
         return bus.add_signal_receiver(handler_wrapper, **kwargs)
-def signal_spec_to_event_string (interface, name, minor):
-        interface = _interface_to_klass[interface]
-        name = dbus_to_atspi(name)
-        if interface == "focus":
-                return "focus:"
-        result = interface + ':'
-        if name:
-                result += name + ':'
-        if minor:
-                result += minor
-        return result
 class Event(object):
         Wraps an AT-SPI event with a more Pythonic interface managing exceptions,
@@ -204,91 +241,39 @@ class Event(object):
         @type any_data: object
         @ivar host_application: Application owning the event source
         @type host_application: Tuple (Name, Path)
-        @ivar source_name: Name of the event source at the time of event dispatch
-        @type source_name: string
-        @ivar source_role: Role of the event source at the time of event dispatch
-        @type source_role: Accessibility.Role
         @ivar source: Source of the event
         @type source: Accessibility.Accessible
-        def __init__(self, event,
-		     acc_factory=None,
-	             source_path=None,
-		     source_application=None,
-		     interface=None,
-		     name=None):
-                """
-                Extracts information from the provided event. If the event is a "normal" 
-                event, pulls the detail1, detail2, any_data, and source values out of the
-                given object and stores it in this object. If the event is a device event,
-                key ID is stored in detail1, scan code is stored in detail2, key name, 
-                key modifiers (e.g. ALT, CTRL, etc.), is text flag, and timestamp are 
-                stored as a 4-tuple in any_data, and source is None (since key events are
-                global).
-                @param event: Event from an AT-SPI callback
-                @type event: Accessibility.Event or Accessibility.DeviceEvent
-                """
-		if acc_factory == None:
-			#This alternative init is provided for compatibility with the old API.
-			#The old API apparently allowed the event to be delivered as a class with
-			#named parameters. (Something like a copy constructor)
-			#Old API used in orca - focus_tracking_presenter.py line 1106
-			self._source = event.source
-			self._application = event.source
-			self.type = event.type
-			self.detail1 = event.detail1
-			self.detail2 = event.detail2
-			self.any_data = event.any_data
-		else:
-                	self._acc_factory = acc_factory
-                	self._source_path = source_path
-                	self._source_application = source_application
-                	self._source = None
-                	self._application = None
-                	self.type = EventType(signal_spec_to_event_string(interface, name, event[0]))
-                	self.detail1 = event[1]
-                	self.detail2 = event[2]
-                	data = event[3]
-                	if self.type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:bounds-changed")):
-                        	self.any_data = BoundingBox(*data)
-                        elif self.type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:children-changed")):
-				name, path = data;
-				self.any_data = self._acc_factory (name, path, interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
-				self.any_data = ""
-			elif self.type.is_subtype (EventType ("object:property-change:parent")):
-				name, path = data;
-				self.any_data = self._acc_factory (name, path, interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
-                	else:
-                        	self.any_data = data
-        @property
-        def host_application(self):
-                if not self._application:
-                        try:
-                                name, path = self._source_application
-                                return self._acc_factory (name, path, interfaces.ATSPI_APPLICATION)
-                        except AccessibleObjectNoLongerExists:
-                                pass
-                return self._application
+        def __init__(self,
+                     type_slash_event=None,
+                     detail1=None,
+                     detail2=None,
+                     any_data=None,
+                     host_application=None,
+                     source=None):
+                if detail1 == None:
+                        #This alternative init is provided for compatibility with the old API.
+                        #The old API apparently allowed the event to be delivered as a class with
+                        #named parameters. (Something like a copy constructor)
+                        #Old API used in orca - focus_tracking_presenter.py line 1106
+                        event = type_slash_event
+                        self.type = event.type
+                        self.detail1 = event.detail1
+                        self.detail2 = event.detail2
+                        self.any_data = event.any_data
+                        self.source = event.source
+                        self.application = event.source
+                else:
+                        type = type_slash_event
-        @property
-        def source(self):
-                if not self._source:
-                        try:
-                                self._source = self._acc_factory (self._source_application,
-                                                                  self._source_path,
-                                                                  interfaces.ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
-                        except AccessibleObjectNoLongerExists:
-                                pass
-                return self._source
+                        self.type = type
+                        self.detail1 = detail1
+                        self.detail2 = detail2
+                        self.any_data = any_data
+                        self.source = source
+                        self.host_application = host_application
         def source_name(self):
@@ -316,7 +301,7 @@ class _ApplicationEventRegister (object):
         def __init__ (self, factory):
                 self._bus = AccessibilityBus ()
-		self._factory = factory
+                self._factory = factory
                 self._event_listeners = {}
diff --git a/pyatspi/application.py b/pyatspi/application.py
index ffa4b5b..f65baad 100644
--- a/pyatspi/application.py
+++ b/pyatspi/application.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Application(Accessible):
                 return func(local_type)
         def get_toolkitName(self):
-                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "ToolkitName"))
+                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(ATSPI_APPLICATION, "ToolkitName"))
         _toolkitNameDoc = \
                 A string indicating the type of user interface toolkit which
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Application(Accessible):
         toolkitName = property(fget=get_toolkitName, doc=_toolkitNameDoc)
         def get_version(self):
-                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "Version"))
+                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(ATSPI_APPLICATION, "Version"))
         _versionDoc = \
                 A string indicating the version number of the application's accessibility
diff --git a/pyatspi/factory.py b/pyatspi/factory.py
index 2ed9c31..78ae11f 100644
--- a/pyatspi/factory.py
+++ b/pyatspi/factory.py
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ class AccessibleFactory (object):
 		self._cache = cache
         def __call__ (self, name, path, itf, dbus_object=None):
-                if dbus_object == None:
-                        dbus_object = self._connection.get_object (name, path)
 		if path == interfaces.ATSPI_NULL_PATH:
 			return None
+                if dbus_object == None:
+                        dbus_object = self._connection.get_object (name, path)
                 return self._interfaces[itf] (self._cache, self, name, path, dbus_object)
diff --git a/pyatspi/hyperlink.py b/pyatspi/hyperlink.py
index 23f8516..48b59b4 100644
--- a/pyatspi/hyperlink.py
+++ b/pyatspi/hyperlink.py
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class Hyperlink(Accessible):
                 return func()
         def get_endIndex(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "EndIndex"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_HYPERLINK, "EndIndex"))
         _endIndexDoc = \
                 the ending offset within the containing Hypertext content with
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Hyperlink(Accessible):
         endIndex = property(fget=get_endIndex, doc=_endIndexDoc)
         def get_nAnchors(self):
-                return dbus.Int16(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NAnchors"))
+                return dbus.Int16(self._pgetter(ATSPI_HYPERLINK, "NAnchors"))
         _nAnchorsDoc = \
                 the number of separate anchors associated with this Hyperlink
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Hyperlink(Accessible):
         nAnchors = property(fget=get_nAnchors, doc=_nAnchorsDoc)
         def get_startIndex(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "StartIndex"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_HYPERLINK, "StartIndex"))
         _startIndexDoc = \
                 the starting offset within the containing Hypertext content with
diff --git a/pyatspi/image.py b/pyatspi/image.py
index a4e417d..d496415 100644
--- a/pyatspi/image.py
+++ b/pyatspi/image.py
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Image(Accessible):
                 return func()
         def get_imageDescription(self):
-                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "ImageDescription"))
+                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(ATSPI_IMAGE, "ImageDescription"))
         _imageDescriptionDoc = \
                 A UTF-8 string providing a textual description of what is visually
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Image(Accessible):
         imageDescription = property(fget=get_imageDescription, doc=_imageDescriptionDoc)
         def get_imageLocale(self):
-                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "ImageLocale"))
+                return dbus.String(self._pgetter(ATSPI_IMAGE, "ImageLocale"))
         _imageLocaleDoc = \
                 A string corresponding to the POSIX LC_MESSAGES locale used by
diff --git a/pyatspi/interfaces.py b/pyatspi/interfaces.py
index c55be51..43859af 100644
--- a/pyatspi/interfaces.py
+++ b/pyatspi/interfaces.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ATSPI_IMAGE = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Image'
 ATSPI_LOGIN_HELPER = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.LoginHelper'
 ATSPI_SELECTION = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Selection'
 ATSPI_SELECTOR = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Selector'
-ATSPI_STREAMABLE_CONTENT = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Content'
+ATSPI_STREAMABLE_CONTENT = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.StreamableContent'
 ATSPI_TABLE = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Table'
 ATSPI_TEXT = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Text'
 ATSPI_VALUE = 'org.freedesktop.atspi.Value'
diff --git a/pyatspi/registry.py b/pyatspi/registry.py
index 3d6e99f..e166fb9 100644
--- a/pyatspi/registry.py
+++ b/pyatspi/registry.py
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ class Registry(object):
                         devreg = _DeviceEventRegister()
                         appreg = _ApplicationEventRegister(factory)
-                        desktop = factory (_ATSPI_REGISTRY_NAME, _ATSPI_ROOT_PATH, _ATSPI_DESKTOP)
+			name = _bus_object.GetNameOwner (_ATSPI_REGISTRY_NAME)
+                        desktop = factory (name, _ATSPI_ROOT_PATH, _ATSPI_DESKTOP)
                 # Create the registry object
                 self.has_implementations = True
diff --git a/pyatspi/selection.py b/pyatspi/selection.py
index 832800c..1ec8cac 100644
--- a/pyatspi/selection.py
+++ b/pyatspi/selection.py
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class Selection(Accessible):
                 return func(index)
         def get_nSelectedChildren(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NSelectedChildren"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_SELECTION, "NSelectedChildren"))
         _nSelectedChildrenDoc = \
                 The number of children of a Selection implementor which are currently
diff --git a/pyatspi/table.py b/pyatspi/table.py
index eb5aa13..d45e2eb 100644
--- a/pyatspi/table.py
+++ b/pyatspi/table.py
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
                 return func(row)
         def get_caption(self):
-                (name, path) = self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "Caption")
+                (name, path) = self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "Caption")
                 if (name == ""):
                         name = self._app_name
                 return self.acc_factory (name, path, ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
         caption = property(fget=get_caption, doc=_captionDoc)
         def get_nColumns(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NColumns"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "NColumns"))
         _nColumnsDoc = \
                 The total number of columns in this table (including empty columns),
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
         nColumns = property(fget=get_nColumns, doc=_nColumnsDoc)
         def get_nRows(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NRows"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "NRows"))
         _nRowsDoc = \
                 The total number of rows in this table (including empty rows),
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
         nRows = property(fget=get_nRows, doc=_nRowsDoc)
         def get_nSelectedColumns(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NSelectedColumns"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "NSelectedColumns"))
         _nSelectedColumnsDoc = \
                 The number of columns currently selected. A selected column is
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
         nSelectedColumns = property(fget=get_nSelectedColumns, doc=_nSelectedColumnsDoc)
         def get_nSelectedRows(self):
-                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "NSelectedRows"))
+                return dbus.Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "NSelectedRows"))
         _nSelectedRowsDoc = \
                 The number of rows currently selected. A selected row is one
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ class Table(Accessible):
         nSelectedRows = property(fget=get_nSelectedRows, doc=_nSelectedRowsDoc)
         def get_summary(self):
-                (name, path) = self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "Summary")
+                (name, path) = self._pgetter(ATSPI_TABLE, "Summary")
                 if (name == ""):
                         name = self._app_name
                 return self.acc_factory (name, path, ATSPI_ACCESSIBLE)
diff --git a/pyatspi/text.py b/pyatspi/text.py
index 1194440..c798df8 100644
--- a/pyatspi/text.py
+++ b/pyatspi/text.py
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ class Text(Accessible):
                 return func(selectionNum, startOffset, endOffset)
         def get_caretOffset(self):
-                return Int32(self._pgetter(self.dbus_interface, "CaretOffset"))
+                return Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TEXT, "CaretOffset"))
         _caretOffsetDoc = \
                 The current offset of the text caret in the Text object. This
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ class Text(Accessible):
         caretOffset = property(fget=get_caretOffset, doc=_caretOffsetDoc)
         def get_characterCount(self):
-                return Int32(self._pgetter(self.dbus_interface, "CharacterCount"))
+                return Int32(self._pgetter(ATSPI_TEXT, "CharacterCount"))
         _characterCountDoc = \
                 The total current number of characters in the Text object, including
diff --git a/pyatspi/value.py b/pyatspi/value.py
index 34a6928..534d9a2 100644
--- a/pyatspi/value.py
+++ b/pyatspi/value.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Value(Accessible):
         def get_currentValue(self):
-                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "CurrentValue"))
+                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(ATSPI_VALUE, "CurrentValue"))
         def set_currentValue(self, value):
                 self._psetter(self._dbus_interface, "currentValue", dbus.Double(value, variant_level=1))
         _currentValueDoc = \
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Value(Accessible):
         currentValue = property(fget=get_currentValue, fset=set_currentValue, doc=_currentValueDoc)
         def get_maximumValue(self):
-                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "MaximumValue"))
+                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(ATSPI_VALUE, "MaximumValue"))
         _maximumValueDoc = \
                 The maximum value allowed by this valuator.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Value(Accessible):
         maximumValue = property(fget=get_maximumValue, doc=_maximumValueDoc)
         def get_minimumIncrement(self):
-                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "MinimumIncrement"))
+                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(ATSPI_VALUE, "MinimumIncrement"))
         _minimumIncrementDoc = \
                 The smallest incremental change which this valuator allows. If
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Value(Accessible):
         minimumIncrement = property(fget=get_minimumIncrement, doc=_minimumIncrementDoc)
         def get_minimumValue(self):
-                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(self._dbus_interface, "MinimumValue"))
+                return dbus.Double(self._pgetter(ATSPI_VALUE, "MinimumValue"))
         _minimumValueDoc = \
                 The minimum value allowed by this valuator.

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